Chapter 292: You want to join us?

That day, Shi Qingluo took Qingqing out to have dinner with Xi Rui and others.

Xiao Hanzheng followed Master Hou out.

When she arrived, several people had already come.

What surprised her was that Qi Yiyang was also there.

Xi Rui took the initiative to pull out a chair for Shi Qingluo with a smile: “Qingluo, sit down.”

Shi Qingluo raised an eyebrow and joked: “If you are too kind to others, you are either a traitor or a thief. Do you guys have a Hongmen Banquet?”

Xi Rui smiled and said: “What are you talking about? I admire you.”

Liang Youxiao teased: “Do we dare to have a Hongmen Banquet for you? If we do it today, we might be exiled to the northern border tomorrow.”

Shi Qingluo wanted to hold her forehead. It seemed that everyone thought that she was the one who got rid of her scumbag father. This was a big blame.

She said unhappily: “Thank you so much for thinking so highly of me.”

Liang Youxiao came over: “Qingluo, what prescription did you offer this time?”

They were curious about this.

It was not just them who were curious, but everyone around them was curious because the Emperor hadn’t said anything.

Look, they met Qi Yiyang on the way here.

This guy heard they would have dinner with Shi Qingluo, so he followed them shamelessly.

He just wanted to know what prescription Shi Qingluo had offered.

Shi Qingluo knew it was like this.

She didn’t hide it: “Rubber-making method.”

After she told the Emperor the recipe, she tentatively asked the Emperor if she could tell the recipe to others.

Then, could her friends also go find rubber trees to cut and use it?

The Emperor agreed, so she didn’t hesitate.

Liang Youxiao and the others were all curious: “What is rubber?”

What Shi Qingluo made must be good.

Shi Qingluo replied: “It can be used to make soles, and it can also…”

She roughly repeated the uses she told the Emperor.

“By the way, when rubber comes out, I can also make a vehicle that can be ridden, which is more convenient than a scooter.”

Now that they have scooters, they can also make bicycles.

In the past, there was no rubber, but now they can make bicycle tires and tinker with them.

When several people heard her words, their eyes lit up: “This is great!”

Xi Rui asked: “How to make this rubber? Have you made it?”

He has always loved skateboards, but now it often snows, and he can’t play, otherwise, he would skateboard when he goes out for a stroll.

Now he was also interested in rideable cars.

Shi Qingluo said: “No, rubber needs to be cut from rubber trees, and this kind of tree can only grow in a very hot place.”

“The Emperor has asked people to find rubber trees and cut rubber.”

Xi Rui was a little disappointed: “Is that so? Then it will take a long time for us to use this rubber?”

It was difficult for them to plan for the Emperor’s things.

Once they get their hands, it will take a long time.

Shi Qingluo smiled and said: “If you are interested, you can also ask someone to find rubber, and then hire local people to cut the rubber, and then bring it back for use.”

“I will draw the appearance, characteristics, and habits of the rubber tree, and let your family find it. It shouldn’t be difficult.”

Shi Qingluo felt that the Emperor agreed with her, and it might be to popularize rubber as soon as possible.

After all, there was strength in numbers. If Xi Rui and other families also participate, the amount of rubber produced will be multiplied by many times.

After several contacts, she found that the Emperor was an old fox.

But he was not the kind of person who was annoying and liked to call people. It can be seen that the Emperor wanted to develop Daliang and let the people live a good life. He was a wise monarch.

Hearing her words, Xi Rui and others’ eyes lit up.

“Really? Can our family do it?”

Shi Qingluo nodded: “Well, I have asked the Emperor before, I told him that I want a few friends to join me in making rubber, and the Emperor agreed.”

“Qingluo, you are so nice.”

“Qingluo, you are a good friend.”

Several people praised her, thinking so in their hearts.

Shi Qingluo was indeed a good friend and loyal. She will not forget to share good things with her friends.

Shi Qingluo chuckled and said: “Of course, good things should be shared with you. We will make money together, and we will be in the limelight together.”

“Yes, we will be in the limelight together!” This was Xi Rui’s and others’ favorite.

Liang Youxiao hurriedly asked his attendants to bring the four treasures of the study and asked Shi Qingluo to draw the rubber tree.

Shi Qingluo not only drew the rubber tree but also drew Eucommia ulmoides and Glehnia littoralis.

Eucommia ulmoides and Glehnia littoralis can also extract rubber, and Glehnia littoralis is one of the three major rubber-producing plants in the world.

Because she was suddenly summoned to the palace that day, she was not fully prepared, so she only gave the Emperor rubber trees.

Later, when she went back, she remembered that guayule and Eucommia ulmoides could also extract rubber.

Moreover, these two plants were less difficult to plant than rubber trees.

There was no problem in planting them on a large scale in places with more suitable climates.

They can also be brought back to open up wasteland for planting, as guayule is very adaptable.

However, it will also have an impact, but she also wrote down how to prevent and control it.

And she gave it to her husband the day before yesterday and asked Master Hou to send it to the palace.

In other words, the Emperor can ask people to find three plants that can produce rubber simultaneously.

It won’t be long before rubber was popularized in Daliang.

Because it was sent to the Emperor in advance, she drew it for Xi Rui and others, asking them to follow the Emperor’s footsteps, make a lot of money, and also become famous.

After all, rubber has just been made, and it must be a scarce commodity in the first few years, and it would be short in supply.

She said to the others: “By the way, these two plants can also produce rubber. You can ask your family to find them together.”

“If you find them, you can plant them locally, or bring back seedlings, and open up special wasteland for planting.”

“If you succeed, you will make a lot of money in the future.”

Xi Rui and the others’ eyes lit up again: “What a great relationship!”

“Qingluo, you are such a good friend.”

Who would complain about having too much money? It was good to show off.

Liang Youxiao, in particular, not only thought about making money from rubber but also thought about following Shi Qingluo to tinker with rubber products.

Xi Rong wanted to form a women’s army, but she was very short of money and was quite excited.

She and Shi Qingluo’s rouge shop had already opened in Jiangnan, with dozens of stores.

The monthly income was not small, but it was still insufficient to maintain an army.

Now, they should buy a few more fields and plant those that Shi Qingluo mentioned. All of them should be enough in the future.

Qi Yiyang saw the excitement of the others.

He was also very itchy.

He couldn’t help but ask: “Qingluo, we are also friends, can I come along?”

He didn’t expect to get such news after following here with such a thick skin.

He felt a little regretful before, but now he was glad that he had become thicker-skinned.

Before Shi Qingluo spoke, Xi Rui raised an eyebrow: “Why, Young Master Qi, you want to join us?”

Qi Yiyang: “……”

This guy is still so annoying.


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