Chapter 76: Let’s talk while drinking tea

Grandma Qin was shocked!

She knew it was not the eldest daughter-in-law’s idea, but she thought it was Xia Shangxu who instigated it!

Xia Lu followed the trend without thinking, but it turned out to be the idea of ​​this little granddaughter.

She always thought that the two children of the eldest house were at most brainless and not smart!

But she didn’t expect that they would have the idea of ​​taking shortcuts!

People can be stupid and lie!

But Grandma Qin would not allow such a crooked path!

Her face suddenly became very ugly, and she suddenly raised the feather duster to hit her hard!

Qin Hongfei was quick-witted and did not stand to be beaten, but moved a step away and said quickly: “Grandma, if you want to beat me, you must explain it to me clearly before you do it, otherwise I will not accept it.”

Grandma Qin was shocked!

She was still not convinced!

She learned to do bad things and wanted to open an Internet cafe, but she was still not convinced!

She was so angry that she laughed: “Okay, okay, okay! If you don’t accept it, you want to explain it clearly, then I will explain it to you clearly. You said you want to open an Internet café, then I asked you, where did you get the money?! Did it fall from the sky?”

Her eyes were cold, and she never looked at Xia Shangxu from beginning to end. For Xia Shangxu who led her Qin Family’s children astray, it was already the biggest face she could give when she didn’t kick him out of the house.

“Of course, money doesn’t fall from the sky. This is a long story. Let’s talk about it while drinking tea.” Qin Hongfei said.

Everyone was stunned: “……”

Do you still want to drink tea?

You are about to be beaten to death, and you still want to drink tea and talk slowly?

Qin Hongfei didn’t care what others thought, and said slowly: “Brother Qin Yun, please go and boil some water.”

At that time, electronic things were not popular, and people used small gas stoves to boil water.

Qin Yun wanted to ask why, but Second Aunt Qin slapped him!

This bastard thinks their grandma doesn’t know that he has kept silent about this. He even said that Qin Hongfei visited relatives. Does he think he was clever?

Grandma Qin’s eyelids twitched a few times while looking at her granddaughter!

Qin Hongfei looked at her calmly, not showing any fear.

Grandpa Qin laughed, thinking it was a little interesting.

This little granddaughter’s personality seemed to have changed a lot, but if she changed again, it would have been impossible for her to convince everyone by being clever at the age of fifteen.

Grandpa Qin said: “Then make some tea, sit down, and talk slowly, losing your temper will not help.”

Qin Hongfei also guessed from his expression that their Grandpa didn’t take it seriously at all, but she didn’t care!

Qin Hongfei boiled water made tea, and everyone had a cup of tea. When it came to Ye Ru, her fifth aunt, she didn’t give her one. It has come to this point, so they don’t need to save face!

This matter was spread by the fifth branch. No matter how much the fifth branch wanted to bully them, they could have told Grandma Qin about it in private, but they didn’t!

Obviously, they wanted to see the first branch to lose face, so Qin Hongfei didn’t plan to give them face.

Everyone had it, except the fifth branch.

Everyone saw what Qin Hongfei meant. Who wouldn’t use the trick of exclusion?

Qin Hongfei doesn’t think she lacks this ability.

“You’ve had your tea, tell me, where did you get the money to open the Internet café?” Grandpa Qin put down the tea and said.

“My cousin paid for it.” Qin Hongfei said slowly: “My family bought shares.”

“To open an Internet café, it would cost at least hundreds of thousands.” Grandpa Qin thought to himself that he was indeed a child, what a naive idea, no matter how good the friendship in this world is, there was no reason to take without giving.

“You asked your cousin to pay hundreds of thousands, you just contributed some manpower, and then used the dividends to pay off the debt? Child, your cousin is willing to do so because he is a good person, but we cannot accept kindness without reason.”

“Moreover, in doing business, your cousin is alone and can bear the risks, but you and your mother are a big family. Your family has already owed nearly a million in debt. If you owe another sum, can you afford it? If you can’t, the entire Qin Family will have to clean up the mess for you!”

“Your grandmother got angry because she and I can’t watch you get stuck in it and remain indifferent, nor can we watch you drag the entire Qin Family down, do you understand?”

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