Chapter 288: Throwing him away after being use

Several people Ge Chuyi was squeezed.

Especially, they had already started to say that she had a bad character.

When she saw the second prince’s face turn black, she hated Shi Qingluo and the others in her heart.

These people saw that she was favored, so they deliberately made things difficult for her.

She stood up with a face full of humiliation and anger: “You, you guys!”

Then she fell directly towards the maid behind her, looking like she was fainted by anger.

She doesn’t know how the second prince would look at her if this continued.

These people joined forces to humiliate and squeeze her, and she couldn’t say anything to them.

And she couldn’t explain the matter of uncle or brother-in-law.

After what happened in front of the silver shop just now, she felt embarrassed every time it was mentioned.

So she could only learn from her sister and pretend to faint and escape.

In her heart, she couldn’t help but complain about her brother-in-law, Xiao Yuanshi.

Wasn’t it agreed that such a secret matter would not be known to others?

Why did Shi Qingluo, this bitch, know about it and deliberately reveal it in public?

It seems that this brother-in-law was not as useful as imagined.

The maid behind Ge Chuyi quickly supported her: “Concubine, what’s wrong with you?”

She then said to the second prince: “Your Highness, Concubine Ge fainted.”

Shi Qingluo laughed: “As expected of sisters, they fainted at the right time.”

She did not ask her husband to help Ge Chuyi see a doctor to expose her pretending to faint.

Ge Chunru indeed fainted. She was angry most of the time after the miscarriage, and she fainted several times in the general’s mansion. Her body was not very good.

As for Ge Chuyi, she was very healthy and a scheming bitch. How could she lose consciousness easily in anger?

This was just the beginning. There was no need to cripple the other party at once and keep it for next time.

“Second prince, your concubine is not in good health. Send her back to the mansion quickly and ask the imperial physician to see her and take care of her. ”

Shi Qingluo deliberately said: “It’s also possible, that she fainted from hunger because she didn’t eat to lose weight.”

Ge Chuyi, who was “in a coma”: “……”

She was fainted from anger, this bitch was so bad.

The corner of the second prince’s mouth twitched. What the hell, she fainted from hunger?

“You send Concubine Ge back to the mansion.” So he ordered people to send Ge Chuyi back.

Shi Qingluo suggested: “Second Prince, you love Concubine Ge so much, are you willing to leave her here alone?”

“It’s good to send her back in person, and ask the imperial physician to come and see her.”

She gave the second prince a look that you know: “Such a delicate beauty, you must pamper her more after you go back, Second Prince. ”

The second prince: “……”

He was thrown away after being used.

This woman was really smart. She knows that being “spoiled” by him in the backyard is not a good thing.

But since it was like this, he would naturally not let her down.

He felt that it seemed that there was still a chance to win her over.

So he stood up: “Okay, then I will send her back myself.”

But he didn’t carry the other party like Xiao Yuanshi did.

Instead, he ordered the maid to carry Ge Chuyi on the carriage.

At the same time, he called the shopkeeper of the restaurant and asked him to put the bill on his head before leaving.

Because they took a carriage when they came out.

Liang Hengshao and Ge Chuyi took the same carriage when they went back.

After getting in the carriage, he drank tea leisurely and watched her pretend to faint.

After a while, Ge Chuyi kept feeling that the second prince was looking at her, and she couldn’t stand it.

Then she opened her eyes as if she had woken up slowly, and looked at him with a weak and dependent look: “Your Highness! ”

Liang Hengshao raised an eyebrow: “You’re awake?”

Ge Chuyi sat up and pretended to be a little confused: “Why are we in a carriage?”

Liang Hengshao looked at her with a smile, “You fell unconscious.”

“It seems that you eat too little daily, and you are so hungry that you are fainted.”

“After I go back, I will have someone build a small kitchen in your yard, and you can have someone cook whatever you want to eat, so you can eat more. ”

Such favor was enough, right?

The hatred in the backyard will surely be stabilized.

He was used to Shi Qingluo’s straightforward and cheerful personality. Seeing Ge Chuyi pretending like this made him feel a little disgusted.

The favor was not necessarily a good thing, but it was a pity that these women in the backyard couldn’t see through it.

He felt a little regretful that he missed such a smart and insightful woman like Shi Qingluo, and he felt a little jealous of Xiao Hanzheng.

Ge Chuyi originally wanted to cry to the second prince about her grievances, but after hearing this, she couldn’t help but feel happy.

She was more and more certain that the second prince liked her, but to win over Shi Qingluo, he had been standing on the other party’s side in the restaurant.

Isn’t this compensation for herself?

Once the small kitchen in the yard is built, she will be the only one in the backyard of the Second Prince’s mansion who has it.

Although, it will make those women envious, and they may come to trouble her.

But she can’t refuse this favor.

She sighed in her heart. She was half happy and half worried about being liked by the Second Prince. She couldn’t keep a low profile.

She threw herself into the Second Prince’s arms and punched his chest with her little pink fist. Her voice was as soft as water: “Your Highness is so good to me.”

She asked tentatively: “I always thought I looked better when I was thinner. Do you think I’m thin?”

The Second Prince hugged her, but there was not much smile in his eyes: “No, it’s just right. ”

Everyone was right in the restaurant before, Shi Qingluo was unique. It’s better not to be imitated by such a pretentious woman. It’s like a fool trying to imitate someone else.

Ge Chuyi leaned in his arms but didn’t see his eyes.

Happiness appeared on her face: “Then I’ll listen to your Highness. ”

Sure enough, the Second Prince just said that earlier to win over Shi Qingluo.

Her figure was still the most beautiful.

Shi Qingluo, a village woman who has never seen the world and can’t help but pick up food when she sees delicious food, was not worthy of her.

Back to the Second Prince’s Mansion.

Liang Hengshao personally sent Ge Chuyi back to the backyard.

He also asked someone to invite the imperial physician to treat her and asked the housekeeper to build a small kitchen in her yard.

When the women in the backyard heard this, they didn’t know how many handkerchiefs they tore off.

What happened in the silver shop before has spread everywhere, and the women in the Second Prince’s backyard have also heard about it.

Originally, they were thinking of waiting for Ge Chuyi to come back to laugh at her. The Second Prince might get tired of her because of this.

Who would have thought that this woman went out and was said to have accidentally fainted for a while? After returning, the imperial physician was invited to check on her, and a small kitchen was built, which made them angry.

Even the Second Prince’s consort felt uncomfortable when she knew about it.

This Ge Concubine was too favored, the Second Prince had never spoiled anyone like this before.

Is it really like what people outside say, that the Second Prince was fascinated by Ge Chunyi when he saw her?

But she looked just like that.

Therefore, she thought Ge Chuyi was not simple, so she couldn’t help but be more cautious.

Many women in the backyard had the same doubts as the second prince’s consort.

But they didn’t think about being on guard, instead, they were jealous, envious, and hateful, and they were all trying to find a way.

They wanted to pull Ge Chuyi down, unwilling to see her continue to be so favored.


On the other hand, after the Second Prince left, everyone ate happily and dispersed.

As expected, after the news of the silver shop spread, Xiao Yuanshi and his newly married wife also became the biggest joke in the entire capital today.

People from the aristocratic families despised the two, and even the common people couldn’t help but scold them when they knew about it.

The censors seemed like had eaten chicken blood, they prepared to “fight” General Xiao in the court tomorrow.


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