Chapter 184: Amber Magatama

After Zhuang Yun returned to the city-state, he saw the email sent by Lu Jiu, saying that they could go out of the city together tomorrow.

Today they had a good harvest and encountered more than a dozen waves of wild monsters. Among them, Yong Lin was a major force beside him. This kid was excellent.

So the temporary team decided to have dinner together, and Zhuang Yun declined this party.

“You know, I have to go home to prepare dinner for my daughter, so I won’t go to the dinner with you.”

The others expressed their understanding and looked at Yong Lin.

The boy doesn’t like crowded places and prefers to be alone.

Someone saw his embarrassment and said generously: “We are going to drink, can you drink Yong Lin?”

This means that Yong Lin can choose not to go if he doesn’t drink, which is a way to save face.

The young man shook his head quickly: “I don’t know how to drink, so I won’t go with you.”

Everyone just patted him on the shoulder. The other party was not familiar with them and was introverted. It was normal for him not to want to go: “It’s okay, it’s okay. I’ll treat you to something else next time.”

Zhuang Yun saw that the temporary team had already found a reason for Yong Lin, so he didn’t say anything more, and everyone went home.

After returning home, Zhuang Yun emailed Lu Jiu, talking about Yong Lin’s performance today.

Lu Jiu received Zhuang Yun’s email in the City Lord’s Mansion. Seeing the content, she raised an eyebrow: “I can’t tell that Yong Lin’s weapon is a whip.”

She copied the email and sent it to Shen Jufeng.

In general, Zhuang Yun felt that in terms of strength, this boy was not bad. Although his attack method was special, he could deal enough damage. If he could join the team, he could quickly support his teammates like Lu Jiu.

Seeing Zhuang Yun’s praise, Lu Jiu believed that this was not just a compliment.

Shen Jufeng’s right index finger slid across his thin lips: “It seems that there is a chance to cooperate with Yong Lin. I am curious about how he uses the whip.”

Lu Jiu was even more curious: “This is the first time I have seen someone who can use a whip. We must cooperate. By the way, are there shops in the city that sell whips?”

Why doesn’t she have any impression of it?

Shen Jufeng glanced sideways casually: “There are so many types of weapons for sale, but you only care about bows.”

Every time she asked the store manager to make customized weapons for her, she didn’t care much about other types.

Lu Jiu smiled: “My new bow has been made, how about your sword?”

The speed of customizing their weapons has never been fast, and she was looking forward to her new weapons.

While talking, Shen Jufeng received a message: “I just received an email saying that it is ready, let’s go together.”

Lu Jiu gave her the right to use the transmission channel, and the two of them instantly transferred to the forging shop. The NPC was not surprised by this and just handed over the prepared things.

“Your bow.” A pure white bow was handed to Lu Jiu. Although it was also made of wild monster bones, its shape was completely different from the ancient type of bow. This one looked lighter and more beautiful.

Lu Jiu picked up the bow and immediately weighed it in her hand for a few times, then nodded with satisfaction: “Very light, still silver level.” She tried to pull the bowstring again. Probably because she was stronger than before, this pull was very easy.

Shen Jufeng’s was a slender sword, also silver level, with a slightly softer blade, and it would even bend into a beautiful arc when swung.

NPC explained the characteristics of this sword to him: “This sword is not like the one you used before. You need to use clever force. You may need time to adapt.”

Shen Jufeng nodded: “I know, but this sword works well.”

This sword was called Bone Erosion Sword, with a fixed attack value of 922. The effect was a 25% chance of triggering “Snake Entanglement”. The entire sword body will extend to wrap around the prey, and then the sword will cause a 20% bonus of continuous damage.

NPC also carved a scabbard out of snake bones. When the long sword was retracted, the scabbard made of snake bones felt a little cold.

Lu Jiu looked at his dashing appearance when holding the sword: “If you match it with a white ancient costume, you will be a living ancient hero.”

But she was a female character and had no men’s clothes, otherwise, she could try it.

There were girls in the city who wore ancient costumes, but now it’s cold and no one wears such clothes.

After getting a new weapon, the next step was of course to test the power of the weapon in actual combat, and this is a silver-level weapon.


Although Zhuang Yun customized a weapon, unfortunately, his was still bronze-level, so after seeing that his two teammates all had silver weapons, he was more active than them in leaving the city.

On the way, he and Lu Jiu also looked at the new bow, the Guanqing bow, which has a fixed attack value of 966 arrows and a 25% chance of triggering the “freeze” effect.

The bow body was inlaid with two beautiful jades, one at each end.

“Is this jade a decoration?” Zhuang Yun asked. They had discovered a mining area in Jinghe District before, where there were many beautiful gems and jades.

But this inlaid jade was processed.

Lu Jiu touched the jade: “This is called Amber Magatama, a special gem. When inlaid on a weapon, it can increase the attack value. One jade can add 50 attack points, and two jade points are exactly 100. So I can deal more than 1,000 damage with this bow, plus my attack attribute.”

Shen Jufeng looked over curiously when he heard such high damage: “Did you have it yourself?”

Lu Jiu nodded: “Yes, I found it when I was looking through my backpack, and asked the store manager if I could inlay a piece on the weapon.”

When she customized the Spider Bow before, she asked the store manager to inlay beautiful gems for beauty.

Now the Guanqing Bow has a pure white bow body, with jade inlaid on both ends, like a work of art.

Shen Jufeng was certainly interested in the items that can increase the attack attribute of weapons: “Do you have a lot of these? Can you sell me a few?”

“A lot, and there is no reminder that this is a rare item. You two can buy a few. I also have items that can increase other attributes.”

Lu Jiu took out three items, namely the black pearl, which is a black pearl with dark gold. When inlaid on a weapon, it can increase the acceleration attribute. Another one was the star of destiny, a diamond-shaped blue gem, that can be used to increase the defense attribute.

Amber magatama, which was the one Lu Jiu used, was a piece of jade with one end big and the other end small, which can increase the attack attribute of weapons.

Lu Jiu said: “Actually, there are many items in my backpack that are temporarily unusable. There are still many such locked items.”

Zhuang Yun was interested in pearls and magatama. As for the defensive stones, it was more suitable to be inlaid on armor.

In the end, the two bought some respectively. Lu Jiu said that these were the most basic ones. There will probably be better items in the future, and it was not painful to sell them to them.

Zhuang Yun looked at the props: “Even if they are not added to the weapons, they are also beautiful as decorations.”

Before the end of the world, he could not afford such beautiful jade, and he was reluctant to buy it. He planned to give it to his daughter as a toy when he returned, and it would be pleasing to the eye to take it out and look at it when he had nothing to do.

Lu Jiu flipped through the locked props in his backpack: “The bonus attributes should not be so monotonous. I will get props that add other attributes in the future.”

The three of them put away their things, while Lu Jiu played with the new weapon, thinking about encountering wild monsters as soon as possible.


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