Chapter 106: Incomprehensible Operation

In this way, the occupational census sparked discussions in Xuantian City, and everyone was guessing what the city lord trying to do.

The members of Lin Zuo’s team were also teasing: “Does the City Lord think that the pre-apocalyptic society can still be restored now?”

Now, what else can people do with their previous occupation, cook meals? Well, meals made by those who haven’t learned chef skills were at best better than those who don’t know how to cook.

“That is, Hong Ze in our team was a lawyer before. What can a lawyer do now? Go to a lawsuit in a dream?”

As soon as this remark came out, everyone else laughed. Now the whole society has been disrupted, and the classes have been rearranged. The current temporary stability depends on their self-restraint cognition of living in a peaceful society for a long time.

Lin Zuo thought it won’t be that simple. Although the City Lord has always been low-key in her work, it was not bragging. Many things she does were very beneficial to the people.

Whether it was purchasing food at the beginning to make the residents rich, or promoting ordinary residents to breed colorful spiders later, it was for the vast majority of people.

He relaxed physically and mentally and half leaned on the sofa, closed his eyes, and said: “Not necessarily, you just fill in the facts according to the facts. It’s not like people can do anything to you by knowing your previous occupation.”

After hearing what the captain said, the other teammates filled out the form in a few clicks. They didn’t believe that the city lord could still threaten the residents by knowing their previous occupations.

“If the City Lord doesn’t mention it, I won’t even know what occupation you used to have.”

Sitting next to Lin Zuo was a man with dyed silver hair. He looks like a handsome boy that many girls like. Under his sharp eyebrows was a pair of slender eyes, which was comparable to Lin Zuo’s appearance. He put his legs on the coffee table, playing around, then said: “I didn’t have any job, I just often play in bars.”

This sounds like a person with a story. He often goes to bars to hang out and doesn’t work.

“Hey, you can see a lot of beautiful women there every day, right?” An ordinary-looking boy in the team sat down next to him and winked at him.

The silver-haired man patted his face with one hand and pushed him away, and said impatiently: “Don’t get so close to me.”

The boy was not annoyed either and obediently sat beside him.

The silver-haired man raised his hand and scratched his hair. Other teammates could see that his arm was covered with strange but harmonious tattoos, covering the entire right arm.

“If the family has money, they can play as much as they want.” He replied casually.

“So Brother Dou used to be the rich second generation.” A teammate pointed out.

So what about the rich second generation? Weren’t they the same as them now? They have to go out to clear the fields every day.

Dou Rongfan squinted his eyes at the team member who answered and said casually: “I like the current environment better. I have power that I didn’t have before, and I can slaughter as much as I want. It’s more exciting and interesting than before.”

The team member was shocked by his words, looked into Dou Rongfan’s eyes, and immediately lowered his head: “Yes, yes. No matter what, Brother Dou, you and the captain can get along well.”

But the ordinary-looking team member didn’t seem to sense Dou Rongfan’s murderous intent, and asked: “Brother Dou, neither you nor the captain are from Yangshan City?”

Otherwise, if their family was rich, how could there be only three brothers, Dou Rongfan and Lin Zuo, and no other family members?

At this time, Lin Zuo closed his eyes and meditated, and said: “We just came here to play, we didn’t expect to encounter such a thing.”

He didn’t say where he was from, and the other team members didn’t dare to ask anymore. Anyway, he must be from a big city.

Seeing that the team members were very sensible and did not continue to ask, he continued: “If you’re done, what are you still doing here? Get out, I want to sleep for a while.”

In an instant, the team members nestled in his room left in an orderly manner. The captain was not a good-tempered person.

Only Dou Rongfan remained motionless. The two of them were best friends who have been friends for many years, so naturally, they cannot be compared with other team members.

Dou Rongfan asked: “What do you think the City Lord wants to do?”

Lin Zuo said: “Never mind her, anyway, this city lord will not do bad things.”

Dou Rongfan seemed to have heard something very interesting: “Let’s not beat around the bush. Lin Zuo, I think you are very strange. You spent 5,000 contribution points to become an official resident here, don’t you plan to return to the capital?”

He and Lin Zuo came here from the capital. Since the world has changed, they failed to contact their family members. Even if they know someone’s name and try to send an email, it still shows that the sending has failed.

“Do you dare to go back? Even with a bicycle, the distance is too far, and I think Xuantian City is very interesting. There is nothing wrong with living here for a long time.”

It was not that the capital can’t be seen on the map, but the distance was too far. They have been to Jinjiang District so far.

They were looking for relatives at that time, so they went to the nearest area. This was the longest distance they have run so far because they often encountered wild monsters on the road.

Dou Rongfan seemed to have lost all interest, and lay on the sofa casually: “That’s right, it’s not interesting even if you go back.”


Lu Jiu’s eyes hurt after reading the emails for a few days, so she simply forwarded all the reply emails to Shen Jufeng with one click, let him sort them out, and do other things by himself.

Last time, when she asked Old Man Zeng to make ham, he happened to tell her that she could pick it up today.

After knocking on the door, Old Man Zeng opened the door quickly. The tables in the living room were piled up with the food they ordered, including ham and stuffed sausages. She has good eyesight now and saw that there were still some marinated goods.

“Fortunately, it’s easy to make these now. In the past, a good ham had to be hung for at least a year or two. Now, it’s enough to hang it at home for a few weeks. I tasted the one I made myself, and the taste is just right. It can be stored for a long time.”

While Old Man Zeng was talking, Tang Yi came out from the kitchen with a plate, which contained thinly sliced ham.

“Sister Jiu, try it quickly.” He held the plate up to Lu Jiu.

Lu Jiu picked a piece of ham with her thumb and forefinger. The slice was very thin and transparent, this kind of ham can be eaten directly, so she put it in her mouth. The mellow aroma of ham permeated the whole mouth.

This kind of ham was suitable for tasting in small quantities. When cooking, add a little to enhance the freshness and taste, and it would be even more delicious when used in stew.

Seeing that Lu Jiu was very satisfied, Tang Yi put the plate on the table next to her: “Yesterday Grandpa cut a piece to make fried rice, and I ate two big bowls.”

The fried rice with diced ham was delicious. Lu Jiu has eaten it before and knows the taste: “It’s also because the ham made by your grandpa is authentic.”

The ingredients were better than the earth’s goods, with their delicious bonuses, coupled with Old Man Zeng’s craftsmanship, it was simply delicious.

Old Man Zeng patted his grandson’s head: “The meat itself is better than others. If Miss Liu didn’t sell some to us, we wouldn’t be able to eat such good food.”

Lu Jiu just smiled gently, and put away all the food on the tables in the living room. Apart from these, there was a lot piled up in the kitchen, after all, it was for the three of them to eat during the winter.

After collecting the Colin Sheep she thought of hunting, she said: “By the way, we just happened to hunt a lot of sheep this time, so we can sell some of them to you.”

As she spoke, she took out a few pieces of mutton. Old Man Zeng has rich experience in handling ingredients and knows that this was fresh and good meat: “Okay, I’ll just buy a hundred catties. I’m afraid I won’t be able to eat too much.”


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