Chapter 281: Don’t know what this bad daughter-in-law is still holding back

Ge Chuyi also wanted to find something to hold against the concubine, and she accidentally found out about this.

So she came up with the idea of ​​killing two birds with one stone.

If Xiao Baili successfully married the concubine’s family in the future, and this matter was exposed, Xiao Hanzheng would not ignore it and would take revenge.

In this way, she could use Xiao Hanzheng’s hand to deal with the concubine’s family.

The concubine relied on her good family background, which was why she often suppressed Ge Chuyi.

If she didn’t have a family background, Ge Chuyi thought that the other party would not be her opponent.

Because the person arranged by Xiao Hanzheng had a handle on a trusted maid around Ge Chuyi and bribed her.

So the conversation between the two sisters was transmitted back intact.

After knowing this news, Shi Qingluo was angry again. These Ge sisters were poisonous.

So when she met the fifth prince today, Shi Qingluo suddenly felt that she had to help Ge Chuyi.

Let her be more favored and get along better in the backyard of the second prince.

If the second prince not only went to Ge Chuyi’s yard for dinner every day but also brought her out to meet his younger brother or friends, the women in the backyard would probably be envious.

Liang Hengyu, who was given a good guy card: “……”

Thank you so much.

Shi Qingluo doesn’t want the Fifth Prince to go: “I will invite the second prince to dinner another day, remember to ask him to bring the fairy out for us to see.”

Xi Rong also said with a smile: “What kind of beauty? Let the second cousin bring it out for us to see, don’t hide it.”

Xi Rui joined in the fun: “That’s right, I have never seen a fairy before.”

This time, even the drunk Qi Yiyang looked up and said: “Is it really that beautiful? I want to see it too.”

Liang Hengyu had a headache: “I’ll go ask my second brother first.”

He also felt that he didn’t check his horoscope before going out today.

Besides, why did his cousin join in the fun? Didn’t he agree to not get along with Xi Rui and the others?

After drinking for a while, Liang Hengyu took the drunk Qi Yiyang away first.

Shi Qingluo drank with Xi Rui and the others for a while before they dispersed.

That night, the Second Prince called the Fifth Prince to his house for something.

He asked the Fifth Prince to strive for a job in Jiangnan if he had the chance.

The Fifth Prince was not very willing in his heart, but he agreed for the sake of his brother’s cause.

Of course, he was not sure whether he could get it in the end.

After talking about the business, Liang Hengyu told him what happened in the restaurant.

“Second brother, Shi Qingluo said she wants to invite you to dinner, and asked you to bring Concubine Ge with you.”

Liang Hengshao was stunned: “Is she so interested in my concubine?”

Liang Hengyu shrugged, “I don’t know. Do you think she wants to compare who looks more like a fairy between her and Concubine Ge?”

He always felt that Shi Qingluo had bad intentions, but he couldn’t see her purpose.

Liang Hengshao touched his chin and smiled: “Could it be that Shi Qingluo is also interested in me? So she is jealous of me pampering Ge Chuyi?”

Liang Hengyu: “……”

Forget it.

“I think she wants to mess with Ge Chuyi. As for jealousy or something, it’s unlikely.”

Shi Qingluo and Xiao Hanzheng have a good relationship, even though he can see that his second brother is overthinking.

The second prince smiled: “Okay, then do as she wishes.”

“You go and make an appointment with her, I’ll take Ge Chuyi to the banquet.”

Shi Qingluo was still a little special to him.

And he also wanted to see what she was going to do.

Liang Hengyu doesn’t want to admit that he also wanted to watch the show: “Okay, I’ll go ask tomorrow.”

That night, he didn’t go back to his own home but stayed in the Second Prince’s Mansion.

The next day, he asked someone to go to the Xiao Family’s Mansion to ask.

Shi Qingluo didn’t set a time immediately but asked Xiao Hanzheng and the two decided to meet at the restaurant three days later.

Liang Hengyu went to tell Liang Hengshao.

Liang Hengshao had something to do, so he postponed the appointment.

Three days later, Shi Qingluo’s family went out.

Xiao Hanzheng heard that the best silver shop in the capital was going to have new jewelry today, so he asked his wife to go shopping with his mother, younger brother, and sister.

He wanted to give them some jewelry. The restaurant and the silver shop were on the same street.

It was still early, and after choosing the jewelry, they could go to the restaurant to attend the appointment.

Just as she walked to the door of the silver shop, she happened to meet Xiao Yuanshi and Ge Chunru coming from not far away.

This time it was not calculated, but a pure coincidence.

Seeing Xiao Hanzheng and others, Xiao Yuanshi and Ge Chunru were also stunned, obviously very surprised.

Today was Ge Chunru’s birthday, and she just happened to hear that the silver shop will have new jewelry today.

To show her difference with Xiao Yuanshi in front of Tao Liu, she asked Xiao Yuanshi to accompany her to choose jewelry.

This was what Xiao Yuanshi often did, and he thought it was natural.

Although Xiao Yuanshi has been a lot colder than Ge Chunru recently, he still has her in his heart. In addition, he wanted to make up for the deprivation of the housekeeper’s power, so he agreed.

So he went directly to the silver shop to choose jewelry and then went to a restaurant not far away for lunch.

Xiao Yuanshi didn’t expect to meet his ex-wife and three children.

Seeing Mrs. Kong, who looked much younger and had a different temperament.

There were also his daughter and youngest son, who looked very different from a year ago. He was a little complicated.

Shi Qingluo saw the scumbag father and the two of them and cursed inwardly.

She doesn’t know if her mother-in-law was ready to meet the scumbag father.

She turned her head and saw that her mother-in-law’s eyes were dull, and her whole body was tense.

But since she met, she naturally couldn’t pretend to not see it.

Shi Qingluo took the initiative to smile and waved her hand to greet: “Former father-in-law, long time no see!”

Xiao Yuanshi: “……”

He hated hearing the three words “former father-in-law” the most.

Here on the street, he couldn’t turn his face away.

He said coldly: “Long time no see!”

Shi Qingluo’s eyes fell on Ge Chunru, and asked with curiosity: “Is this the former father-in-law’s newly married wife who was his outside lover before?”

Xiao Yuanshi: “……”

I don’t know what this bad daughter-in-law is still holding back.

It was also the first time for Ge Chunru to meet Shi Qingluo.

She was originally upset when she saw the younger and prettier Mrs. Kong.

Suddenly, she blushed when she heard Shi Qingluo’s words.

She was not ashamed, but angry.

“Are you Zhenger’s new wife?”

She couldn’t help but want to use the elders’ filial pity: “Is this how you talk to your husband’s father? Where are your manners?”

She also learned from Old Lady Xiao, and she first talked about her status.

If Shi Qingluo contradicted them, it would be disrespectful to the elders and would affect her reputation.

Maybe it could even affect Xiao Hanzheng’s examination.

So at this moment, she was looking forward to Shi Qingluo contradicting them.

She would accuse Shi Qingluo of being unfilial in public.

Shi Qingluo could see Ge Chunru’s plan.

But since the other party had come to her door, she would be too sorry for this woman if she didn’t satisfy him.


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