Chapter 181: Have a similar weapon

After Lu Jiu and the others returned to the city-state, Yong Lin went to buy weapons and potions first, while Lu Jiu and the others began to discuss how to deal with the woman in Tianming City.

It would be fine if they went directly there, but the question was whether the woman would come out to fight. She might have built a convenient passage near the city-state like her.

Thinking about it, Lu Jiu realized that it was not easy to deal with the crazy woman.

“Do we have to wait for her to come to us?”

If they took the initiative to go, it would be too passive, and it was hard to say whether they could see the woman.

Shen Jufeng tapped the table with his index finger: “This matter can’t be rushed for a while, we have to wait until that person wants to fight us. If she is not the city lord, it won’t be so troublesome.”

The city lord can expel and block them, so that they can’t enter the city-state, and an outsider can’t see the city lord’s mansion. It’s too good to hide.

Lu Jiu supported her chin with her right hand: “It needs an opportunity, an opportunity for her to leave the city by herself.”

She already had a plan in her mind, but that still needed help from external factors.

After telling her teammates about this plan, Shen Jufeng’s eyes flashed with surprise. Lu Jiu’s plan was very good, and it was only the most appropriate at that time.

Zhuang Yun also gave her a thumbs up.

“Then it’s decided. This matter can only be put aside for now. When the time comes, when can we take action.”

But Zhuang Yun remembered another thing: “Speaking of which, when that woman sees that you have such powerful weapons, will she tell this matter in the same province channel.”

The woman didn’t know the situation in Xuantian City, but if she told the functions of those weapons, people in the city could guess it.

Shen Jufeng shook his head: “This is indeed a problem, but it depends on what she does. It’s okay if she tells it, and there’s no loss. Others will be even more afraid to provoke us.”

But it’s best if their identity won’t be revealed so that they won’t feel awkward in the city.


At Tianming City.

Lu Jiu and the others underestimated the city lord. After returning to the city lord’s mansion, she kicked over the coffee table.

Being beaten by those people without any ability to fight back was the first time that Li Qiao had been so embarrassed since the end of the world. Those people must die, but that woman was very troublesome.

When Lu Jiu took out two magic synthesis weapons in succession, the flame of jealousy in her heart burned more vigorously.

But if she wants to conquer Long Province, she must not bypass Yangshan City.

Although there were hundreds of thousands of players playing the game, only about a thousand people could get magic synthesis weapons, and the rest were reluctant to spend that money.

There were more than a thousand people with weapons of this level distributed all over the world. She didn’t expect that there was that woman, Lu Jiu in Yangshan City.

Li Qiao felt that her luck in this life was used in two places. One time was to try magic synthesis and synthesize this magic cube.

But at that time, she thought it was just a game, and felt playing the game for free.

The other one was when she saw the world change drastically, all the original rules and classes disappeared, and she became a high-level city lord with epic weapons.

In Changyuan City, she was basically above 10,000 people.

She clenched the Rubik’s Cube tightly. Next time, she must kill those people.

After calming down, she took out her mount and went out of the city to find someone, who was also a pioneer with epic weapons.

A city-state in Changyuan City. When Li Qiao came here, she emailed the man.

Soon, the other party replied and asked her to go to the restaurant.

The residents here all knew Li Qiao, and they hurriedly avoided her when they saw her. This woman had a fierce reputation. If they accidentally provoke her, even if you don’t die, you won’t have a good result.

Li Qiao arrived at the restaurant’s private room, where a handsome man with gold-rimmed glasses and a suit was already sitting.

“Song Shan, long time no see.”

She hadn’t been out for a long time since winter began.

Song Shan pointed to the seat: “Sit down.”

After Li Qiao sat down, Song Shan took a sip of tea: “What do you want to talk to me about?”

He didn’t like facing this woman, but he was very interested in her proposal.

“That young man, Yong Lin, in my city ran away. I chased him to Yangshan City and met two players who took the lead.”

Song Shan’s expression remained unchanged: “Well, so what? Players who take the lead are not uncommon.”

Li Qiao took a deep breath and said slowly: “The two players who take the lead have magic synthesis weapons. One of them, the woman took out two, namely the Civic Bell Fan and the Golden Sword Secret Key. They are extremely powerful and can even deal with my Rubik’s Cube; and the other one, the man took out the Othello Game, which has the same lethality as my Magic Music Cube.”

Hearing the Othello Game, Song Shan paused and then put down the teacup: “The Othello Game?”

His magic synthesis weapon was also this. The difficulty of synthesizing the Civic Bell Fan and the Golden Sword Secret Key was lower than that of the Othello Game. In the beginning, this was also successfully synthesized by his predecessor at a high cost.

Li Qiao had never fought with Song Shan, but today she had seen the horror of the Othello Game: “Yes, I have already told them about our cooperation, but they not only rejected my invitation, but even wanted to kill us.”

She lied about this. If she wanted Song Shan to take action, she had to drag him into the water.

Song Shan just chuckled: “Yong Lin told them what you did, right? I have already said that sooner or later someone will not be able to stand what you have done. It’s okay to want to rule Long Province, but you cannot just use violence.”

What’s more, this woman said that she had no principles to use violence. Who would be willing to cooperate with such an emotionally unstable person? Even he didn’t want to cooperate sincerely.

Li Qiao held the Rubik’s Cube tightly: “Let’s not talk about me first. Are you not going to deal with those two people?”

Seeing that she kept holding the Rubik’s Cube, Song Shan knew that this person was very uneasy now: “I think you didn’t mention me. After all, I still know a little about your style. I can consider cooperating with you to rule other city-states, but it doesn’t mean I have to help you clean up the mess.”

Two people, three epic weapons, does she think he was stupid to go against such a powerful person?

Li Qiao slammed the table and stood up, the magic in her hand began to flash: “Song Shan! After all, we are allies, are you going to give up Yangshan City in the future!”

Song Shan calmly poured himself another cup of tea: “I said, you caused the trouble yourself, I don’t care about you, I only consider cooperation.”

When he raised his eyes, his gold-rimmed glasses reflected Li Qiao’s face flushed with anger: “Go back, I can give up Yangshan City, you can solve your troubles yourself, and there is nothing wrong with me being the city lord in Changyuan City.”

He was interested in ruling other city-states, but he didn’t have to do it.

Looking at Li Qiao’s appearance now, it seems that he should give up this kind of cooperation and concentrate on running his city-state.

Li Qiao had no choice but to hold back her anger. This was Song Shan’s city-state, and the other party also had magic synthetic weapons and was not afraid of her at all.

After Li Qiao left, Song Shan shook his head: “I am crazy. I considered cooperating with such an idiot.”

He added Li Qiao to the blacklist without hesitation and banned her from coming to his city-state. Two powerful characters have set their sights on her. If Li Qiao’s strength was inferior, then she could only wait for death.


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