Chapter 315: It’s very strange

In the blink of an eye, it was time for the joint examination.

Shi Qingluo and the rest of the family sent Xiao Hanzheng to the examination room.

After he finished the exam, they prepared hot ginger soup and asked him to drink it on the carriage.

After three consecutive exams, Xiao Hanzheng still came out of the examination room with grace.

It was in sharp contrast with the other scholars next to him, who looked pale or exhausted.

Shi Qingluo and Mrs. Kong stood not far away, waiting.

When Xiao Hanzheng saw them, a smile appeared in his cold eyes, and he walked towards them quickly.

Shi Qingluo smiled and handed him the hand warmer: “You should be the most energetic candidate after 3 exams.”

Although Xiao Hanzheng’s hands did not feel cold, he still took the hand warmer from his wife.

He joked again: “Of course, the husband you fell in love with at first sight must be different.”

Shi Qingluo glared at him: “I fell in love with my mother-in-law, my younger brother-in-law, and sister-in-law at first sight.”

Xiao Hanzheng didn’t know whether to laugh or cry: “Yes, then you fell in love with me at second sight.”

She knew that his wife first fell in love with his family, and then saw that he was good-looking, so she took the initiative to marry him.

While the two were talking, suddenly a weak voice came from behind.


Xiao Hanzheng turned his head and greeted with a faint smile: “Henglong.”

Shi Qingluo looked over and saw a fair and handsome young man walking over.

The other person looked a little weak, but his clothes were neat, and not embarrassed.

Zhuo Jun nodded to him, looked at Shi Qingluo, and asked with a smile: “This is my sister-in-law, right?”

Xiao Hanzheng nodded: “Yes, this is my wife, Shi Qingluo.”

He introduced Shi Qingluo: “This is Zhuo Jun, whose school name is Henglong. He is a candidate in the same class as me.”

When he was in the capital, he would occasionally be invited to meet friends or attend book clubs held by some scholars.

It happened that he met Zhuo Jun and another person, and they got along well, so they became friends.

Shi Qingluo smiled at Zhuo Jun: “Hello, Young Master Zhuo.”

Zhuo Jun replied to her: “Hello, sister-in-law!”

Then Xiao Hanzheng introduced Mrs. Kong and the other two, and Zhuo Jun greeted them one by one.

After a few casual words, Xiao Hanzheng said: “I’m going home first. Let’s get together again when we have time.”

Zhuo Jun looked at him with a gentle smile: “Okay, let’s get together with Zhijun and the others in a few days.”

Xiao Hanzheng nodded and then took Shi Qingluo to the carriage in front, and Mrs. Kong and the other two got on the carriage behind.

Zhuo Jun then retracted his gaze from Xiao Hanzheng and turned to get on his carriage.

After getting on the carriage, Shi Qingluo asked: “Is this Young Master Zhuo from the capital?”

Xiao Hanzheng replied: “He’s from Beicheng.”

Shi Qingluo knew that Beicheng was the capital city on the northern border.

She asked: “Do you have a good relationship with him?”

Xiao Hanzheng said: “We have met several times, and chat well.”

“What’s wrong?”

Shi Qingluo didn’t hide it: “Although he smiled at me and seemed very polite, I always felt that he was always looking at me with hidden hostility and dislike.”

She believed in her husband, so she never concealed her thoughts and judgments.

Because she often drank spiritual springs, her perception was very sharp.

So she felt very puzzled.

She met Zhuo Jun for the first time, why did he dislike and have hostility towards her?

It seemed that his eyes were full of light for her husband, and it didn’t seem like they were enemies.

Xiao Hanzheng was stunned. He didn’t feel this, but he believed in his wife.

He said: “I’ll have someone investigate him privately.”

Shi Qingluo nodded: “Well, it’s better to be careful.”

She added: “And I always feel that he seems to be a little different to you.”

Xiao Hanzheng asked: “What’s different?”

Shi Qingluo thought for a while and said: “I can’t say specifically, but I feel that when he looks at you, his eyes are very bright as if he sees his sweetheart.”

“Maybe I’m wrong.”

“By the way, he’s not a homosexual, is he?”

Because he was attracted to her husband, so he was hostile to her.

Xiao Hanzheng: “……”

“No way, he seems to be quite normal when he gets along with me.”

The main reason was that he just treats this person as an ordinary friend, and doesn’t observe him too closely.

After thinking about it, the other party didn’t make any inappropriate moves or say anything inexplicable to him.

It was just that the other person would often ask him out for a party, and he would only go once or twice out of ten times.

He added: “And I heard from her classmates from the north city who came to take the exam that he has been engaged at home.”

Shi Qingluo shrugged: “I don’t know, anyway, I believe in my sixth sense.”

“Go check carefully to see if he is gay.”

“If so, stay away from him.”

Xiao Hanzheng took her hand and said: “Whether he is gay or not, I will stay away from him in the future.”

He believed in the sixth sense of his wife. Since Zhuo Jun disliked and was hostile to his wife, such a person naturally could not get along.

Shi Qingluo took the initiative to lean against him: “Well, you can do it.”

She didn’t mean to interfere with her husband’s classmates, but she just couldn’t like Zhuo Jun, and she didn’t know why.

The next step was to wait for the results of the examination.

Because this was an imperial examination, there had to be a gap between it and the autumn examination.

So the court asked the examiners to work overtime to mark the examination papers.

The announcement of the results, which was supposed to take more than 20 days, was shortened to 15 days.

The restaurant near the announcement of the results was booked more than half a month ago.

Liang Youxiao also booked a private room in advance, mainly for Xiao Hanzheng.

Today was the big day for the announcement of the results, and those friends who have a good relationship with Shi Qingluo and Xiao Hanzheng came to wait for the results together.

If Xiao Hanzheng passes the exam, they will celebrate together.

Xiao Hanzheng and Shi Qingluo went to the private room booked by Liang Youxiao early in the morning.

Not only Liang Youxiao, Xi Rui, Xi Rong, and Fei Yuzhe were there, but also Qi Yiyang.

Because of Old Master Qi’s permission, he and Xi Rui and others occasionally eat and drink together recently.

It also surprised many young masters in the capital, after all, they used to dislike each other.

After sitting down, several people started chatting.

After a while, someone shouted: “The results are out, the results are out!”

Liang Youxiao and others had already asked their followers to go down and grab a seat to see the list.

Xi Rui smiled and asked: “Old Xiao, are you sure?”

Because they often heard Shi Qingluo call Xiao Hanzheng like this outside, they also followed and called him Old Xiao, which made them seem closer.

They were not literati, so they didn’t like to call him Jinyu.

Xiao Hanzheng smiled calmly and said: “It should be no problem to pass the exam, it just depends on the ranking.”

Xi Rui smiled and said: “Old Xiao, I bet on you to be in the top three.”

“I bet on you too.” Xi Rong said with a smile: “But I just followed Luoluo to bet.”

Once this was said, everyone else was surprised.

Xi Rui asked curiously: “Qingluo, how much did you bet on? Which place did you bet on your husband?”


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