Chapter 165: Change

After more than half an hour, Ke Qun arrived at Xuantian City. Seeing the city walls covered with protective weapons, he couldn’t help but sigh that the city lord here was rich.

He heard from other people that all the NPCs here were of the highest level, and they seemed to be big gold collectors.

The protective shield was open, and he was not the city lord here, so he lowered the flying height of his mount, stopped at city gaiety, put away his mount, and walked in.

Lu Jiu was already waiting at the door. At this moment, she had changed her image. Now she was Ying Bairong, the lord of Xuantian City.

Ke Qun was stunned for a moment when he saw someone coming over. The other person looked at the child. Lin Jiang’s forehead was still very hot but much better.

“My name is Ying Bairong, the lord of Xuantian City. I saw this child’s condition on the dialogue channel, so I’m waiting for you here.”

Ke Qun immediately stretched out his hand, and the other party took it naturally.

“I just happened to see him and brought the child over. Considering his serious condition, I continued to come here after getting the medicine to avoid any emergencies.”

Lu Jiu nodded: “Follow me, I’ll ask the pharmacy manager to take a look at it.”

The pharmacy manager can check what negative status the player was infected with and whether the condition has improved.

Ke Qun’s eyes lit up when he saw the store manager NPC. This NPC girl was so beautiful.

But the most important thing now was the child’s condition. He calmed down his thoughts and put the child on the sofa in the store.

The store manager NPC glanced at Lin Jiang and said, “It turned out to be pneumonia. Fortunately, he took the medicine in time. Now his condition is improving, but it’s not that fast. He needs to take some warming medicine in the past few days.”

Several small bottles appeared in the hands of the drugstore. They were filled with elixirs the size of the cap of a pinky finger. They were specially made tonics that could be used to speed up recovery.

She handed the medicine to Ke Qun, and Ke Qun took it, feeling a little excited inside.

Lu Jiu breathed a sigh of relief: “It’s good as long as everything is alright. But if you are still worried, the child can recuperate here for a few days, and then go back after he recovers.”

Ke Qun was not a relative of Lin Jiang, and ordinary residents who spend the night in other city-states automatically become temporary residents here, so he just smiled and said: “We will decide when his parents come.”

Lu Jiu nodded, but she was quite surprised by Ke Qun’s behavior this time: “I didn’t expect you to be different from the rumors. I thought you were only interested in beautiful women.”

Such a strong sense of responsibility brought her children to seek medicine, which refreshed her understanding of Ke Qun.

Ke Qun understood that she was also a pioneer player in the game, he was well-known, and anyone who had read the game gossip knew about him.

“I am also the city owner of Paradise City. If the residents in the city are in danger, I should help.”

Lu Jiu smiled. It seemed that his sense of responsibility as a city lord had been aroused. If he had been so responsible for the girls he flirted with, she wouldn’t have been so disgusted and ignored him.

Ke Qun took a good look at the city lord in front of him. He had a beautiful appearance and a moderate figure. She was also the well-known city lord of Xuantian City in Jinjiang District, and she was worth making friends with.

“Can I add you as a friend? The store manager of my city-state pharmacy has an intermediate talent. I’m planning to open another store and hire a store manager with high-level talent. However, I’m worried that something like this child’s condition will get worse. I want to buy more medicine from you. ”

Lu Jiu has no problem with things like trading: “Okay, I just hope you don’t raise the price too high when you go back to resell, lest all the residents in your city come to me.”

Ke Qun showed his signature charming smile: “That’s fine. I am not the city lord, settling in Xuantian City is indeed a good choice.”

He has always envied Feng Qi’s chicness. If it came to that, he would be willing to live such a relaxed and comfortable life.

The two of them became friends. They paid attention to Lin Jiang and found that his complexion was getting better and better, and his body temperature began to drop, and he didn’t look so uncomfortable.

Ke Qun didn’t give up chatting with Lu Jiu: “You have hidden your information before, so the lords of several city-states near us have no chance to get to know you.”

Lu Jiu knew that he had relapsed into his old habit of flirting with girls, but her expression did not change, and she replied: “It’s nothing, I just want to keep a low profile.”

Ke Qun quietly moved closer to Lu Jiu, still speaking in the same gentle tone: “Then City Lord Ying has been managing the city by himself. Isn’t it very tiring?”

Before the other party could reply, he felt a shadow above his head. When he looked up, he saw a tall, strong man with a cold temperament staring at him.

Lu Jiu stood up and introduced him: “This is the deputy city lord of our city-state, Su Lei.” It was Shen Jufeng.

He went out of the city to clear the fields today, so she didn’t expect this person to appear here and transform into the image of deputy city lord.

Ke Qun stood up and stretched out his hand to him: “My name is Ke Qun, the Lord of Paradise City. I have something urgent to come to Xuantian City today.”

Shen Jufeng nodded, and the two shook hands and sat down. This time he sat between Ke Qun and Lu Jiu.

He knew this man. Lu Jiu had complained to him about this man’s playfulness before in the Baiguo Grove.

Ke Qun twitched his mouth when he saw the order of seats. Could this man be the boyfriend of the city lord? Although the look he looked at him just now was not hostile, he looked at the city lord very strictly.

On the other side, Lin Jiang’s parents finally arrived at Xuantian City. Ke Qun had already sent an email to tell them that they were in the pharmacy.

When Mother Lin came to the pharmacy shop, Lin Jiang was sleeping on the big sofa in the store. Now his face was rosy and he looked like he was asleep.

She hugged her eldest son gently and thanked Ke Qun, Lu Jiu, and the others: “Thank you, thank you for saving my son.”

Ke Qun stood up and handed Mother Lin the elixir that the store manager had given him: “This is the elixir that the store manager recommended for the child to take. She said that he would not be able to fully recover so quickly, so he needs to take a good rest these days.”

Mother Lin took the medicine and said: “Thank you, how much is it, I’ll transfer it to you.”

Ke Qun never thought of not charging, but seeing that the child was so ill, Lin Jiang’s parents were both ordinary residents, so they reduced the price by half.

After giving him the money, Father Lin also came.

Lu Jiu didn’t mention letting them stay here to recuperate for a few days. She saw that they were ordinary residents, so they probably wouldn’t be the official residents of Paradise City.

“The child’s condition has improved. You can buy a few more pills here and let him have a good rest when he goes back. Please be careful to keep the time out of the city as short as possible. Children’s bodies are not as good as adults.”

Mother Lin nodded and wiped her tears after hearing this: “Thank you, we will pay attention to it in the future.”

Lu Jiu didn’t say much, just asked the couple to stay with their children, and then walked out of the pharmacy shop, with Shen Jufeng following behind her.

After coming out, Lu Jiu couldn’t hold it back and asked Shen Jufeng curiously: “How did you know I would be in the pharmacy shop.” Then she looked at his appearance, and it was obvious why he had changed to this state in advance.

“You didn’t leave the city today. I saw the information on the dialogue channel and guessed that you would take action.”

And it must be done in the image of the city lord, so as not to appear so abrupt.

Lu Jiu just pursed her lips and raised an eyebrow. Her good teammate was getting to know her better and better.

Ke Qun chatted with Lin Jiang’s parents for a few words. When he looked up, he saw that the two were no longer there.


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