Chapter 273: Isn’t this bad?

Shi Laosan was not in a hurry, so he sat opposite and waited quietly.

Shi Qingluo thought for a moment, looked up, and asked him: “Do you want to go to Northern Xinjiang?”

Shi Laosan was stunned: “Why go to Northern Xinjiang?”

Shi Qingluo said: “My husband’s father arranged a job for Xiao Dalang of the Xiao Family in Northern Xinjiang.”

“It’s not bad now, you can go there and develop.”

“I’ll write a letter for you to take to Northern Xinjiang, and Xiao Dalang will arrange a job for you.”

She thought about it and felt that it would be better to throw her cheap father to Northern Xinjiang.

First, she can temporarily get away from the best product of the Shi Family, and second, she can keep an eye on the people of the Xiao Family.

Of course, the most critical point is to provoke the relationship between the Xiao Family and the scumbag father.

The people of the Xiao Family must not be allowed to live in harmony.

Shi Laosan thought for a moment: “What do you want me to do?”

“To make the people of the Xiao family always hate my former father-in-law in the capital, and Ge Chunru, who was promoted as the main wife from being a concubine.”

“If you meet Ge Chunru’s brother, it’s best to stir up trouble between him and his sister and brother-in-law.”

Ge Chunru was too vicious, and she thought the best outcome would be being abandoned by everyone.

Shi Laosan: “……”

As expected, he better not mess with his daughter.

“It seems that the conditions in the northern border are too bad, and life won’t be too easy.” He wanted to find a good job but didn’t want to suffer too much.

Shi Qingluo raised an eyebrow: “No matter how bad the conditions in the northern border are, you don’t have to eat dirt. If you continue to stay in the Shi Family, you may have to eat dirt and drink the northwest wind.”

“You will also have to bear a large debt.”

“The people of the Xiao family got nearly 10,000 taels of silver from my former father-in-law, and stole the 30,000 taels of silver that Ge Chunru prepared for her brother.”

She looked at Shi Laosan with a smile: “If you can make Xiao Dalang and others happy, you don’t have to worry about the poor conditions. Why worry about having a hard life if you have money?”

Instead of letting the scumbag father find a way to cheat the money from the Xiao Family, it’s better to let her cheap father go.

She added: “And I’m also considering giving birth to a son for you.”

Shi Lao San was stunned: “What does this matter?”

Shi Qingluo fooled, “Of course, it matters. When you go to Northern Xinjiang, let the people of the Xiao Family do more good things, and you will get a share of the merits.”

“With merits, why worry about a son?”

She added: “If Xiao Dalang wants to be transferred back to the capital, or go to a good place in the future, he must make some achievements, and doing good deeds can also count.”

“At that time, they will be reluctant to abandon you, who gives advice and suggestions. You will have a son and a future.”

Shi Laosan thought for a while: “Okay, then I’ll go to Northern Xinjiang.”

For his son and future, he would fight hard.

If he stayed here, he would be dragged down by his family.

Shi Qingluo chuckled and said: “That’s right. I always knew you were a smart person.”

She asked: “By the way, are you going to take Niu with you?”

Shi Laosan was a little confused: “Yes, what’s wrong?”

Shi Qingluo asked again: “Have you ever thought about changing your wife?”

Mrs. Niu was not bad to the original owner of the body since childhood but abused her.

She was the one who suggested sending the original owner of the body to the Taoist Temple.

After returning, she treated the original owner of the body, her biological daughter, like a cow.

The main point was she took the life of the original owner of the body, but she doesn’t seem to repent.

So Shi Qingluo felt that she should find some fault with Mrs. Niu and not let her have an easy time.

Shi Laosan: “……”

This was the first time he heard of a daughter asking her father to change his wife.

He asked back, embarrassed: “Isn’t this bad?”

Although he didn’t like Mrs. Niu very much, so many years had passed, and he hadn’t thought about changing his wife before.

Shi Qingluo said with a smile: “If she doesn’t change her temper and is still so vicious, you may never give birth to a son in your life.”

“When you go to the northern border, you can send her to the place of exile to work for a while, so that she can experience the hardships of life.”

“If she changes, you can take her to do more good things, and there will be hope of giving birth to a son.”

“If she doesn’t change even after this, then there is no hope. I suggest you change your wife.”

If Mrs. Niu’s temper doesn’t change, and she accidentally gives birth to a daughter.

Then she will be angry with this daughter and will become the second original owner of the body, which she doesn’t want to see.

So if she can’t change, then wait to be divorced and let her die.

She believed that with Mrs. Niu’s selfishness, whether it was true or false, she would definitely “not change”.

Shi Laosan nodded thoughtfully: “Okay, I’ll listen to you.”

Then Shi Qingluo wrote a letter and gave it to Shi Laosan: “You should go to the northern border as soon as possible and give the letter to the Xiao family. Xiao Dalang will arrange for you.”

The people of the Xiao family still rely on her for advice. The main point was, her husband helps Xiao Dalang treat his illness, so he has to arrange things for her cheap father.

Shi Laosan took the letter and nodded: “Okay, I’ll go back and make preparations.”

He added: “I will complete what you tell me to do!”

Shi Qingluo smiled: “I believe you will.”

Then Shi Laosan took the letter and left.

The next morning, Shi Qingluo’s family left the county town in a carriage.

The Shi Family who came to borrow money also came up empty-handed.

Then the Shi Family was coerced and lured by the gambling house. Before Shi Laosi’s hand was almost chopped off, the old lady and the old man finally gave in.

The answer was to use the house in the county town and the land in the village to pay the gambling house for the money borrowed by Shi Laosi.

The house in the county town was gone, and the Shi family returned to the village in disgrace.

They only had this old house in the village.

After that, without the land and savings, the family’s life became more and more difficult.

For a few bites of food, the conflicts between the several families broke out completely.

Especially Shi Laosi and his wife, who were ridiculed by the other three sisters-in-law every day.

When the Shi Family was getting more and more unbearable.

Shi Laosan proposed to take his wife and daughters to the northern border to seek refuge with the old Xiao family.

This shocked the Shi Family.

They even wanted to go with them, which was better than eating and waiting to die in the village.

However, Shi Laosan was a smart man and would not take such a group of encumbrances with him.

But the people of the Shi Family did not let him leave. Old Lady Shi asked the three brothers to go to the county town to work and support the family and let Shi Laosi continue to take the imperial examination.

Of course, Shi Laosan doesn’t want to let them continue to suck his blood.

He secretly took Mrs. Niu and the other two daughters to the northern border.

He didn’t take the fourth daughter with him but sent her to the woolen workshop in the county town, where she was provided with food and accommodation.

It wasn’t that Shi Laosan didn’t care about this daughter, but Shi Qingluo asked him to do so.

When Shi Simei found out, she was very grateful to Shi Qingluo as her sister.

When the Shi Family found out, Shi Laosan’s family was nowhere to be found, and the old lady and others were furious.

Shi Laoda and Shi Laoer didn’t want to subsidize their younger brother anymore, and after Shi Laosi went to the gambling house again, they proposed to split the family.

When Old Lady Shi refused to split, they each took their wives and children and left.

The Shi Family was in chaos again.

Shi Qingluo, the initiator, was very famous.


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