Chapter 172: Resistance

Zhuang Yun quickly carried the young man out of the lounge and placed him on the sofa outside. The young man’s face looked much better now.

“I just applied medicine to him and also gave him potions and tonics to replenish his HP. What should I do now?”

This young man was still in a coma, and he didn’t know if he could go to the dormitory to register him.

Shen Jufeng was very interested in the skills that the boy had acquired and was also curious about where he came from: “Let’s see when he wakes up first. If he doesn’t wake up, let him live at my place.”

Lu Jiu was a girl, so it was inconvenient to take him with her. Zhuang Yun also had to take his daughter with him. He was afraid that the child would be scared if he brought strangers back.

The best thing to do was to go to him.

But it depends on when the young man wakes up.


The pharmacy shop will not close just to treat one person. After a while, a person familiar with Lu Jiu and the others came into the store. It was Dou Fanrong from Lin Zuo’s team.

When the other party saw the three of them here, and someone was lying on the sofa, even if he was not familiar with them, he couldn’t help but take a look.

Unexpectedly, there was a pretty handsome young man lying there. Dou Fanrong approached the young man with interest and lay on the edge of the sofa close to his sleeping face.

Lu Jiu, who was sitting next to the young man, blocked her shoulder and stopped him from getting closer: “This man is sick. If you want to buy medicine, go and buy it. Don’t disturb the patient.”

Dou Fanrong chuckled, his eyes lingering on the young man’s face, and he raised his eyebrows and asked Lu Jiu: “Your brother?”

It doesn’t seem like it.

Lu Jiu replied expressionlessly: “It has nothing to do with you.”

What the hell is this guy doing? Does he know this boy?

Dou Fanrong then stood up and said: “It’s not a younger brother, but you stay so close…”

Lu Jiu gritted her teeth and endured it.

On the side, Shen Jufeng glanced at Dou Fanrong with his eyes sharp. Dou Fanrong left carelessly as if he suddenly remembered what he was here for.

This episode passed quickly, but Dou Fanrong still looked back at the young man before going out.


The young man seemed to be in a bad condition before, and he didn’t wake up until near dusk.

He slowly opened his eyes, feeling that his whole body was not as cold as before, and he also saw a bright light with gentle light.

Who knows what he thought of, but he stood up suddenly and saw that he was in a strange place, with two men and a woman staring at him.

Then the girl said: “You finally woke up. You’ve been unconscious for several hours.”

If he doesn’t wake up, they will bring him to Shen Jufeng’s house.

As a result, when the young man heard her words, he shrank directly to the corner of the sofa. Lu Jiu looked at his movements and didn’t know what he had experienced, so he was so frightened.

Lu Jiu immediately raised her hands: “Calm down, we saved you.”

The young man tried to recall what happened before. It seemed that before he fell into a coma, he saw three people approaching him. He wanted to ask for help but found that he was too sick to make any sound.

He stumbled and said: “Thank… thank you.”

Seeing that the young man was awake, Zhuang Yun asked him out of curiosity: “Why are you staying alone in the wild when the storm stops? Are you from a nearby city-state?”

They also killed bronze-level wild monsters in the wild in the morning, and wild monsters would not appear alone. It was too dangerous for the young man to be alone in the woods before.

And it was so miserable.

But the young man just lowered his head and said nothing.

They guess he was stimulated by something before.

Lu Jiu no longer struggled with this: “This is Xuantian City. How do you feel now? If you can walk, you can go to the dormitory to register. Otherwise, you will have no place to stay at night.”

Only then did the young man react. His bloodless lips trembled a few times, and then he said in a muffled voice: “Thank you, I will register. How much money you spent to save me, I will pay you back first.”

Lu Jiu told the price truthfully. This young man would probably have to live here temporarily so he would always know the price of medicines in the pharmacy.

The young man was really rich. He handed the money over carefully. Lu Jiu was careful not to touch him, lest he get scared again.

“I…my name is Yong Lin. You saved me, and I will repay you in the future.”

Shen Jufeng looked at Yong Lin in his spare time and said calmly: “Just take care of yourself, we are just here to help.”

Seeing that this young man’s mental state was not very good, he didn’t want to ask him where he came from and why he was alone.

Yong Lin nodded silently after hearing his words.

Lu Jiu and the other three people also stood up to leave. Zhuang Yun handed him the medicine: “This ointment is for external application. You need to apply this on the frostbitten area. This small medicine bottle contains tonics. You can take 1 pill a day.”

Yong Lin took the medicine and thanked him again.


After Lu Jiu left the store, she sighed secretly. She originally thought they had a good start today, but she didn’t expect that they only had a good start and nothing else.

“I didn’t expect that someone like me, who looks so gentle, could scare this young man when I talked to him.”

At that time, Lu Jiu almost thought how vicious she looked.

Shen Jufeng frowned lightly: “Maybe he was stimulated and temporarily afraid of strangers.”

He can adjust over time. However, it was unknown whether the direction of adjustment would be good or bad.

Lu Jiu shook her head: “Just do a good deed. It’s just a pity that I didn’t eat the spicy lamb chops for lunch.”

When they waited for the boy to wake up, they simply ate a few rice balls and then took out their share of snake gallbladder to the store manager.

Seeing the snake gallbladder from a bronze-level wild monster, the store manager smiled happily at Lu Jiu.

Zhuang Yun said: “It’s okay. I gained a lot today. I’m going to go to the blacksmith shop. What about you?”

He had nothing else to do, so Lu Jiu wanted to go: “Let’s go, just in time to see what good equipment can be made. I feel like I need a silver-grade weapon now.”

Shen Jufeng put his hands in his coat pockets: “I thought your bow today was so precious, but you want to look for a new love so soon.”

Lu Jiu: “That’s different. Even if I have a new weapon, I won’t throw them away.”

Those were all her “partners” who accompanied her in battles.

While the three of them chatted in a relaxed tone, the young man walked out behind them. Yong Lin looked at the backs of the three of them, with envy in his eyes, but it quickly disappeared.

The blacksmith shop manager was in a good mood when he saw the materials they brought as rewards for killing bronze-level wild monsters.

The huge snake bone was placed indoors. Now that he saw it in front of my eyes, he realized how beautiful it was. The light shines on the milky white skeleton, reflecting warm light.

“Good stuff, this snakeskin can be made into soft armor. Although the teeth are a bit short, it can be made into a dagger.”

Zhuang Yun looked at the thick backbone of the snake bone: “I’d better customize a sword, a piece of soft armor, and a dagger, and sell the rest of the materials here.”

The store manager nodded and took out a few cards to show him. They were all designs of weapons.

Shen Jufeng had a custom-made long sword. Like Zhuang Yun, Lu Jiu had a bow. Although she didn’t have much use for the dagger, there was no harm in collecting one.

Shen Jufeng and Zhuang Yun both made money from selling materials, but Lu Jiu contributed materials for free, thinking about getting a new bow made her feel better.


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