Chapter 277: Stewardship Rights Deprived

This was the first time that Xiao Yuanshi had gotten so angry with Ge Chunru since he met her.

The account that Ge Chunru was secretly using now was the 20,000 taels he took from his private savings after the old lady and others went to the northern border.

It was to continue to maintain the expenses of the general’s mansion.

But he didn’t expect that Ge Chunru would spend it all in such a short time.

The main point was that there were several thousand silvers of income from the farm, fields, and shops every month.

Originally, these alone were enough to cover the expenses of the general’s mansion, and there would be some left.

But she took it all to subsidize her younger brother and sister from her natal family.

Tao Liu didn’t expect Ge Chunru to be so bold that she almost emptied the money of the general’s mansion.

She was also very distressed at this time, after all, she always believed that this general’s mansion would belong to her and her future children.

So she looked at Ge Chunru in disbelief, “Madam, how could you do this?”

“The property of the general’s mansion was earned by the general sacrificing his life on the battlefield.”

“Our general’s mansion is just a new noble in the capital, and its foundation is weaker than those aristocratic families.”

“If you empty the general’s mansion and give it to your family, it will cost a lot of money. If the general can’t take it out, how will his colleagues in the court look at him?”

“I envy Madam, you met such a good general. He will still tolerate you even if you do such a thing.”

“If it were any other lady, she would have been divorced long ago if she subsidized her natal family so much.”

“I am very glad that I met the general. He is so good, and you are still so angry with him. Doesn’t your conscience hurt?”

Ge Chunru saw that Xiao Yuanshi was already angry, but Tao Liu, the bitch, deliberately added fuel to the fire.

She couldn’t help it, and shouted with a gloomy face: “Shut up.”

Xiao Yuanshi had already listened to Tao Liu’s words.

He asked with a dark face: “Ge Chunru, what do you want?”

Ge Chunru hurriedly cried and tried to pull him: “I won’t do that again, don’t be angry.”

Tao Liu said on the side: “Where will the general’s mansion have money to subsidize in the future.”

She supported Xiao Yuanshi with a worried look and said: “General, I still have a lot of jewelry, you can pawn them all, and then give the monthly allowance to the maids and servants in the mansion.”

“Otherwise, if they go out and say that the general’s mansion is withholding the monthly allowance, or even can’t pay the monthly allowance, I’m afraid that your colleagues will talk about you behind your back.”

It completely sounded like For you, I don’t want anything and can give anything.

This was a big contrast with Ge Chunru.

One was sick but said that she could give all her family property to him to fill the hole in the general’s mansion.

The other used the money he earned in exchange for his life on the battlefield to subsidize her brother and sister from her natal family.

This made Xiao Yuanshi feel very uncomfortable.

“No, the general’s mansion is not so poor that it needs your dowry to subsidize it.”

He looked at Ge Chunru with disappointment: “It seems that you can’t manage this family well.”

“From today on, you will hand over all the account books to Liu Ru, and she will be the housekeeper in the future.”

Ge Chunru looked at him in disbelief: “What? You want to deprive me of my housekeeping rights and give them to this bitch?”

Tao Liu was happy in her heart, but her face was horrified: “General, the madam didn’t mean to subsidize her natal family, so don’t be angry, she should keep the housekeeping rights for herself.”

“Tell her not to subsidize her natal family in the future.”

When Xiao Yuanshi heard this, he made a direct decision: “She didn’t mean to do it, she did it on purpose.”

“It’s settled, you will be the housekeeper in the future.”

Before, Ge Chunru secretly subsidized Ge Chunyi with 30,000 taels of silver, and he told her.

She promised not to do it again in the future.

But it has only been a short time, and she secretly used the money to buy a farm to subsidize her sister. What she said about not subsidizing in the future was all fake.

If Ge Chunru continues to manage, the general’s mansion will change from Xiao to Ge.

Seeing Xiao Yuanshi’s angry decision, Tao Liu did not refuse and frown.

So she stretched out her hand to relieve his breath on his chest: “Don’t be angry, I will manage it.”

“When you are no longer angry, I will return it to madam.”

She looked like she wanted to give Xiao Yuanshi a way out.

Ge Chunru was furious: “Don’t pretend to be kind, you have been thinking about the right to manage the house.”

Tao Liu’s face turned even paler: “I didn’t, I didn’t even think about it.”

“General, why don’t you let your madam manage it, otherwise she will misunderstand you and affect your relationship.”

With a look of reluctance and reluctant concession: “Or, why don’t you send me to the manor.”

Xiao Yuanshi was even more disappointed with Ge Chunru at this time, and he still didn’t repent until now.

“If she wants to misunderstand, then let her misunderstand.”

“Since she can’t manage this family well, let someone capable manage it.”

He looked at Tao Liu and said: “Since you don’t want to make me angry again, take over the housekeeping power, recover from your illness quickly, and manage this family.”

Tao Liu then reluctantly nodded: “I’ll manage it, then you must not be angry anymore, it’s harmful to your health.”

Xiao Yuanshi’s heart warmed up, and only Liu Ru was always thinking about his health.

Then he shook off Ge Chunru’s hand holding his sleeve and said to Tao Liu, “Let’s go, I’ll take you to see a doctor.”

He didn’t care about Ge Chunru who was crying behind him, and hugged his concubine and left.

Ge Chunru’s body softened, and she sat on the ground and cried loudly.

How could Xiao Yuanshi treat her like this, this bastard?

Without the housekeeping power, how could she control the general’s mansion?

Tao Liu, this bitch, she will never let her go.

Xiao Yuanshi took Tao Liu to see the family doctor and asked one of his followers to tell the housekeeper that Ge Chunru would no longer be in charge of the family.

At the same time, he took out five thousand taels from his private savings and asked the housekeeper to pay half of the monthly salary owed last month and pay all the monthly salary this month in advance.

The rest was used for other expenses.

He felt that nothing was going well recently, and he was still a little anxious, and his wife Ge Chunru came to make trouble for him.

When he thought of so much money and things, all of which were taken by Ge Chunru to subsidize her brother and sister, he felt his heart bleeding.

So he ordered someone to go to the northern border again and find a way to cheat the thirty thousand taels from the Xiao Family.

If Ge Chuyi had not married into the second prince’s mansion, he would have wanted Ge Chunru to find her sister and get the subsidy money and the farm back.

A few days later, Xiao Hanzheng and his family arrived in the capital.

Master Hou also returned to the capital with them.

However, this time the family did not live in Master Hou’s mansion but moved into a yard that Xiao Hanzheng had bought a long time ago.

This time they stayed for a long time, and it was not good to disturb his teacher all the time.

Therefore, Xiao Hanzheng not only bought a yard but also bought several manors in the suburbs that would increase in price in the future.

He listened to his wife and bought a lot of land to grow corn and peppers.

In the next few years, corn and peppers will be popular, so the price will be good.


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