Chapter 183: Whip

Ever since knowing that Lu Jiu was the city lord, Zhuang Yun had consciously found a temporary team when he saw that the two of them decided not to leave the city, and the other two didn’t need to make up excuses.

Although Lu Jiu had not agreed to Yong Lin joining, Zhuang Yun still asked him to join the temporary team, which was also a close observation of the young man.

When Yong Lin received Zhuang Yun’s invitation to join the temporary team, he got up early excitedly, bought a cheap and large breakfast at the stall to fill his stomach, and waited at the city gate inside the shield.

When Zhuang Yun came, Yong Lin was still in a daze with his head down. Everyone gathered and they started to set off.

Yong Lin didn’t say much on the way, just followed the team quietly. He was brought by Zhuang Yun, and everyone was quite curious about him, but seeing that he was quite introverted, they didn’t ask too many questions.

After entering the forest for more than ten minutes, they encountered the first batch of wild monsters, a group of bronze-level sheep monsters.

Zhuang Yun turned around and told Yong Lin: “If your weapon is not very good, come to me if you can’t deal with it.”

He was worried that this malnourished boy would not be able to deal with the wild monster, and he would help him when the time came.

Yong Lin nodded obediently.

Zhuang Yun then took the lead and rushed forward. The weapons of others were swords and hammers, but Yong Lin took out a whip.

He was very glad that the forging shop here also sold whips, but the quantity was not large.

His whip was still bronze-level, made from the tanning and refining of snow python scales. This material was not only suitable for making armor but also for making whips.

The tail of Yong Lin’s whip was also inlaid with a sharp curved blade, which can deal secondary damage.

The boy who originally looked a little weak now changed his temperament. He walked forward quickly, looked at the wild monster running towards him, and swung his right hand flexibly, and the whip was pulled out, hitting the wild monster’s face heavily.

Everyone only heard a “snap” sound, and they all tried not to look back, because distraction during a fight can easily cause injuries.

When the whip was retracted, the blade at the tail passed through, and the monster’s skin and flesh were instantly torn apart, but it soon recovered.

Zhuang Yun was dealing with the monster, and when he could breathe a sigh of relief, he heard the sound of the whip that never stopped. He turned around and saw Yong Lin swinging the whip with one hand with great force, his movements were getting faster and faster, and the monster’s blood kept dropping.

Zhuang Yun: Oh my! Is this still the guy who looks very weak he knows?

Just like that, Yong Lin, who looks very weak, was the first professional player in the temporary team to kill a monster.

After the battle, Yong Lin smiled when he saw that he finally had his reward.

Zhuang Yun looked at his whip and fell into silence.

During the lunch break, Zhuang Yun prepared lunch with another temporary teammate who was good at cooking.

Yong Lin took out the mutton he had harvested that day, and everyone accepted it happily. Eating mutton in winter will keep the body warm for a long time.

While cooking, the others couldn’t help asking Yong Lin: “Young man, how come you use the whip so well? If I use it, I’ll probably only whip myself.”

Yong Lin said: “When I was little, I liked to swing willow branches. When I was older, I bought a short whip and watched videos to learn. It was just for fun. Later, the world changed. I saw this weapon for sale, so I used it exclusively.”

Everyone nodded: “You know what, your whip is scary just by looking at it. The momentum is different.”

“Yes, I saw that the wild monster was whipped dozens of times before it got close. It’s a pity that you don’t have wings, otherwise, those wild monsters can’t get close to you.”

Yong Lin’s can be regarded as an alternative long-range output, after all, the whip was long.

Hearing everyone’s praise, he felt a little embarrassed: “I will kill wild monsters to make money and try to buy wings in the future.”

On the shelves of shops in the city, wings were still scarce equipment.


Unconsciously, half of the winter has passed. Lu Jiu checked the amount of firewood she had stored and found that it was not as much as she imagined.

Lu Jiu said: “It seems that the firewood storage capacity of residents in the city is not bad, and vegetables and fruits sell the most.”

Shen Jufeng sorted out the business conditions of various shops in the city last month.

“Last month, the blacksmith shop still had the most revenue, a total of 2,289 silver coins plus 692 copper coins.”

“The next is the pharmacy shop, with 2,266 silver coins plus 799 copper coins, and this is the case when there are not many new elixirs. If there are more raw materials, the turnover will exceed that of the forging shop.”

Lu Jiu listened to him reporting the turnover of each shop one by one. Compared with the early days when it was only a few thousand copper coins or even a dozen silver coins, it was much better.

“Don’t mention it. At the beginning, I felt that I was only losing money, but now I feel that all shops are making money.” She was now making back her investment.

Shen Jufeng said: “It’s normal to lose money in the early stage of business. The important thing is the subsequent operation. I have said that you will not lose money for a long time.”

He took out the table he made before and put the newly made one on it.

Looking at the table for comparison, he said: “Now the NPC’s talent is revealed. If you make higher-grade equipment with a lower-level wild monster, the price will increase by more than ten times. In this case, it would be strange if you don’t make money.”

The materials dropped by bronze-level wild monsters are different from the purchase price of silver. It was hard not to make money by using the least cost to make the best products.

Lu Jiu looked at the table in Shen Jufeng’s hand, pointed to the entertainment shops such as the hot spring club, and sighed: “In fact, I opened these shops in the hope that life in the city would be easier. I didn’t expect that I would make a lot of money here.”

“It’s okay, don’t underestimate entertainment venues. Whether it is the previous world or the current game world, they are the most profitable besides equipment and props stores.”

People need entertainment in their lives, especially professional players. They often go out to clear the wild and face dangerous wild monsters. It was important to come back and go to the store with friends to relax.

Lu Jiu thought that there was only half a month left in winter, and remembered the special nature of the hot spring club: “This hot spring club is currently open in autumn and winter, and will be closed in spring and summer. At that time, I have to see what kind of summer store to open.”

Shen Jufeng put away the form: “You can decide slowly, but it seems that there will be no beast tide this winter, so you have to be careful in spring.”

Lu Jiu nodded: “I am considering this matter, but I don’t know how big the beast tide will be at that time. I will not upgrade the city-state for the time being. Now there are more and more formal residents, and it is good for me to save some resources.”

As for whether to upgrade to level 4, it all depends on the situation of the beast tide at that time.

Shen Jufeng said: “Then today’s matter is settled, and I can leave the city with Zhuang Yun tomorrow.”

Lu Jiu lay back on the sofa: “I didn’t expect that the winter we were so worried about would end like this. I still can’t believe it. I am looking forward to the Beast Tide coming soon. The sooner it comes, the sooner it will be over.”

Remembering that more than two months ago, she asked the collection team to frantically collect various resources, and now the city was safe and sound.

“Don’t take it lightly, there is still half a month left, and in the game world, there is no time to relax.”

When the game was updated, the natural disasters mentioned were online, which means there will be other difficulties in the future.


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