Chapter 309: It’s just a trick. Who can’t do it?

Xiao Yuanshi couldn’t help but look cold.

“Xiao Baili, that’s enough.”

“If you keep doing this, I’ll get angry.” He was already very angry.

Xiao Baili didn’t confront him this time, but her eyes turned red: “It seems that what you said about compensating us is a lie.”

“You are so mean to me for your niece, but you say you owe us something. You are just fooling us.”

“Woo, I’m going to find my eldest brother and sister-in-law to judge.”

“I’m going to go out and ask everyone, is there anyone who bullies people like this?”

After saying that, she turned around and cried, and left.

She was taken by her sister-in-law to watch several Wu Family dramas before, and she did learn a lot of the essence.

Xiao Yuanshi: “……”

He was going crazy.

If Xiao Baili was allowed to leave crying like this, he would have no way to explain himself…

He hurriedly stopped her: “Stop, I didn’t mean to be mean to you.”

Xiao Baili turned around: “Then you said you were going to get angry.”

Xiao Yuanshi’s forehead was throbbing: “I’m just saying it, how can I bear to get angry with you!”

Xiao Baili then said: “That’s more like it.”

“You were so mean to me just now, shouldn’t you give me some compensation?”

It looked like she wouldn’t come if you didn’t compensate me.

Xiao Yuanshi was a little overwhelmed: “Isn’t it enough for me to give you a hot spring manor?”

Xiao Baili pouted: “A hot spring manor is only one-tenth of what Sister Ge’s younger sister gave as a dowry. You are so shameless to say that this is compensation.”

“If you don’t sincerely want to compensate us, then we will just leave.”

Xiao Yuanshi: “……”

Go, go quickly.

He couldn’t afford to serve them anymore.

He brought them back, so no matter how angry he was, he had to continue: “What compensation do you want?”

Xiao Baili burst into laughter: “It snowed heavily before, and many people were affected. I want to go outside the city to distribute porridge. Please have someone prepare food for porridge and help me.”

“This is a good deed, General Xiao, you will not have any objection, right?”

Xiao Yuanshi: “……”

No, I do.

“If you don’t agree, then I will have to go out and talk to everyone. A great general doesn’t care about the people and is reluctant to give out even a little food to distribute porridge.”

“Such a general, I don’t know if he can be trusted to go to the northern border, and whether he can defend the border.”

Xiao Yuanshi: “……”

He was really about to collapse.

“I didn’t say no, you can go if you want.”

Then she will distribute porridge in the name of the general’s mansion.

Xiao Baili smiled sweetly: “Then I will thank General Xiao for his generosity on behalf of the people.”

Xiao Yuanshi gritted his teeth and said: “No, I want to thank you.”

Xiao Baili smiled even sweeter: “Although I am doing good deeds for you, you don’t have to be so polite.”

When the porridge was distributed, let someone spread the word and say that the scumbag father did it to compensate her.

It was indeed the scumbag father who pays for the food, and it seems that the general’s mansion also gets the credit, but the people who drink the porridge are not thanking him. Hehe

Xiao Yuanshi: “……”

Thank you so much.

At this time, Ge Chunru grasped the key point: “What hot spring villa?”

Before Xiao Yuanshi spoke, Xiao Baili smiled and said: “It’s the hot spring villa in your general’s mansion. General Xiao said he felt guilty about me, so he gave me the hot spring villa as compensation.”

Then, as if remembering something: “Oh, I almost forgot that the name of the owner of the villa has been changed to mine, so it no longer belongs to the general’s mansion.”

“Sister Ge, the general compensated me with the villa, you must not be angry, right?”

“After all, this little thing is a small thing for the general’s mansion, and it is even a drop in the bucket compared to your sister’s dowry.”

Ge Chunru: “……”

No, she was going to explode now.

How can Xiao Yuanshi do this? Let him give her sister the hot spring villa as a dowry, he said it would be useful.

Now he compensated this little bitch, she was so angry.

And how can this little bitch be compared with her sister?

As for the money and things in the general’s mansion, she didn’t want to give a penny to these little bastards even if she threw them away.

So she was so angry now.

This little bitch still wanted to give porridge to the general’s mansion. How could there be so much food in the general’s mansion? She had to go out to buy it again.

Although she was not in charge of the family for the time being, the whole general’s mansion belonged to her. It was like cutting her flesh.

Before she could speak, Xiao Baili said again: “Sister Ge, why do you look so ugly?”

“Are you distressed? But you should be very happy when you used so much money and things in the general’s mansion to subsidize your natal family!”

“General Xiao is so pitiful. You have to use all the things he exchanged for his life on the battlefield to subsidize your natal family.”

“This general’s mansion, the general can’t even be the master. How can he command the army when he goes to the northern border in the future!”

Yes, she was just provoking.

This made Ge Chunru almost faint from anger. The little bitch was terrible: “You, don’t go too far.”

Although Xiao Yuanshi knew that his daughter was provoking, he was uncomfortable.

So much money was wasted. He had to go back to Northern Xinjiang to operate it, and he could buy off many people.

And what do you mean he can’t decide the General’s Mansion?

“What nonsense are you talking about? Of course, I decide the General’s Mansion.”

“I will ask people to prepare food immediately, and you can go outside the city to distribute porridge tomorrow.”

Go quickly, don’t stay in the General’s Mansion to cause trouble.

Xiao Baili curled her lips and smiled, “Okay, it seems that people outside have misunderstood the general.”

Xiao Yuanshi was a little puzzled: “What do you misunderstand about me?”

Xiao Baili said bluntly: “You are henpecked! People outside say that you are henpecked.”

“You don’t know?”

She raised her hand to cover her mouth: “Just pretend I didn’t say it.”

Ge Chunru: “……”

Xiao Yuanshi: “……”

Fearing that his daughter would find fault again, Xiao Yuanshi arranged the best courtyard for the two siblings except the main courtyard.

This made Ge Chunru very unhappy, but it was difficult to say anything.

After arranging for Xiao Baili and Xiao Hanyi to live, Xiao Yuanshi hurriedly left with his Ge Chunru and concubine.

Ge Chunru found that Xiao Yuanshi’s face was very dark at this time, and he was in a bad mood.

So she deliberately said: “General, I’m not against Baili and Erlang moving in.”

“But you see, they made a mess in the general’s mansion on the first day they came.”

Xiao Yuanshi looked at Ge Chunru with an unclear expression and asked: “Then what do you want?”

Ge Chunru thought about it and said: “How about sending them back?”

She didn’t want to see the two siblings again for a moment.

Tao Liu suddenly said: “Madam, what are you talking about?”

“No matter what, the young lady and the young master are the general’s flesh and blood.”

“Even if the relationship was severed for you, the family relationship cannot be severed.”

“You asked the general to send the person back just after bringing him here. How will people outside see the general?”

“Madam, how can you do this? Can’t you think more about the general’s reputation?”

“People will say that your brother and sister can live in the general’s mansion, why can’t the general’s children live here?”

“Doesn’t this prove the rumor that the general is henpecked?”

She now knows Xiao Yuanshi’s personality very well. He must hate it most when people say he was a henpecked.

It was just a trick. Who can’t do it?


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