Chapter 314: Can’t help laughing

After the two of them packed up, Xiao Yuanshi personally sent them back to the Xiao Mansion.

Then soon, many people in the capital heard a piece of news.

Xiao Yuanshi took his youngest son and daughter back to the general’s mansion as guests because of guilt.

But because his daughter and youngest son wanted to do good things, he disagreed, so he was furious and sent them back to the Xiao Mansion.

As a result, Xiao Yuanshi was scolded by everyone again, and they also ridiculed him for wanting to be that thing and also wanted to build a memorial archway.

When Xiao Yuanshi heard about this, his eyes turned red with anger.

He couldn’t help it and smashed the study for the first time.

“Evil obstacles, these evil obstacles.”

If this news had not been released by Xiao Hanzheng or Shi Qingluo, he would have written the word Xiao upside down.

He spent so much money, was squeezed, and cheated every day, but in the end, he didn’t get any good results. It was too infuriating.

Just after smashing the study, the personal attendant walked in.

“General, the madam is crying at the door and insists on seeing you.”

Xiao Yuanshi couldn’t help but feel a headache: “No!”

As soon as he finished speaking, Ge Chunru had already rushed into the study, with tears all over her face: “General, how could you do this to me?”

Xiao Yuanshi rubbed his eyebrows: “What’s wrong with you? I’m just annoyed.”

Ge Chunru couldn’t care about these things at this time.

She ran over and threw herself into Xiao Yuanshi’s arms: “General, you have to decide for Chunyi!”

When Xiao Yuanshi heard this, he changed his action of pushing the person away to hugging the person.

Her eyes flashed: “What happened to your brother?”

Ge Chunru cried out of breath: “The old Xiao family not only robbed Chunyi of his silver.”

“Chunyi was also taken to mining by Xiao Dalang, and he almost froze to death. He didn’t have enough food and clothes, and he had to do heavy work every day.”

She received a letter from her brother’s friend, and after reading it, she felt like a bolt from the blue.

She didn’t expect the people of the old Xiao family to be so vicious. Not only did they find out that the silver was robbed, but they also treated her brother like that.

After her brother was born, the family’s conditions improved a lot, so he had never suffered since he was a child.

After she followed Xiao Yuanshi, her brother had the same food, clothing, and daily expenses as other young masters.

How could he bear the life of mining?

Fortunately, the old Xiao family were not here, otherwise she would have strangled them to death herself.

Xiao Yuanshi pretended to be surprised: “What? Is it true? How dare Dalang?”

Ge Chunru cried and said: “I didn’t expect Xiao Dalang to be so bold.”

“General, this is a letter written by Chunyi. It must be true. Otherwise, it is impossible to know that my brother has 30,000 taels and was robbed by the old Xiao family.”

“You must decide for Chunyi and send someone to the Northern Border to pick him up from the mine.”

Xiao Yuanshi was very annoyed, but he said: “Okay, I will send someone to Northern Border today to check if it is true.”

But he didn’t say to pick him up.

Ge Chunru didn’t hear the hidden meaning in his words: “I knew you were the best.”

She couldn’t help but suggest: “General, didn’t the Emperor ask you to go back to the Northern Border? Why don’t we go there now.”

She was really worried without seeing her brother’s safety with her own eyes.

If he was taken to mining, she would quickly take him to her side for recuperation.

These words successfully made Xiao Yuanshi’s original guilt disappear completely, and his face darkened even more.

Sure enough, his mother was right. In the eyes of this woman, her brother was more important than her husband.

He said unhappily: “Nonsense, the emperor asked me to reflect on myself three months later before going to Northern Border. Going ahead now is disobeying the Emperor’s order.”

Ge Chunru was very confused now: “Well, then why don’t you go and apply to the Emperor to return to Northern Frontier in advance?”

Xiao Yuanshi was very angry and couldn’t help but push Ge Chunru away: “You are simply possessed.”

“The Emperor originally punished me because of my relationship with you.”

“But now, you want me to disobey the Emperor’s order and apply to return to Northern Border earlier for your brother. Do you think I don’t even need to be a general?”

He hasn’t even received his position in Northern Border yet. He was stupid to apply to go ahead of time.

If he is not allowed to lead troops or is given a low official position, who can he cry to? This woman is too outrageous.

Ge Chunru felt wronged: “How could I think so.”

“I’m just worried about my brother.”

She cried and got angry: “You said before that you would support me in whatever I do. It’s been so long, and you’ve changed.”

Her brother was harmed by their family, so what’s wrong with them going ahead?

She didn’t believe the Emperor would do something, after all, he still had to rely on her husband to guard the border.

Xiao Yuanshi listened to her complaining tone, and his heart turned cold again.

He had discovered that it was okay if it didn’t involve her sister and brother, but once those two had something wrong, Ge Chunru would make a fuss.

She didn’t understand his painstaking efforts at all, nor try to understand him.

He thought for a while and said: “Then I’ll have someone send you to the northern border first, and I’ll come to you when my transfer order comes down.”

Ge Chunru looked at him in disbelief, “Even if I go first, how could the people in the old Xiao family listen to me.”

How could Xiao Yuanshi treat her like this?

Her brother was about to be killed, how can he not care? Too much.

Xiao Yuanshi was also very angry when he saw her like this: “I said I can’t disobey the order, what can I do?”

He asked back with a gloomy face: “I said I’ll send someone to check, but you are worried. I asked you to go first, but you didn’t want to, so what do you want?”

Seeing that he was actually in such an attitude, Ge Chunru would have coaxed her and let her do what she wanted in the past.

“Xiao Yuanshi, you are so mean to me, how can you do this.”

She couldn’t help it, and reached out to push Xiao Yuanshi several times: “You are too much, you are mean to me, you said you would spoil me and love me? You are too much.”

Xiao Yuanshi was already annoyed, and Ge Chunru was so unreasonable, that he was even more annoyed.

“Come, send the madam back to the yard.”

After all, she was a woman he liked, he didn’t do anything to her, but he was also annoyed and didn’t want to see her again.

Ge Chunru was so angry that she lost her mind and refused to give in: “No, I won’t go back to the yard. You follow me to the Northern Border.”

This made Xiao Yuanshi even angrier. He pushed her away and walked away quickly.

Ge Chunru chased after him but was forced back to the yard by Xiao Yuanshi’s men.

So she cried again, which made Tao Liu, who received the news, laugh.

If Ge Chunru continued to cause trouble like this, Xiao Yuanshi’s love would probably not be able to withstand her.

I heard that Xiao Hanzheng had other plans, so Ge ​​Chunru couldn’t go to the Northern Frontier first.

So when Xiao Yuanshi came to see her at night, Tao Liu whispered in her ear.

On the surface, she was worried about Ge Chunru’s safety when she went to the Northern Frontier alone, but in fact, she was just trying to seduce him.

She also deliberately emphasized that if Ge Chunru went alone first, what if she ruined the reputation of the General’s Mansion?

Xiao Yuanshi was already feeling guilty about Ge Chunyi’s matter and was afraid that Ge Chunru would go there and accidentally discover his handiwork.

So he had Ge Chunru completely confined to her house, and except for normal social events, she was not allowed to leave the yard.

This made Ge Chunru even more angry, and she would often make a scene in the yard so that Xiao Yuanshi didn’t dare to go to her yard.

Because of this, and Xiao Yuanshi’s deliberate concealment, Ge Chunru still didn’t know that Tao Liu was pregnant.

The two people who were once so-called true love had resentment towards each other and gradually drifted apart.


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