Chapter 166: Miss her

The couple, resting in the pharmacy shop, finally saw their son awake in the afternoon.

Mother Lin hugged her son who woke up and almost cried again: “My child, you scared me this time. If you feel uncomfortable in the future, you must tell me.”

Lin Jiang was very embarrassed. He originally didn’t want to worry his parents, but he didn’t expect that he would end up worrying them more.

Today he was groggy with a fever, but he still has some sense of the outside world. When the city lord took him to Xuantian City, he could feel the cold wind blowing on his hot cheeks.

“I thought I would be fine at the time. I took the medicine too late. I won’t do it again.”

He should have taken medicine when he first felt uncomfortable. Unfortunately, he felt sorry for the cost of buying medicine, so he thought of enduring it.

It was a pity that the game world was not the same as before. If people are sick, they must be treated right away.

Father Lin didn’t blame his son. He understood his son’s thoughts: “We will go home later. Whatever you want to eat, Dad will cook it for you.” He got a chef card at the beginning of the apocalypse and learned to cook from his wife.

This time the potion did rely on the help of Xuantian City, but when it was discovered that Lin Jiang was seriously ill, it was their city lord who helped, otherwise it was hard to say whether he would be able to take the potion.

So they decided not to stay here overnight and did not think of settling here.

Ke Qun was a little surprised by the couple’s decision. He thought that after this incident, they would decide to stay and settle in Xuantian City even if they did not consider themselves, but their children.

Mother Lin helped her son up and said to Ke Qun: “In addition to the help from the city lord of Xuantian City this time, our City Lord Ke is also our savior. Thank you very much.”

Lin Jiang looked at Ke Qun with a smile on his face and his bright eyes: “Thank you, City Lord Ke.”

Ke Qun felt very happy, even happier than before, when he flirted with the coldest girl. “It’s okay. You should pay attention to your health in the future.”

But he wasn’t able to goodbye to the City Lord of Xuantian City, so he felt a little regretful.

Ke Qun bought a batch of medicines at the pharmacy shop. The store manager followed the instructions of the city lord and sold the stock to him.

This time Lin Jiang had a close call and was able to save his life, but it also made many people understand that after people were contaminated by a negative state, it wouldn’t be easier to cure than getting sick before.

A serious case of typhoid fever can kill a person.

Medicines for treating negative conditions began to become the main medicines produced by pharmacies in various city-states.

Lu Jiu returned to the city lord’s mansion and changed back to her own identity. She checked the email and found that Ke Qun had sent her several silver coins to pay for medicine.

She collected the money and slumped down on the sofa: “I didn’t expect that the typhoid fever would turn into pneumonia and the illness would be so serious.”

When she first saw the child, she could feel the heat radiating from Lin Jiang’s body even from a close distance. He was burning quite a lot. In the previous world, he would have burned himself to death.

“The system has long said that if you are infected with a negative state, you must treat it in time. It’s impossible to recover on your own.”

However, this has also sounded the alarm to many people. They must pay attention to their personal information and be aware of any negative status at any time.

“It seems like we need to make more medicines like this, and let the store manager try all the medicines he can make. Maybe people will need them suddenly.”

This medicine to treat typhoid fever was suddenly made by the store manager one day. At that time, she thought that people might catch colds in winter, so she asked the store manager to make more.

“Do not restrict the NPC’s free play, they know much more inside information than we do.”

He knew that Lu Jiu had little control over NPCs. They could do whatever they wanted to do according to their respective duties, and Lu Jiu never restricted them.


Over there, Ke Qun took Lin Jiang back to the city-state. He placed all the medicines bought in Xuantian City on the shelves of his pharmacy shop and asked residents with children to give priority to buying medicines to treat pneumonia.

The rest of the medicines can be purchased freely.

Lin Jiang returned home and opened the door. His two younger brothers and sisters rushed over like cannonballs, but their movements were very gentle when they hugged Lin Jiang’s thigh.

They knew that their brother was sick.

Little Brother Lin asked: “Brother, are you still feeling uncomfortable? I went out and bought you delicious buns, which are your favorite mutton fillings.”

Little Sister Lin next to them also said: “I also bought chicken legs. I saw that you didn’t even eat a few bites of meat yesterday, so it was all for me and my second brother.”

Lin Jiang felt unwell last night, and the big chicken drumstick almost went into the stomachs of his younger siblings.

But the two little guys remember it.

“Brother is feeling much better. I will eat all the things you bought. Thank you.”

The two little kids started to laugh. They were happy if they could do something to make their brother better.

After returning to his room, Mother Lin asked him to take the medicine. After taking it, he felt very sleepy.

A serious illness made his body want to recuperate. Mother Lin covered him with a quilt and came out.

Father Lin Jiang has already gone out. He wants to buy some fresh vegetables and meat and prepare a meal for his eldest son.


When Ke Qun returned to the city-state, he was in such a good mood that he whistled. Many residents in the city saw what he did today. Although the potions sold in Paradise City were not as effective as in Xuantian City, the city lord was at least trying to maintain stability in the city.

Feng Qi also heard about Ke Qun’s deeds today and felt that this man had changed.

So when he saw Ke Qun, she walked over and said hello: “City Lord Ke, your behavior today is very manly.”

Ke Qun scratched his hair and smiled uninhibitedly: “I’ve always been manly, okay? Such a young child needs help, how could I, as the city lord, just sit back and ignore it.”

Moreover, the medicine in his city-state was not as good as Xuantian City’s, otherwise the child’s condition would not have been uncontrollable.

“But to be honest, it’s better to choose high-end NPCs in shops. I used to only care about the grade of equipment and ignored the importance of potions. Thank you for sponsoring me to open a pharmacy branch.”

Feng Qi covered her face and chuckled: “I am also a member of Paradise City. The most important thing is that I like you.”

She has always spoken unabashedly. In the past, she didn’t bother to use the green tea trick in her daily life. She could do whatever she wanted. Anyway, her face would make it easier for her to get what she wanted.

It was just that Ke Qun didn’t like her, he just saw her as a companion.

But he’s not a bad person, otherwise she wouldn’t have chosen to come here.

Ke Qun only cares about his newly opened branch. From now on, the old store will make some ordinary potions and mainly put resources in the new store. The utilization rate of materials by high-level NPCs was terrible.

He found this out in Xuantian City Pharmacy. The store manager NPC did not hide anything about her utilization rate. Thinking that the beautiful NPC raw material could reach 99.9%, he felt hot in his heart.

With such a high utilization rate and the tempering fruit, even if his price was the same as that of Xuantian City, he could still make a lot of money.

Caring about the residents of the city was one thing, making money was another. Ke Qun feels that there was no conflict between the two.

He looked at Feng Qi and said: “I will use the new store’s earnings to pay you back.”

He, Ke Qun, accepted gifts from beautiful women calmly, but that doesn’t mean he doesn’t know how to repay them.


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