Chapter 320: Sister Ge, you are here too

Soon, Xiao Hanzheng received the same news.

Shi Qingluo was even more determined to deal with Ge Chunru.

This woman only remembers to eat and not beatings, this time she will see how the other party plays.

Two days later, Qi Yiyang went to the Xiao Family Mansion to deliver the invitation.

“The flower viewing banquet will be in 3 days, remember to come.”

He said to Shi Qingluo again: “I have done what I promised you.”

Shi Qingluo chuckled: “I didn’t reveal that you are a flower thief.”

Qi Yiyang: “……”

He emphasized: “I am not a flower thief, don’t talk nonsense.”

Shi Qingluo shrugged: “It’s not me who said it, but you shouted it yourself.”

Qi Yiyang: “……”

You can’t get over it, right?

“I helped you accomplish this, so just forget about what happened before.”

Shi Qingluo stopped teasing him: “No problem.”

Qi Yiyang knew that Shi Qingluo was a person who kept her promises, so he was relieved.

“Well, I came here today to remind you of something.”

Shi Qingluo asked: “What is it?”

Qi Yiyang repeated what the fifth prince had told him: “So even if we didn’t do it that day, Ge Chunru would have done it to your sister-in-law.”

“Zheng Tongfeng has already agreed, and he urgently needs to marry a wife to cover up.”

Shi Qingluo was a little surprised that Qi Yiyang knew this and came to remind them.

Xiao Hanzheng asked: “Who told you this?”

With Qi Yiyang’s ability, it was impossible to find out this.

After all, when Ge Chunru and her sister spoke that day, they called all the maids out.

Qi Yiyang found that Xiao Hanzheng was indeed smart: “The fifth prince told me, and he asked me to tell you.”

“I don’t want your sister to be plotted against.”

Xiao Hanzheng smiled: “Thank the fifth prince.”

Seeing that Xiao Hanzheng and his wife didn’t seem surprised or angry about Ge Chunru’s plot: “You know it a long time ago?”

Xiao Hanzheng nodded: “We did know it, but thank you for your reminder.”

So he didn’t owe the second prince this favor.

Of course, the second and fifth princes showed goodwill like this. As long as they didn’t come to trouble him in the future, he wouldn’t take the initiative to trouble them again.

Qi Yiyang: “……”

Why was there such a big gap between people?

Xiao Hanzheng was younger than him, but he was more experienced than him, and his intelligence and means were even higher.

The main point was that he was born in the Duke’s Mansion, while Xiao Hanzheng was born from a peasant family.

At this moment, he was a little hit.

Shi Qingluo saw that Qi Yiyang looked like he was hit, and smiled and comforted him: “You don’t have to compare with my husband, after all, you are not on the same level. Compared with your peers, you are already perfect.”

Qi Yiyang: “……”

Was she showing off her husband, or comforting him, humph?

But he did feel a little better.

If he had not compared himself with a monster like Xiao Hanzheng, he would have been very good among his peers.

He was ranked 19th, and his father has been walking with the wind recently.

His cousins ​​were all envious of him.

Shi Qingluo said: “Then you go and prepare, we will take Baili to the banquet in 3 days.”

Originally, they did plan to take Xiao Baili with them, and it must be said that Ge Chuyi was right.

Qi Yiyang saw that they were prepared, so he stood up and said: “Okay, see you in 3 days.”


Three days later.

Xiao Hanzheng took Shi Qingluo and Xiao Baili to the banquet.

Most of the wives of the fourth rank and above also attended with their families.

Especially the wives of the fourth rank and above who have unengaged daughters were more active in this flower-viewing banquet.

The official wives, who have unengaged sons also want to come to the flower viewing banquet to observe if there are any girls suitable for their sons.

Zheng Tongfeng didn’t receive an invitation because he failed the provincial examination and naturally didn’t participate in this imperial examination.

Qi Yiyang invited all those who participated in the imperial examination and won a place.

