Chapter 300: You can also trick him

Liang Yulin had been here before Xiao Yuanshi came here.

Whenever he returned to the capital in winter, he would like to stay in his hot spring manor for a while.

There was a very tall tree in this forest. Standing on the top of the tree, he could see the scenery of the nearby villages, manor, and mountains in the distance.

So he would come here occasionally, sit on the tree to look at the scenery, and then return to the manor to paint.

Today, he just had the interest to come here to see the scenery, but he didn’t expect to see such a ‘wonderful play’.

His disgust towards Xiao Yuanshi deepened a little bit.

This man was calculating from beginning to end, and he coaxed the mother and daughter like fools.

But the mother and daughter were very interesting, they didn’t fall into Xiao Yuanshi’s trick.

He had nothing to do now and was very bored, so he went to watch the play.

Anyway, his Imperial Brother said that he should go to Xiao Hanzheng for medical treatment.

Today, he could just use the excuse that they were all nearby to go to the hot spring manor to find Xiao Hanzheng.

By the way, he also wanted to see how the Xiao Family would react after Xiao Yuanshi sent the deed later.

On the other side, Mrs. Kong and Xiao Baili returned to the farm and met Xiao Hanzheng and Shi Qingluo.

At this time, the two had already gotten up. Shi Qingluo sat by the stove to settle accounts, while Xiao Hanzheng was reading a book with Erlang opposite.

Seeing Mrs. Kong coming in angrily, Shi Qingluo asked: “Mom, who offended you?”

She rarely saw her mother-in-law unhappy.

After Mrs. Kong sat down she said angrily: “Your Former Father-in-law.”

When she thought of the look Xiao Yuanshi gave her, she got angry.

Seeing her mother-in-law like this and the tone of her words, Shi Qingluo felt that her mother-in-law was becoming more and more lively, and even a little cute.

This was good.

“Did you meet my scumbag father?” Is it such a coincidence?

Xiao Hanzheng and Xiao Hanyi also put down the book and looked over together.

Mrs. Kong didn’t hide it and briefly told what happened in the woods.

After listening to this, Shi Qingluo smiled and said to Xiao Baili: “Baili did a great job. You should not refuse the things of your scumbag father. If he dares to give them to you, you should dare to take them.”

Yes, why didn’t she think of it before that she could let Xiao Baili and Xiao Hanyi cheat the scumbag father and new wife?

Anyway, it was still the scumbag father who took the initiative to deliver himself to them.

When Xiao Baili heard that her sister-in-law thought the same as she did, she smiled widely: “I thought so too.”

“So I urged him to change the name of the farm deed as soon as possible.”

“It’s his farm. Although I want it, I don’t want to live there.”

“I feel a little uncomfortable if I sell it and spend his money.”

She was very dependent on Shi Qingluo, so she spoke her mind: “I don’t want to take advantage of him, but I can’t get over it. Who made him pretend to be so hypocritical? I don’t want to give that woman to take advantage again, so I want it.”

Shi Qingluo touched her chin: “He thinks there is no hope of repairing the relationship between your elder brother and him, so he wants to start with you and Hanyi.”

“Then let him do as he wishes.”

She curled her lips and said: “Since he wants to trick you, you can also trick him.”

Xiao Baili and Xiao Hanyi asked at the same time: “How to trick him? ”

Also, trick him?

Shi Qingluo said: “You pretend to coax him, just like what he does to you while taking things away from him.”

“Just like what Baili did, taking the hot spring villa.”

” You can coax him to give you something else, like gold, silver, jewelry, land, villas, whatever.”

“If you don’t want to use his stuff, or spend his money, you can do something good with it.”

“Just use your Scumbag Father’s money to do good deeds. However, everyone will not think your Scumbag Father came up with this idea, they will only think that your Scumbag Father took out money because of you.”

“Anyway, even though he gets angry because he suffers, he has to endure it.”

“You just want to rip him off.”

“For example, the road from this capital city to the villa is not very easy to travel, so asked your Scumbag Father to spend money to build a cement road.”

She taught them some more ideas.

She said: “He took the initiative to come to your door to be slaughtered, it’s a waste if you don’t slaughter him.”

“Let him bleed as much as he makes calculations with you.”

“It’s better to do something practical and good things than let that cheap hoof, Ge Chunru, and her siblings take advantage.”

“This can also annoy Ge Chunru to death.”

If Ge Chunru knew that the Scumbag Father gave the hot spring manor to Xiao Baili, she would probably vomit to death.

Before, that cheap hoof wanted to give this manor to her sister as a dowry, but the Scumbag Father didn’t agree, so she secretly took the money from the general’s mansion and bought other hot spring manors as dowry.

Hearing the words of her sister-in-law, Xiao Baili and Xiao Hanyi’s eyes lit up.

Yes, they should use the scumbag father’s things and money like running water, so that he won’t come to them for retirement or accusations in the future.

But they can use their money to do good things and accumulate virtue.

Xiao Hanyi rolled his eyes: “Sister-in-law, how can I trick him?”

Shi Qingluo smiled and said, “He may coax you first, let you have a father-son relationship with him, and then coax you to go back to the general’s mansion.”

“You can act with him, pretend to show some admiration for him, and pretend to yearn for the care of your biological father.”

“Then you can follow him to the general’s mansion to sit for a while, and often find faults to annoy Ge Chunru.”

“When you coax him, and he lets you buy something, you can put the bill on the general’s mansion.”

“Whenever you go out, if you like something, just tell them to go to the general’s mansion to ask for money.”

“If someone bullies you, you fight back, and then say that your Former Father is General Xiao, and let the other party go to the general’s mansion to settle the account with him.”

Just like in her previous life, many arrogant young men’s catchphrase was “My father is xx”. Xiao Baili and Xiao Hanyi can do the same to trick their father.

“Anyway, you can do whatever you want to make him regret his plan today.”

She could roughly guess what the Scumbag Father was thinking.

He probably wanted to coax his children back, and it would be best to coax Xiao Hanyi to his side to educate him, and then secretly teach him to be alienated from them.

The same goes for Xiao Baili.

The Scumbag Father has no good intentions, so they have to disgust him back.

At the same time, this can also annoy Ge Chunru, while she can cultivate her sister-in-law and brother-in-law’s ability to respond. How great.

Anyway, their family doesn’t lack that little money and things now.

The share of the gambling house alone was tens of thousands of taels a month.

Not to mention other shares and the income of each workshop in Xiaxi Village.

Xiao Baili and Xiao Hanyi roughly understood: “Okay, we’ll listen to sister-in-law.”

Then Shi Qingluo took Mrs. Kong’s hand: “Mom, does he want to coax you too?”

Mrs. Kong nodded: “Yes, I don’t know why he is so shameless, and he talked to me about his past relationship. It almost disgusted me to death.”

Shi Qingluo asked: “What did he say to you, tell us everything.”

So Mrs. Kong recounted the conversation with Xiao Yuanshi.

Shi Qingluo was speechless after listening: “He doesn’t want to go back to his old love, does he?”

What a scumbag man!


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