Chapter 179: Revelation

[Civic Bell Fan]

(Epic Level)

Effect: Control weapon, no attack value; use this weapon to generate a hurricane with extremely strong wind, which cannot be resisted by epic level and below. The control state is generated by the user’s thoughts and can be controlled for up to 40 seconds.

Tip: This is a control weapon, and the cooldown is 30 minutes after each use.

This fan was the most special one among the magic synthesis weapons. It will not cause damage to monsters or people when used, but the control is too strong.

If controlled, monsters of epic level and below will be controlled.

If it was a human, they should equip themselves with equipment above epic level to avoid being controlled by this weapon.

In the game world, control skills were very powerful. If people cannot counterattack, being controlled means standing still and waiting to be beaten.

At this moment, the city lord was trapped in a small hurricane, like being spun in a washing machine.

The woman roared in the hurricane: “You are also a pioneer player!”

Lu Jiu sighed. Fortunately, she acted quickly. The woman did not expect this. Otherwise, it would be troublesome if the other party acted first.

“There were at least hundreds of thousands of people who played the game at the beginning. How can you be so confident that there are no people like you among those you met?”

The woman gritted her teeth and said in a ruthless tone: “Don’t think that this can control me for a long time. I must kill you!”

This was the first time she had been so embarrassed since she was in Changyuan City.

Lu Jiu and her two teammates watched her spinning quickly in the small hurricane: “Your weapon is good, but why are you wearing such shabby clothes? You can buy them for a small amount of money in the game before.”

This kind of clothes was not of high quality. It will be pulled by the hurricane and has begun to be damaged.

For some reason, after saying this, the woman disappeared from the hurricane. Lu Jiu immediately became alert. After closing her eyes, her perception became clearer.

There was a sound of friction when clothes were blown by the wind. Lu Jiu opened her eyes and immediately threw a golden object behind her.

Shen Jufeng and Zhuang Yun turned around and saw that the woman’s clothes were torn and were stuck by a golden lock.

[Golden Sword Secret Key]

(Epic Level)

Effect: Control weapon, no attack value; using this kind of weapon can control the opponent of epic level and below with a golden lock, and only the key in the holder’s hand can open the lock.

Tip: This is a control weapon, and it cools down for 12 hours after using it once.

This control has no specific time limit. It can only be opened when Lu Jiu uses the key, so the cooling time is longer than other weapons.

Lu Jiu flew in front of the woman: “You have a teleportation crystal.”

As she said that, she reached out and took off the mask on the other person’s face. This was an ordinary-looking woman, but she looked like she was in her thirties and had slight wrinkles at the corners of her eyes.

It was really rare. Most of the people who play Lingdong are young people, mostly in their teens and twenties, and there are very few in their thirties.

“Are you a pioneer player?” Lu Jiu asked.

The woman’s face turned red with anger. If eyes could kill, she would have died several times: “Does it matter?”

Lu Jiu frowned and said: “Anyway, you have to die.”

Shen Jufeng followed and stepped forward, and the long sword directly pierced the woman’s chest, dealing more than 600 damage.

Lu Jiu wanted to take the Rubik’s Cube from the other party, but she put it directly into her backpack: “You are also a pioneer player, we should unite! Are you the Lord of Xuantian City?”

Although she hated Lu Jiu, she had to admit that the other party was very strong, and she didn’t want to die.

And this man, if his HP wasn’t high enough and his weapon level was not too low, she would have used the teleportation crystal to leave here directly.

Lu Jiu didn’t reply whether she was the city lord or not, but just said: “We know Yong Lin, we saved him, and we have heard about your behavior. Do you want to join forces? Stop dreaming, you are the shame of the pioneer players!”

She wanted to take out her Divine Spirit Bow, but she didn’t know if this person still had the teleportation crystal. That bow couldn’t be taken out, otherwise this woman would recognize her as Jiu Ci.

The woman didn’t struggle, but just stared at the three of them: “Yong Lin… It doesn’t matter, I will kill you all.”

Before she finished speaking, she disappeared again. Lu Jiu seemed to have predicted it and pulled the bowstring and aimed an arrow at the back.

However, the woman seemed to have expected that she would find out this time, so she dodged directly, and the magic cube in her hand shattered. Lu Jiu pulled Zhuang Yun away and threw him out. This magic cube shouldn’t touch him.

Shen Jufeng had taken the body-tempering pill, and now his five senses were extremely sensitive. He dodged the attacking magic cube and directly released the Othello game.

The huge chessboard trapped their area. According to the user’s thoughts, lightning inside the chessboard quickly appeared and attacked the man.

The woman was so scared that her eyes were about to burst: “You are also a pioneer player!”

She didn’t care about trapping them with scattered magic cubes. She directly put away her weapon and used the teleport channel to escape.

The position she had opened before was also within the range of the chessboard. The range of this weapon was full of lightning, visible to the naked eye. If she was hit, she would die!

Lu Jiu had expected this a long time ago. The woman still had a teleport crystal, so she ran away very quickly without any hesitation.

But she shouldn’t have so much of this kind of crystal. The teleport crystals can only be obtained through lottery in the game, and the probability was not high. She can have thousands of them, purely because she has accumulated them by spending money on lotteries too many times.

Zhuang Yun ran forward: “What kind of props did this person use to disappear out of thin air?”

“A rare prop called teleportation crystal, but she shouldn’t have so many of this prop, otherwise she wouldn’t escape like this. I didn’t expect her to use the crystal here to build a channel in advance during the battle.”

Her teleportation crystals were used to facilitate passage, and she had never thought of using them to build a channel to escape.

Shen Jufeng said: “Unfortunately, I was a little slower.”

If the woman hadn’t escaped so quickly, she would have died here.

He put away the Othello game, and the weapon turned into a miniature chessboard.

Zhuang Yun stared blankly: “This… isn’t this… you two?”

He remembered that the deputy city lord’s weapon was a weird chessboard, and the fan was also used by the city lord to deal with the mutant mantis.

Lu Jiu sighed: “I don’t know how lucky we are. This woman came so quickly and happened to meet us.”

She stretched out her hand to Zhuang Yun: “Lu Jiu, the Lord of Xuantian City, Shen Jufeng is the deputy Lord appointed by me. I hope Brother Zhuang will not tell others about our identities.”

Zhuang Yun stretched out his hand blankly to shake hands with her. It turned out that the City Lord and the Deputy Lord were always by his side……

No wonder sometimes they didn’t leave the city together. It must be that they had things to deal with in the city.

“I, I will keep it a secret!”

Miss Lu and Mr. Shen helped him so much, he was too grateful to reveal their identities.

Lu Jiu thought it was good for Zhuang Yun to know so that she wouldn’t have to hide in the future. Moreover, even if everyone in the city knew that she was the Lord of the City, it wouldn’t have much impact on her.

Zhuang Yun was also very excited to shake hands with Shen Jufeng.

Shen Jufeng felt that Zhuang Yun didn’t need to be so excited about him. After all, he was just an employee.


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