Chapter 302: He could still watch the show

Liang Yulin naturally wouldn’t say he was here to watch a show.

He smiled gently: “I live in the villa next door. I heard that your family also came here, so I thought of coming to visit.”

“My brother said that you are the apprentice of the miracle doctor, and your medical skills are very good. I may have to trouble you to help with the recuperation in the future.”

Xiao Hanzheng smiled: “Your Majesty is too kind. I will do my best to recuperate the prince.”

He doesn’t like to drag things out: “Then should I check the prince’s pulse now?”

Liang Yulin nodded and smiled: “Okay!”

He stretched out a hand.

Xiao Hanzheng walked to the seat next to him and sat down, and he smelled the scent of ink mixed with medicine on him.

It means that Prince Yi has been drinking medicine all the time and wearing a medicine bag on his body.

Just like the legend, this prince likes calligraphy and painting.

He took Prince Yi’s pulse and was relatively calm at first, and then a little frightened.

He didn’t expect Prince Yi to have a deep internal force and seemed to be a martial arts master.

The royal family was not simple.

This was a secret pulse-taking method left by the divine doctor. After he learned it, he could find out whether the other party had internal strength while taking the pulse.

However, Prince Yi did have some physical problems, and premature birth caused hidden dangers of insufficient fetal qi.

“The prince now has a normal body, but every year when the season changes, you will easily catch a cold and get sick.”

“Especially in winter, you will be afraid of the cold and your legs will ache, so you need to soak in hot springs frequently to relieve it.”

Liang Yulin smiled: “Is that all?”

Xiao Hanzheng thought about it and said truthfully: “It will also hinder the offspring.”

It was not that Prince Yi had kidney deficiency and was incapable, but the sequelae of insufficient fetal qi made it difficult for women to conceive.

Hearing him say this, Liang Yulin’s smile deepened: “Young Master Xiao’s medical skills are great, I do have these problems.”

Only his brother, his mother, and several doctors in the Imperial Hospital knew that he had difficulty in having offspring.

He asked: “Does Young Master Xiao have a cure?”

Xiao Hanzheng said truthfully: “I will take care of your body so that you will not be easily infected with diseases during the change of seasons, and you will not be afraid of the cold and your legs will ache in winter. This is no problem.”

“It’s a bit difficult to have offspring, so we can only try.”

He added: “Although it is not completely hopeless, it is indeed difficult.”

“This result is within my expectations.” Liang Yulin was not disappointed. He had already prepared for not having offspring.

If he gets married in the future, he will adopt one to raise.

If he does not meet the right woman, it is nothing to be alone for the rest of his life. He does not value offspring that much. It was fate if he had it, and he would not force it if he didn’t have it.

“Then I’ll trouble Young Master Xiao to take care of my body. I will not force offspring.”

“Okay, I will try my best.” Xiao Hanzheng found that Prince Yi’s mentality was excellent.

This man’s temperament was a bit like his scumbag father, both of them look handsome and elegant.

But Prince Yi was elegant and refined. He was not selfless, but he was very open-minded.

And the elegance of his scumbag father was just a disguise.

In his previous life, he had some impression of Prince Yi. He was the kind who didn’t like to fight for power and profit.

He made great contributions in pacifying the rebellion, but he didn’t take credit for it and acted a little low-key.

Therefore, the Emperor valued this younger brother very much.

In the past, Prince Yi even blocked a knife for the Emperor who was the crown prince, so the two brothers had a lifelong friendship.

As long as Prince Yi himself did not want to rebel, or form a party to support any prince to take the throne, he would have a safe and worry-free life and power in his hands.

He knew that Prince Yi controlled more than half of the secret guards and intelligence organizations of the royal family, which also represented the Emperor’s trust.

And from the previous life, Prince Yi was a smart man. Although several princes tried their best to win him over, he did not get involved in the fight for the throne.

It was naturally best to make friends with such a person.

Recently, Liang Yulin’s legs have been sore, and he would wake up in the middle of the night.

Only soaking in the hot spring pool can relieve it.

Therefore, Xiao Hanzheng decided to use acupuncture, medicinal baths, and pills to treat him.

Xiao Hanzheng first wrote a prescription and asked Prince Yi’s people to get the medicine.

Prince Yi’s farm had a lot of medicinal materials, and all the prescriptions were there.

Soon his people delivered it.

So Xiao Hanzheng prepared medicine for him, first took a medicinal bath, and then rested for acupuncture.

While Prince Yi was taking a medicinal bath, he went to prepare pills.

He got the inheritance of the divine doctor, which included a box of books specially recording patients.

It recorded all the situations of Prince Yi since he saw the doctor, as well as the prescriptions.

At that time, because of Prince Yi’s identity, he read it several times, so he remembered it.

Therefore, based on the master’s prescription, adding his prescription will have a better effect.

An hour later, Xiao Hanzheng gave Prince Yi acupuncture.

“1 month of medicinal bath and acupuncture is a course of treatment. As long as you continue to treat for 3 months, your physical problems will be solved.”

He added: “After that, I will prescribe you some pills for conditioning and health preservation to see if it can help with offspring in the future.”

Prince Yi smiled and said: “Thank you!”

Although he only took a medicinal bath once, he felt much warmer after taking it.

Before, he was really afraid of cold in winter.

Later, even though he practiced martial arts and got better, his hands and feet were still cold when he slept at night.

He originally planned to watch the show, but he didn’t expect Xiao Hanzheng to be excellent at conditioning.

Fortunately, he came early today, otherwise he would have returned to the capital half a month later to find Xiao Hanzheng.

After the treatment, it was almost time for dinner.

Xiao Hanzheng politely invited him: “It’s almost dinner time. We’re having a mutton hotpot tonight. If you don’t mind, the prince can have a taste.”

Liang Yulin would not leave before he saw the show.

So he smiled and said: “Okay, I heard that a kind of hotpot has become popular in the capital. I haven’t tried it yet. Sorry to bother you today.”

Xiao Hanzheng didn’t expect Prince Yi to stay: “Then please sit for a while, Your Majesty.”

“No problem.”

The two sat and chatted, and the more they talked, the more they felt that they had something in common.

After nearly half an hour, the attendant came over and said that the mutton hotpot was ready.

So, Xiao Hanzheng invited Prince Yi to have dinner together.

The separation between men and women in Daliang was not serious. It’s okay for men and women to have dinner together as long as they are not unmarried men and women alone.

In addition, Prince Yi took the initiative to suggest that he should not care about his identity and that the Xiao family should eat as they usually do, and not be restrained.

Eating hotpot does require an atmosphere, and it will be more lively with more people.

Therefore, Xiao Hanzheng asked his wife to sit at the next table with his mother and sister.

He and Erlang sat at the same table with Prince Yi.

Just as the dishes were served, a servant came to report.

“Master, General Xiao is at the door and wants to see you.”

Xiao Hanzheng was a little surprised and guessed what the scumbag father was here for.

Unexpectedly, the scumbag father was quite efficient this time: “Please come in.”

He didn’t notice that Prince Yi, who was originally sitting with a handsome smile, smiled even more when he heard Xiao Yuanshi coming.

Fortunately, he stayed for dinner, so he could still watch the show.


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