Chapter 272: How is she going to use it?

Qi Yiyang felt that Shi Qingluo was very cunning and shameless.

He thought for a while and suggested: “Let’s write down an agreement.”

Shi Qingluo raised an eyebrow: “I don’t care, but are you sure you want to write down that you are a flower thief?”

Qi Yiyang: “……”

What do you mean I am a flower thief? I am not a flower thief, okay?

“Of course not.”

He gritted his teeth and said: “What I mean is, write a promise between us that as long as I do what you ask, you must keep your mouth shut.”

“No, everyone in your family must keep their mouth shut.”

Of course, he would not be stupid enough to write down the reason, but he felt it would be more reassuring to let Shi Qingluo write a promise to keep her mouth shut.

After all, this woman is brilliant, and he is afraid she will use this to find other loopholes to pit him.

Shi Qingluo laughed: “I’m not you, I’m very trustworthy.”

“But since you have such a request, I will satisfy you.”

It just so happened that each private room in this teahouse had the four treasures of the study, so Qi Yiyang wrote two agreements and signed them himself.

Shi Qingluo read it once and signed her name.

Seeing her signature in a small regular script, Qi Yiyang was surprised: “Your handwriting is not bad.”

Shi Qingluo smiled and said: “Of course, my husband is a champion, if I write ugly, it will be embarrassing for him.”

Qi Yiyang: “……”

He was hurt by the love show again.

He couldn’t stand it: “We’ll go first, let’s contact each other when we go to the capital.”

If it wasn’t for completing what Shi Qingluo asked him to do, he wouldn’t want to see her again in the future.

Shi Qingluo chuckled and said: “See you later!”

Then Qi Yiyang called Liang Hengyu to leave the private room in a hurry, giving people a feeling of fleeing in panic.

Shi Qingluo was speechless, and turned to Xiao Hanzheng and asked: “Am I that scary?”

Xiao Hanzheng chuckled and said: “For them, maybe.”

Qi Yiyang probably had never been bullied like this since he was a child, and he was so aggrieved.

That’s why he was afraid of his wife.

Shi Qingluo blinked: “I’m so friendly, but he’s afraid of me. He has no vision.”

She pulled Xiao Hanzheng’s sleeve: “You’re not afraid of me, are you?”

Xiao Hanzheng pulled her backhand, leaned close to her ear, and whispered with a smile: “I don’t even have enough time to like you, how can I be afraid of you.”

Shi Qingluo: “……”

This guy is getting better and better at saying sweet words.

He learned it by himself!

But she was vulgar, she just liked to hear such sweet words.

She gave him a glare: “That’s about right.”

After the results came out, the family went back to Xiaxi Village to arrange and pack things.

After going to the capital this time, they don’t know when they can come back, so they have to be fully prepared.

The workshops were handed over to the managers selected by Mrs. Kong. The three managers in each workshop could supervise each other.

At the same time, they asked the clan leader and Mo Qingling to help look after them.

As for the Taoist Temple, Shi Qingluo did not mention it, and the clan leader and others took the initiative to take over the responsibility of looking after it.

There was no way, because under Shi Qingluo’s brainwashing, the old immortal was too deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, and the incense of the Taoist Temple was even more prosperous.

After the arrangements were made, their family prepared to leave in two days.

Before leaving, Shi Qingluo also watched a good show.

That day, she had just packed all the things she was going to take away.

Then Shi Laosan came.

Seeing his gloomy face, Shi Qingluo raised an eyebrow and asked: “Who offended you?”

She did not regard the people of the Shi Family as real family members, because she still remembered the things that happened when she came here.

So basically, she would only call him dad in front of outsiders.

Shi Laosan’s face was not good, but it was not because of his daughter.

“Not only did the fourth brother lose all the money he had robbed from the Wu family, he also owed several hundred taels of silver.”

“The people in the casino came to ask for money and asked the family to pay with the house in the county and the land in the village.”

This was completely within Shi Qingluo’s expectations.

After the Shi Family got the money from the Wu Family, they went to the county to buy a large yard and moved to the county.

They also bought dozens of acres of land in the village.

Now the yard and the land were about to be gone before they could even get warm. Isn’t that going to tear the Shi family’s heart out?

But only in this way can Shi Qingluo feel relieved.

If they had never gotten it, they would have dreamed of getting rich every day at most.

But getting it and losing it again was the most painful.

She showed an extremely surprised expression: “How can he ruin the family?”

She deliberately asked: “Before, the Wu Family deliberately let him get addicted to gambling. After he came back, didn’t you help him quit?”

It means that the pot was the Wu family’s.

Shi Laosan sighed: “Who would have thought that he was so addicted.”

“We didn’t notice it until he owed so much back.”

Shi Qingluo asked: “Where is your family’s money?”

Shi Lao San shook his head: “He stole all the money from the old lady’s room.”

“Not only did he rob the Wu Family’s money, but he also stole and lost the dozens of taels of silver that our family had saved for so many years.”

Shi Qingluo looked at him meaningfully: “Then why did you come to me today?”

“You don’t want me to help you pay off your debts, do you?”

Shi Laosan felt uncomfortable being looked at by his daughter: “No, I didn’t.”

“But I heard from my family that they will come to the village to borrow money from you tomorrow and help you pay it back.”

“If you don’t lend it, they will ask the people from the gambling house to come to the village to ask for it.”

Shi Qingluo chuckled: “So you are here to remind me?”

“Although the people from the Shi family want to get money from me, it is impossible.”

“My husband is a champion, and the people from the casino will not dare to come to our house to find fault and ask for debts.”

“But I still want to thank you for your reminder.”

She asked again: “What is your purpose? Just tell me directly.”

This cheap father was not only the smartest in the Shi family but also had many little thoughts.

Shi Laosan was busted by her, but he only smiled embarrassedly: “I hope you can talk to your old immortal master again and let us have a child.”

Shi Qingluo discovered that the cheap father’s obsession with his son was almost as high as the sky.

“No problem, I will mention it to him when I go to the Taoist temple later to see the master.”

As for whether her “master” will give her a child, it is not something she can decide.

Shi Laosan was delighted: “Thank you!”

Then he looked at her with some trepidation: “Well, can you give me some advice?”

Shi Qingluo asked: “What advice?”

Shi Laosan replied: “I don’t want to stay in Xiaxi Village anymore. Can you help me find a way out?”

The current situation of the Shi Family was not optimistic.

He felt that Shi Laosi would cause more chaos in the future.

And if their house and land were lost, their life would be difficult.

Shi Laosi was already addicted to gambling. If he could get into debt this time, there would be the next time and the next time after they paid it off.

He didn’t want to work hard to earn money and then give it to Shi Laosi to pay off his debts.

Shi Qingluo understood what he meant as soon as she heard it. His cheap father was indeed smart and rational. He could see so quickly that the Shi Family would have a miserable future.

He was a talent. How would she use him?


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