This was also why Shi Qingluo asked Qi Yiyang not to invite Zheng Tongfeng deliberately after knowing the plan of Ge Chunru and the others, otherwise, it would seem a bit deliberate.

And the more this was the case, the more it seemed that there was something wrong with Zheng Tongfeng and Ge Chunru.

Otherwise, people were not invited, so why did you, a man, take the initiative to follow?

Zheng Tongfeng was not invited, but he came with Madam Zheng as a family member.

Madam Zheng didn’t know his plan. After all, she would not be happy to see her daughter-in-law marry into the family with a damaged reputation. That would be too embarrassing.

This was Ge Chunru who asked the maid to instigate Zheng Tongfeng.

The meaning was that if Xiao Baili married him after her reputation was ruined, she would naturally be inferior after entering the mansion.

She was not qualified to talk about her status as a legal wife, and his parents would not be happy about it.

He would take his lover back to the mansion, and Xiao Baili could only accept it, and wouldn’t dare to make trouble.

Wait until Xiao Baili dies of illness in the future, and make room for his concubine.

Men and women were separated at the flower-viewing banquet.

Although the separation of men and women in Daliang was not serious, there were many unmarried men and women, and it was not suitable to get together.

Ge Chunru attended the banquet as the general’s wife.

However, after she came in, the other ladies were rather distant with her, and some were even very cold.

They looked disdainful and doesn’t want to get along with Ge Chunru, who was priginally Xiao Yuanshi’s niece and outside lover.

Some ladies who were on bad terms with her whispered: “This Ge Chunru had the nerve to come out, how shameless.”

“She can get involved with her father’s sworn brother and use means to get the original wife be divorced. She has no shame to begin with, what else does she need.”

“She doesn’t have a daughter or anything, and I heard she can’t have children. Is it interesting to come to such a flower-viewing banquet?”

“Who knows her? If I had her reputation, I would be embarrassed to even go out, let alone attend the banquet.”

“Besides, she will go to the northern border with General Xiao in a while, so there is no need to come to the flower-viewing banquet to make friends.”

By then, they would be gone and be forgotten. Would socializing still be useful?

“She wants to make friends, but we are not happy about it.”

“I don’t know what she wants today.”

Many people were puzzled. How could Ge Chunru, who had lost her reputation, still have the nerve to attend the flower-viewing banquet.

Ge Chunru sat alone and naturally discovered that everyone was disdainful and cold to her. No one took the initiative to sit next to her.

Even more, she saw a few people whispering together, and she felt that the other party was talking about herself.

She was so angry that the handkerchief in her hand was about to be torn.

If she was not afraid that Zheng Tongfeng would retreat, she would come to keep an eye on it, and she also wanted to see Xiao Baili’s reputation being ruined with her own eyes.

She really didn’t want to come today.

At this time, Shi Qingluo and Xi Rong also walked in with Xiao Baili.

As the Marquis of Zhennan, Xi Rong was naturally invited.

Originally, she didn’t like to attend such flower-viewing banquets, but this time she came because she accompanied Shi Qingluo.

She even waited at the door and walked in with Shi Qingluo, wanting to support her friend.

In this way, no one would be blind and want to use their status to suppress her friend.

Even if she didn’t do this, the noble ladies present wouldn’t take the initiative to offend Shi Qingluo.

Although Shi Qingluo’s status was not high, and she had no background, everyone knew that she was on good terms with Xi Rong and others, and could reach the Emperor’s ears directly.

The lessons of the Third Prince’s Consort and General Xiao were in front of them, and no one was a fool.

When Shi Qingluo walked in, she saw Ge Chunru sitting alone in isolation.

She took the initiative to greet her with a smile: “Sister Ge, you are here too!”

When this name was called out, several ladies almost spit out tea, and many ladies put handkerchiefs to their mouths to cover their smiles.

This Shi Qingluo was too amazing, it seemed that they had a good show to watch today.


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