
Hi guys,

I have a sad news, my cpu got broken and I’m still asking my cousin to fix it. So, I won’t be able to post a translation. It’s so hard to translate in my old tablet >.<

But, once it got fix I will start posting once again. Sorry guys I still don’t have enough savings to buy a new one. Nyahahaha

See you guys soon.

6 Replies to “Announcement”

  1. Sorry to hear. Hope your problems get solved soon! Looking forward to your excellent translations, and thank you.

  2. Sorry to hear that your CPU is broken, maybe take this time to have R/R . Thanks a million for your hard work. Have a blessed day. God Bless….

  3. regardless, hopefully your cousin is able to save your CPU
    thank you so much for all the hard work, a short break is well deserved

  4. Awww, sorry to hear about your computer. Hope you get it fixed and get your files recovered!

    Thank you for your translations. I love how you post consistently and your translations are awesome!

  5. That’s sad news, but don’t stress yourself out. Will wait patiently for new updates. Have a good weekend!

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