Princess Medical Doctor – Chapter 17

Hi guys,

Here’s the regular chapter of PMD ^.^

Sorry for the lateness, but I tried to finish this chapter and the other two sponsored chapter altogether and took me a long time… So, sorry guys >.<

Oh and another thing, I don’t really understand what’s wrong with the site. So, if you can’t read. Please try to wait for an hour or give it another day to read again. ^.^ Thanks…

Sorry for all the trouble!

Chapter 17

Princess Medical Doctor – Chapter 15 (Part 2)

Hi guys,

Here’s the next part of chapter 15 ^.^

Note: I used the term “sub-goal” to make it more understandable. Usually, those term appears in some RPG games that has sub-quest. If you have a question about this chapter feel free to ask.

Chapter 15 Part 2

Princess Medical Doctor – Chapter 15 (Part 1)

Hi guys,

Here’s the next chapter of PMD ^.^

I want to apologize for the errors that always happened. But, I really don’t know what to do about it and I’m so scared to experiment. Maybe the site can’t handle a sudden traffic? Is there something like that? *fufufu* This site is only one month old though >.<

If anyone can give me advice, I’ll be very thankful.

Chapter 15 Part 1