Hi guys,
Here’s the next chap. ^.^
What a cunning person, right? That 3rd Prince. >.<
Where is the 1st Prince’s maternal family? Don’t they know yet the tricks behind the power struggle?
Chinese Novels
Hi guys,
Here’s the next chap. ^.^
What a cunning person, right? That 3rd Prince. >.<
Where is the 1st Prince’s maternal family? Don’t they know yet the tricks behind the power struggle?
Hi guys,
Here’s the next chap ^.^
Nothing will change if no one fights the CE, right? >.<
Hi guys,
Here’s the next chap ^.^
I’m sorry guys for the late update. Things get so hectic in RL. >.<
Anyway, I feel sorry for the EP. >.<
No wonder he is so arrogant. It might be his way to protect his crushed ego.
Enjoy reading!!!
Hi guys,
Here’s the next chap ^.^
Go XTY!!! That arrogant Emperor.
They steal that throne, that power, that country, so just steal them back. *fufufu*
Hi guys,
Here’s the next chap ^.^
Poor underlings. >.<
Being sandwiched between power struggles. >.<
Hi guys,
Here’s the next chap ^.^
I’m sorry for the late updates. Stuff happened. Work, holidays, and personal problems. >.<
Anyway, here it is.
Enjoy reading guys. ^.^