Chapter 268: I can’t swallow this breath

On the other side, Xiao Hanzheng came to the Taoist Temple to pick up Shi Qingluo and the others.

As soon as he sat down, he saw her sister’s eyes full of admiration while telling him what had happened to them before.

After that, Xiao Baili gave up the space to the two of them and went to find Mrs. Kong.

Xiao Hanzheng was stunned, and looked at Shi Qingluo and laughed: “So you are the one who created the flower thief!”

Shi Qingluo blinked: “How come you know about the flower thief?”

Xiao Hanzheng smiled and said: “On my way here, I heard many people say that a flower thief appeared in the peach blossom forest on the back mountain, who wanted to do improper things to women and girls, but was beaten away.”

“It also alarmed the government, and the government office has sent people here to catch the flower thief.”

While waiting for the provincial examination results, many candidates will make an appointment to see the peach blossoms when they have nothing to do.

There were also some ladies from big families in the city, so the government office still attaches great importance to them.

He felt something was wrong when he heard the rumor before. Who would openly call himself a “flower thief” in broad daylight? Unless he was mentally ill.

He didn’t expect it was his wife who did it.

Shi Qingluo couldn’t help laughing: “I wonder if Qi Yiyang will be so angry that he wants to vomit blood after knowing this, and then he won’t dare to go out these days.”

Xiao Hanzheng naturally knew Qi Yiyang and the smile in his eyes became deeper: “He loves to face very much, and he will do it in nine out of ten cases.”

How can his wife be so bad?

Shi Qingluo said: “He deserves it. Who told him to set his sights on our Baili?”

She pouted again: “He still wants to take Baili as a concubine. Don’t you think he is such a weakling?”

Xiao Hanzheng smiled and said: “Of course, we can’t let him succeed.”

“But he probably did it on impulse.”

Qi Yiyang was not someone who would force himself to win them over.

He must have heard something and then became interested after seeing his sister, so he took the initiative to take her into his house.

Shi Qingluo reacted as soon as he heard it: “You mean the young master playing the hero saving the beauty before may have something to do with them?”

Xiao Hanzheng replied: “It should be related to the second prince.”

“After I found out that the second prince had secret meetings with my scumbag father twice, Ge Chunru took the initiative to frequently visit the family of a fourth-rank military official. The bad idea of ​​a hero saving the beauty must have come from Ge Chunru.”

“The young man who jumped out before should be the one from the Zheng Family.”

Shi Qingluo nodded: “This kind of idea without pattern and very old-fashioned does seem to be something that Ge Chunru did.”

However, although it was old-fashioned, in ancient times, heroes saving beauties would trap many women who were rescued.

After all, there were few opportunities to contact outside men, and they could not fall in love freely.

Especially in the storybooks, there were many such plots, and they all became good stories in the end.

Fortunately, her sister-in-law was no longer the silly and sweet girl she used to be.

If she was still weak and vulnerable and was suddenly rescued by a handsome young man, she might fall in love with him.

She squinted her eyes: “That woman must not have any good intentions.”

“Is there something wrong with this young man from the Zheng Family?”

Xiao Hanzheng nodded: “The young man from the Zheng Family likes a prostitute, so he needs to marry a wife to deal with his family, but his real purpose is to take the prostitute as a concubine.”

The reason why he had an impression of him, as a son of the fourth rank official, was because Zheng Tongfeng’s wife was murdered, and her natal’s family reported it directly to the Emperor.

“If it’s not Baili, Zheng Tongfeng would marry the legitimate daughter of a sixth-rank official at the request of his parents.”

“Not long after the legal wife was married, he would take in his pregnant true love into the family, and directly produced a concubine’s eldest son.”

“To make the concubine’s eldest son legitimate, Zheng Tongfeng and his concubine would kill his pregnant legal wife.”

“But they didn’t expect that his legal wife’s father, although he is only a sixth-rank official, loved his daughter very much.”

“During the court session, he directly risked his life to expose and complain to the Emperor, which prevented the Zheng Family from getting away from it, and they were also severely punished by the Emperor.”

He was also in the court session at that time.

This matter was outrageous, so when it was exposed by the legal wife’s natal family, the capital city discussed it for several days.

Because his wife knew that he was reborn, he said it very bluntly.

Shi Qingluo was furious when she heard this: “Ge Chunru and the Zheng Family are too much.”

This woman, Ge Chunru, was simply vicious to the extreme.

Before, she asked Xing Hong to instigate the people of the Xiao Family to sell Xiao Baili to the Wu Family to marry and be buried alive.

It didn’t work, but she came up with this idea again.

On the surface, Xiao Baili was going to marry the son of a fourth-rank official, but how could outsiders think that the Zheng Family had such a disgusting and dirty side?

The Zheng Family must have known that Zheng Tongfeng was obsessed with the prostitutes outside, but he couldn’t marry her as his wife.

So under the instigation of Ge Chunru, they hit it off.

Not only did she do something for Xiao Yuanshi, but she also felt that a scholar was easy to control.

She felt that even if Zheng Tongfeng married Xiao Baili in the future and brought home a concubine who he truly loved, the Zheng Family would be able to suppress this issue.

Just like what the young husband said, in his previous life, the Zheng family married Zheng Tongfeng to a woman of much lower status, just to make it easier to control them.

“This Zheng Family is so disgusting, we must not let them succeed.”

Even if they didn’t succeed in plotting against Xiao Baili, she was not going to let it go.

Especially since it might involve an innocent young lady again, now that she knew about it, she couldn’t just sit back and watch.

Xiao Hanzheng nodded: “We really can’t let Zheng Tongfeng and the Zheng Family go.”

They have been plotted against them, do they think they were soft persimmons?

Shi Qingluo became more and more angry: “No, I can’t swallow this breath against Ge Chunru.”

Every time, this woman took the initiative to harm them.

Although they fought back, she felt uncomfortable if she didn’t take the initiative to pit Ge Chunru this time.

Although Xiao Hanzheng’s face was not as angry as Shi Qingluo’s, he was angry in his heart.

After all, he experienced his sister being killed by Ge Chunru.

“Then we don’t have to swallow this breath.”

He said: “Let’s take the initiative.”

Shi Qingluo nodded: “I’ll think about how to deal with her.”

After a while, she snapped her fingers: “Got it.”

“That bad woman Ge Chunru wants to harm Xiao Baili’s marriage and future, and plot to make her lose her innocent reputation.”

“In that case, let’s make Ge Chunru give up her innocent reputation.”

Ge Chunru’s reputation in the capital has long been stinking. Everyone knows that she disrespected her mother-in-law and plotted against the original wife and her husband’s biological children.

Then they better add another affair for her.

“Since she values ​​Zheng Tongfeng so much, we can help them.”

The son of a fourth-rank official was so bold to run to meet the general’s wife in private. How exciting.

If no daughter of a good family will marry into the Zheng Family.

Then Zheng Tongfeng will just marry his true love and lock her up.

This can also annoy the scumbag father.

Faced with Ge Chunru, a wife who has lost her innocence, even if it’s only in name, will he still love her so much?


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