Chapter 171: Teenager

The pure white scale skin has a very good appearance, and the soft armor produced will not be inferior in appearance either.

Shen Jufeng mentioned a few other items. Others don’t matter. What’s important was the item rewards dropped by wild monsters.

The snake bones were too big to take out easily. If others see them when they pass by on the ground, they might get into trouble.

He used emails to divide things equally. Lu Jiu didn’t ask for the car model props. She had four forms of mounts, and it was useless to hold them in her hands. In the end, Shen Jufeng and Zhuang Yun shared them equally.

“It’s a good start today. I feel like I’ll encounter some pretty powerful wild monsters in the future.” Lu Jiu said and touched his new bow.

But it was a pity that the battle with the two snow pythons was so sudden that she even forgot to secretly take the Body Tempering Pill.

Zhuang Yun took a breath and said: “No, let’s take a rest first. After dealing with the bronze-level wild monsters, I feel so exhausted.”

In the past, he only had this feeling when dealing with two or three batches of brown-iron mutated wild monsters, which shows how difficult it was to deal with bronze-level wild monsters.

Seeing that his two teammates were still in good spirits, Zhuang Yun could only envy him. Could it be that he was getting old?

Lu Jiu was a little weak. Her good spirits were due to the effect of the Body Tempering Pill. However, she was a professional resident of the city and could not tell Zhuang Yun about this yet.

“Let’s take a rest. We came out late, and there was a snowstorm just now, so there aren’t many wild monsters.”

From the time they left the city to the time they encountered the snow python, they wandered around for nearly two hours. It was already noon.

Lu Jiu’s stomach still growled after he finished speaking. After the fight, his stomach was empty: “Let’s just have lunch.”

The three of them found a comfortable location and pitched a tent.

When they came out, they would eat Zhuang Yun’s freshly cooked food. It was too cold today, so Zhuang Yun decided to make spicy stewed lamb chops.


In the silent jungle, a figure staggered forward.

Holding the trunk of the giant tree with his gloved hands, the young man’s face turned pale, his lips were slightly purple, and when he exhaled, the mist in front of his eyes was almost invisible.

He tightened his collar, trying to retain some of the lingering heat on his body.

He couldn’t remember how long he had been walking aimlessly like this. If he couldn’t find the destination he wanted to reach again, he might die.

After walking for a while, he seemed to smell something spicy in the air, which was the smell of food.

Is there anyone around here?

The young man didn’t know if he was hallucinating. He was hungry and scared, but there was no other way out.

He followed the smell and headed in one direction.

Lu Jiu was still setting the bowls so that they could eat later. Today, Zhuang Yun cooked just one dish, but the full pot was enough for the three of them.

Amid the clatter of bowls and chopsticks, Shen Jufeng suddenly stopped.

Lu Jiu immediately noticed his movements and asked: “What’s wrong?”

Shen Jufeng put his index finger on his lips, signaling silence.

When Lu Jiu and Zhuang Yun saw it, they immediately stopped and held their breath, hoping to hear any movement.

But Zhuang Yun didn’t hear anything, while Lu Jiu and Shen Jufeng seemed to hear something and looked in one direction.

He looked confused. Did he defeat a bronze-level wild monster and his five senses deteriorated?

“It seems like someone is walking this way.” Lu Jiu said.

Zhuang Yun, who was not very far away from them but whose five senses had not been tempered, could not hear them.

Shen Jufeng stood up and said: “Let’s go out and take a look.”

Zhuang Yun brought the cooked food to the table, covered the pot, and followed the two of them out.

After walking about a hundred meters, Lu Jiu saw a figure walking awkwardly, like a drunkard.

Lu Jiu: “Did he drink too much?”

Their city-state restaurants sell alcohol, but few people were so extravagant as to get drunk.

Shen Jufeng didn’t stop, and the others continued to move forward. When they got closer, Lu Jiu realized that the person seemed to be injured somewhere. Only when they got very close did the other party realize that someone was approaching him.

When the man looked up, Zhuang Yun saw that it was a young man. He looked about seventeen or eighteen years old. He was very young and had an unfamiliar face.

There was no trace of blood on the boy’s face at this time. When he saw them, his dry and chapped lips, which lacked moisture, opened and closed, but made no sound.

This was a person in very bad physical condition, and Shen Jufeng was at the forefront.

The young man closed his eyes, fainted, and fell directly onto the snow.

The three of them hurried over to check. Zhuang Yun asked the young man to lean on his lap and touch his face. His hands were cold.

“He seems to be sick. Do you want to take her back?”

Shen Jufeng thought for a moment and looked at Lu Jiu, who looked thoughtful.

But Lu Jiu still nodded: “Take it back.”

They lifted the boy and put him on Zhuang Yun’s back to carry him back to the tent.

The three of them looked at the unconscious boy and had no choice but to give him a pill to treat pneumonia.

Zhuang Yun placed the heating stove next to the boy: “Why is this child alone in the wild? I feel like I need to take him back to the city to show the pharmacy shop manager.”

Lu Jiu was sitting next to the boy. She held her chin and looked at the young man’s face. Seeing her like this, Shen Jufeng asked: “Do you know him?”

Lu Jiu nodded, “He probably doesn’t know me, but I have seen him. Forget it, let’s take him back. We don’t know how long he has been in the wild and whether he has any other negative conditions.”

As she said that, she stood up and started packing her things. Shen Jufeng didn’t say much and just started packing.

Zhuang Yun stuffed his mini heater into the boy’s clothes.

After gathering the things in the tent, Lu Jiu took out her swing and helped the boy up. It seemed as if he was being fixed invisibly when he sat on it, without Lu Jiu needing to hold him up.

Lu Jiu said: “You don’t need a mount, just use your wings to keep up.”

The two teammates nodded.

The three of them returned to the city gate. Lu Jiu helped the young man down, and Zhuang Yun then carried him to the pharmacy.

In the pharmacy, the boy was placed on the sofa, and the store manager consciously came over to check.

“The negative state of pneumonia is recovering. He still has frostbite and needs external medication for treatment. His HP levels are also very low, already below 30%.”

They could tell that this young man was sick, but his HP levels were below 30%. No matter how poor he was, how could he have no medicine to replenish HP?

“Where is his frostbite?” Lu Jiu asked.

“Hands and knees.” He said and took out a transparent medicine bottle with milky white ointment inside. “Apply this externally to his frostbitten area, and it will heal tomorrow.”

The manager also gave him a bottle of tonic.

Applying the medicine was still troublesome. Winter clothes were too thick, and it was difficult to roll up the trousers directly from the ankles. He had to take them off before applying the medicine.

The pharmacy has a resting room where NPCs stay, and the store manager asks Zhuang Yun to take people there to apply for medicine.

Shen Jufeng asked Lu Jiu about the boy: “Where have you seen him?”

Lu Jiu thought about it for a moment: “Before I met you, I had a very deep impression of him. He was very excited when he got the skill card and was directly told the content of the skill. He was also targeted by others, but he ran away quickly.”

She still remembered that it was a skill called transformation, which could absorb 50% of the damage and convert it into his own HP, which was similar to her bloodthirsty skill.

Shen Jufeng understood clearly: “Then he might be a professional player. How could he be reduced to staying alone in the wild?”

Lu Jiu was also puzzled: “Maybe he didn’t get a professional card.”


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