Chapter 311: I will repay you in full

Tao Liu was pregnant and was personally sent to his courtyard by Xiao Yuanshi.

He also reassigned his people to serve her.

Tao Liu could see from this that Xiao Yuanshi attached great importance to his offspring.

She also had a lot of thoughts.

It can be seen that Xiao Hanzheng and his two siblings will never recognize Xiao Yuanshi as their biological father again.

Ge Chunru can’t have another child, and in the future, this general’s mansion will belong to her and her child.

But she didn’t want the child to be a concubine’s son or daughter after it was born.

Lying on the bed, drinking the stew sent from the kitchen.

Tao Liu thought of what Shi Qingluo had told her before.

Ge Chunru can become the main wife from being the concubine, so why can’t she?

Tao Liu touched her belly, and she had to do it for the sake of the child.

Although she didn’t love Xiao Yuanshi, she was very surprised and looking forward to this child.

This child was her bloodline, and only someone like Ge Chunru could abandon the child to harm others.

If it were her, she would not use the child to frame Ge Chunru.

Tao Liu had strong ambitions on this side, and Xiao Yuanshi also went to Ge Chunru’s yard on the other side.

Ge Chunru heard from the maid that Xiao Yuanshi was coming.

She didn’t take the initiative to greet him, but deliberately lay on the bed, looking weak and angry.

When Xiao Yuanshi walked in, she looked at him weakly and pitifully: “General, I am very dizzy now, so I won’t get up to greet you.”

Xiao Yuanshi walked over and sat down: “If you are not feeling well, just lie down.”

“Your health has been getting worse since your last miscarriage, so you should take good care of yourself.”

Hearing this, Ge Chunru felt a little happy in her heart, and Xiao Yuanshi still cared about her.

But soon, Xiao Yuanshi’s next words broke her joy.

“So before you go to Northern Border, you should stay in the yard to recuperate and don’t go out.”

Ge Chunru looked up at him in disbelief: “Are you going to confine me?”

Xiao Yuanshi reached out and pulled the corner of the quilt for her with a gentle expression: “How could I confine you.”

“It’s just that life in the Northern Border will be harder than in the capital. The weather changes frequently. If you don’t take good care of your body, what will you do there?”

“Or do you want to stay in the capital?”

It must be said that Xiao Yuanshi was so good at coaxing people.

Ge Chunru naturally didn’t want to go back to Northern Border again. Life there was far worse than in the capital.

But she didn’t want Xiao Yuanshi to go alone. She was afraid that he would change his mind.

, her younger brother was on the Northern Border. He hadn’t sent any letters recently. She was still very worried.

She took Xiao Yuanshi’s hand and said: “Why would I want to stay in the capital? Of course, I will go wherever the general goes.”

Xiao Yuanshi smiled and said: “Then take good care of yourself. I will ask the imperial doctor to treat you specially.”

Ge Chunru felt warm in her heart and leaned on his arms: “Well, I will take good care of myself.”

Xiao Yuanshi managed to put Ge Chunru under house arrest and did not tell her about Liu Ru’s pregnancy.

After sitting for a while, he went to the study room on the pretext of not delaying Ge Chunru’s rest.

After leaving the yard, he also ordered people to keep an eye on Ge Chunru and not let her go to the yard of Liu Ru and Xiao Baili.


In the evening, at the Xiao Family’s house.

Shi Qingluo sat on the sofa with her feet stretched on Xiao Hanzheng’s belly.

This was Xiao Hanzheng’s initiative to cover her feet, which made Shi Qingluo very sweet.

It was rare for a man, an ancient man, to take the initiative to cover their wife’s feet.

Shi Qingluo read the book that Xiao Hanzheng had just written, while Xiao Hanzheng was reading a book to prepare for the imperial examination.

After a while, his confidant sent two letters in.

Xiao Hanzheng looked at them and asked Shi Qingluo: “One is from the general’s mansion, and the other is from Tao Liu. Which one should I read first?”

Shi Qingluo stretched her feet out of his clothes and leaned on him: “Let’s read the one sent by the general’s mansion first. I’m worried about Baili and Erlang.”

She was still worried about the cubs she raised, who had entered the wolf’s den.

Xiao Hanzheng did the same and took out the letter with a smile.

After reading the letter, Shi Qingluo chuckled and said, “It seems that we don’t have to worry about Baili and Erlang. The scumbag father had a headache.”

The letter described how the sister-in-law and brother-in-law scolded the scumbag father and Ge Chunru, which made people feel relieved.

Xiao Hanzheng was also a little amused and surprised, but it was reasonable.

He sighed: “Baili is now deeply influenced by you.”

He could never imagine that his sister could be so sharp-tongued and scold people.

Xiao Hanyi also changed from a simple boy to a black sesame filling.

Shi Qingluo smiled proudly and said: “Of course, I taught them, so they must not be bullied.”

“But Baili and Erlang are also teachable.”

Xiao Hanzheng hugged her in his arms: “You are very good at teaching.”

He was grateful to his wife, who not only changed the fate of his mother and younger siblings but also changed their personalities and behaviors.

No matter where they go in the future, if they remain like this, he will not be afraid of them being bullied.

Shi Qinglou said with a proud smile: “Of course, I am a good teacher and helpful friend.”

She still feels very accomplished in teaching her sister-in-law and brother-in-law to be a black sesame.

Xiao Hanzheng didn’t know whether to laugh or cry. His wife was the type who would climb to the top immediately if she was given a pole.

Of course, he liked it very much.

He picked up another letter and opened it.

“Liu Ru is pregnant.”

Shi Qingluo also read the contents of the letter: “The medicine you gave her is effective.”

Xiao Hanzheng said: “There is no problem with her body and the scumbag father’s, so it’s easy to get pregnant after taking the fertility medicine.”

“Now the timing is right.”

Shi Qingluo nodded: “Well when we go to the northern border, the fetus will be able to sit firmly.”

“Then she can fight with Ge Chunru.”

She curled her lips: “Sure enough, after she has a child, her ambition is even greater.”

Tao Liu not only wrote about her pregnancy in the letter but also wrote that she wanted to ask them to help her sit in the position of Xiao Yuanshi’s wife.

Xiao Hanzheng smiled: “Ge Chunru can be promoted as the main wife, so she can naturally.”

This was also the reason why he helped Tao Liu get pregnant.

Shi Qingluo smiled and said: “Yes, it’s good that she has such a heart.”

What they were afraid of was that Tao Liu just wanted to be a concubine in peace.

She said again: “I want to watch a good show again.”

Xiao Hanzheng now knows his wife very well: “Want to see how Ge Chunru make trouble for the Scumbag Father when she found out about her younger brother?”

Shi Qingluo nodded: “Yes, and then make the scumbag father lose all his patience.”

“Let’s find a way to push her again, and make the scumbag father demote her as a concubine.”

Ge Chunru once framed her mother-in-law, so she will return it in full.

Xiao Hanzheng threw the letter into the stove and burned it: “Maybe you will have a chance to watch the show.”

“The letter from the Northern Border will be delivered to Ge Chunru in a few days.”

Shi Qingluo knew that this was written by her husband pretending to be Ge Chunyi’s friend.

Even if the two siblings meet and talk about it in the future, they will only think that someone might have secretly wanted to help Ge Chunyi, so this friend wrote to her sister for help.


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