Chapter 175: If you want to hide, you hide

Shen Jufeng recalled that many professional players in the city had asked him whether he would accept members: “Actually, many people asked me if they could join our team, but I refused.”

Lu Jiu frowned: “Why haven’t I received such an email before?”

Zhuang Yun coughed lightly and touched his nose: “Maybe they think Mr. Shen is the captain.”

Who would have thought that the captain was Lu Jiu? Although Shen Jufeng directs the battle, Lu Jiu’s strength is not bad at all. During the battle, Lu Jiu often inflicts nearly half of the damage.

Even most of the time when encountering a BOSS that can summon mobs, Lu Jiu would deal with the BOSS first, and they would deal with the mobs.

Hearing Zhuang Yun’s guess, Lu Jiu hummed a tune at the tip of her nose: “Maybe they think I can stay in the team because of the unspoken rules. Yep, even if there are unspoken rules, it’s me who will impose the unspoken rule on others.”

Zhuang Yun resisted the urge to laugh and turned away. Shen Jufeng glanced at Lu Jiu and did not express any opinion on this.

When he thinks about it, it looks like Lu Jiu is cheating on him, but she doesn’t have that idea.

Zhuang Yun said: “You are right. Those people who are not familiar with us like to make blind guesses. That’s how people like it.”

Then, looking at Lu Jiu’s expression, he found that the other person didn’t take this matter to heart at all. She was frowning, and her thoughts were wandering to nowhere.

It was Shen Jufeng who reminded her: “Concentrate and don’t be in a daze. The mount determines the flight direction and speed based on your thoughts.”

Lu Jiu sat upright and concentrated.

In Xuantian City, Yong Lin, who has been living here for several days, has recovered from his injuries. He has not seen the three people who rescued him come to him recently.

Life here was very peaceful, ordinary residents could also make money on their own, and professional residents went out to clear the wilderness without interfering with each other.

This was a scene he could not see in his original city-state.

Now that his injury has been healed, he should prepare for his future development here.


A city-state in Changyuan City.

In the city lord’s mansion, which could not be seen by the residents of the city, a short, stooped man reported to the masked man sitting in the upper seat: “City lord, although that kid escaped, there was such a heavy snowstorm outside in the past 2 days. A person would not survive in the wild.”

The masked man tapped the seat back and forth with his index finger and middle finger, and smiled strangely, saying: “He is not dead, and he even went to Yangshan City.”

The thin man was so nervous that he didn’t dare to make a sound, and there was a faint sweat on his forehead.

After a long while, the masked person spoke again: “Okay, you go down and make a good plan. I will implement it after the spring starts. I will catch that kid then.”

The thin man breathed a sigh of relief and nodded quickly: “Yes, I’ll go right away.”

By the time he left the city lord’s mansion, his back was already soaked with cold sweat. Their city lord was too terrifying, his methods were bloodthirsty, and he was a pioneer player……

He stopped thinking about this and hurriedly left here.


Lu Jiu and the others had another good harvest today, and they also encountered a few more snow pythons, but with the experience of dealing with them before, they were able to deal with them much faster this time.

As they approached the city, a figure suddenly appeared and stopped them.

Lu Jiu paused and looked at this person. It turned out to be the young man named Yong Lin from before.

“What are you waiting for us here for?” It looked like he was waiting for them especially.

Yong Lin’s overall spirit seemed much better than when they saw him before, and his expression was no longer as panicked as before.

The young man’s eyes were firm, and he said softly: “Can I talk to you guys?”

This was not a question. It could be seen from his eyes that the young man was sure that they would agree.


The three returned to the city-state, and Yong Lin followed them but still kept a distance.

In the restaurant, Lu Jiu asked for a private room, and no one else would disturb him.

Lu Jiu handed him the menu: “You can choose what you want to eat. I’ll treat you.”

Yong Lin was wearing the same clothes he had come here on that day. He probably didn’t have any extra money.

The young man was neither humble nor arrogant. He carefully selected a few dishes before handing the menu back to her.

While waiting for the food, Lu Jiu and the others were not in a hurry and pushed the juice brought by the NPC to Yong Lin: “You can drink it.”

Yong Lin saw Shen Jufeng folding his arms and looking at him, while Zhuang Yun was scribbling something with a pen and paper.

He picked up the juice and took a sip. It was still iced, but it tasted good. He hadn’t had juice for a long time, and a long-lost sense of satisfaction filled his heart.

After drinking half of the juice, he put down the cup and said: “I think you should be curious about why I am alone in the jungle.”

Lu Jiu nodded, “Yes, are you from a nearby city-state?”

Yong Lin shook his head: “I came from Changyuan City.”

Lu Jiu was a little surprised. Changyuan City was not close to here. There were neighboring cities in Yangshan City, and Changyuan City was one of them.

But the distance between the two cities was also very long. This young man came from nowhere alone. If he didn’t have a mount, she wouldn’t know how long he had been walking just by walking.

“Don’t you have a means of transportation?” It takes at least half a year for each city-state to be established, and the blacksmith shop should also produce this type of means of transportation.

“I originally had a mount, but the day before I met you, it was damaged while trying to avoid the pursuit of several wild monsters.”

Mounts were not indestructible forever. They also have a limit to their use. They will be damaged if they are attacked, just like when Lu Jiu’s wings were hit before, cracks would appear.

When people encounter wild monsters, not all people fight them. If they have good equipment, they can escape and avoid them.

Shen Jufeng said: “It seems that they are a few wild monsters of high level.”

Yong Lin nodded: “Well, they were a few bronze-level snow eagles. I had no medicine at that time, and my weapons were almost worn out. I lost my mount and wings before I managed to escape.”

Lu Jiu could imagine how difficult it was for him to escape from his life.

But the most important thing is not this: “But why do you want to escape here? You can even find a nearby city-state.”

Yong Lin shook his head quickly: “It’s useless. There is no way to stay in Changyuan City. It’s not safe anywhere.”

Lu Jiu looked at Shen Jufeng suspiciously, not understanding why there was no place in such a huge city that was safe.

Shen Jufeng asked directly: “What happened to the city-state where you were staying?”

The reason can only lie with the city lord or the entire city-state.

“The city lord of Tianming City in Changyuan City is a lunatic. He is a pioneer player and a very well-equipped player with epic-level weapons.”

Lu Jiu frowned. There were not many weapons in her backpack that could be classified as epic. She had previously given an Othello chess game to Shen Jufeng, and he had only tried it twice.

As for her Xuanling Divine Bow, she hasn’t been used since she obtained the weapon made by the blacksmith shop.

Lu Jiu asked him in an uncertain tone: “Did that person use weapons of this level to deal with other people?”

Yong Lin nodded seriously: “Well, that person just takes action against anyone he doesn’t like, without giving any reason. However, there are only two people in Changyuan City with epic-level weapons, and the other one doesn’t care what the Lord of Tianming City does.”

There were certainly not many such weapons. Not many players play smart and are willing to spend tens of thousands on a piece of equipment.

Those who spent millions like Liu Jiu were even rarer. After all, it was just a niche game before the end of the world.


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