Chapter 84: Meeting a noble person on the road

Mrs. Chen hurriedly said: “Uncle Ma, you can’t drink this raw water. You will have diarrhea if you drink it.”

Uncle Ma smiled and said, “It’s okay. I run out all the time, and I’m used to it.”

After filling up the water, they continued to move forward.

Because they were delayed for half an hour on the road, and it was already dark, their group arrived at the small town.

Every house in the town was closed, except for a small inn with its lights on.

Everyone drove over, and several young men were standing at the door of the yard.

Several people looked at their motorcade and asked: “Do you want to stay in the inn?”

Gu Zhang nodded hurriedly: “Is there any room left to stay in the inn?”

A few people got out of the way: “Come in, there’s still room.”

The people drove the mule cart in and saw several carriages parked in the yard, and there were many horses in the stables.

There were two empty carriages, and the loads on them must have been unloaded.

There are also two carriages, a green carriage and an eight-treasure carriage.

Gu Fei often sees carriages like this in the Marquis Mansion.

It’s just that at this moment, all the pearl decorations that should be on the carriage were gone, and only the brocade car curtain was glowing faintly at night.

There were noble people in this inn.

Gu Fei and Lanzhi exchanged a look, and both of them understood that the status of a person who could ride in such a car was extraordinary.

The Eight Treasures Carriage can only be ridden by a woman of high rank.

Everyone unloaded the carts and took the mules to eat fodder.

Gu Fei followed Gu Zhang to the inn door.

There were three tables of guests sitting in the lobby.

At one table were a beautiful middle-aged woman and a boy of seventeen or eighteen years old wearing blue brocade clothes. Several maids were standing nearby waiting for her.

At the other two tables were eight guards in black clothes.

Gu Fei only glanced at it and quickly looked away.

Lanzhi touched her arm and whispered: “It’s the county governor’s wife.”

Last year, the young master in the Marquis Mansion got married, and this lady attended the wedding banquet.

Gu Fei said “Mmm” in a low voice. No matter who this lady was, she had nothing to do with them.

The village chief came up and asked the shopkeeper directly: “How much does it cost to stay?”

The shopkeeper looked up and said, “50 cents per person.” He glanced at the grandson beside the village chief: “Half the amount for children.”

The village chief was stunned for a moment, suspecting that he heard wrongly, “50 cents? We lived in the shared room a few days ago, and it only cost 20 cents!”

The shopkeeper smiled and said: “Brother, that was a few days ago, the price change every day.”

He pouted outside and said: “When you came in, you saw those people standing at the entrance of the courtyard, right? They are all hired by me. It costs a lot of money a day. How can I pay them without raising the price?”

The village chief asked in confusion: “Why hire those people?”

The shopkeeper spread his hands and said: “There is nothing I can do. If I didn’t hire someone to stand at the door, the refugees would keep coming. They’ll keep coming and begging for food and drink. I won’t be able to continue my business.”

He sighed: “I think, I won’t be able to keep this business a few more days. I’m just taking it one day at a time.”

The village chief was reluctant to pay and stood at the back hesitantly.

Gu Fei took out a piece of broken silver and said: “We’ll live in the open room. 10 adults and 1 child. We also need 4 bundles of fodder and 6 buckets of water. How much do you think it will cost?”

The shopkeeper glanced at Gu Fei, rattled his abacus, and said with a smile: “This girl is so generous, I’ll calculate it for you. The accommodation is 525 cents, the 4 bundles of fodder are 80 cents, and the 6 buckets of water are 900 cents. In total, It’s 1 silver and 505 copper coins.”

“Well, I’ll give you 5 copper coins discount. Just give me 1 silver and 500 copper coins.”

Gu Fei shook her head. The accommodation fee has gone up, and the price of water has also gone up. But they have no other choice, they have to stay.

She put the silver on the counter: “Here are 2 taels of silver, please check it.”


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