Chapter 28: The missing person notice swipes the screen

The opening of the retail department made the whole city lively. Everyone bought flower pots and planted the seedlings immediately, hoping for them to bloom soon.

With this kind of enthusiasm, Lu Jiu let the 5,000 flower pots made by the blacksmith shop sell out in advance on the same day. Now, the city-state has about 3,500 registered residents, and 5,000 flower pots were not enough.

The blacksmith shop also announced that due to the lack of raw materials, it will take a week before they could sell supplies again.

How can that be? Some residents started to make flower pots by themselves. Even if there was no acceleration effect, it was better than waiting for a week.

Zhuang Antong was very happy recently. Her father didn’t go out these days to make flower pots at home. Although she doesn’t have blacksmith skills, Zhuang Yun also gives her a piece of mud to play with.

Zhuang Antong obediently sat across from Zhuang Yun, and suddenly said, “Dad, it would be great if you could make flower pots at home for a few more days.”

Zhuang Yun smiled knowingly: “From now on, Dad will take one day off every week to accompany you.” He thought that no matter how hard he worked, he should take a vacation for himself, and spend time with his daughter.

Zhuang Antong stopped pinching the mud and stared straight at her father, “Really!”

Zhuang Yun looked up and saw the surprise in his daughter’s eyes and asked, “Of course, Dad won’t lie to you.”

After hearing this, Zhuang Antong coquettishly nestled in Zhuang Yun’s arms, and the father and daughter talked softly, enjoying the time when their relatives were together.


The flower pots in the blacksmith shop cost 50 copper coins each. The five thousand flower pots were sold out and earned 250,000 copper coins, but compared to the original payment, it was still a loss.

Shen Jufeng can understand why the shops in Phantom City were so expensive, but Lu Jiu said that she has many gold coins, so she can afford them. Not to mention, Shen Jufeng, another gold coin master was here.

Shen Jufeng said they should consider long-term goals, and don’t just care about immediate gains and losses.

At present, the dialogue box hasn’t mentioned yet that Xuantian City open a retail department for all residents in the city. She was waiting for the first batch of trumpet flowers to mature. The players in the same city will be surprised.


“Brother Wen, we came to the right place. I have never heard anyone mention the retail department in Phantom City, but Xuantian City has opened it.”

Brother Wen looked at A’Liu. Her energy was completely different from that in Phantom City as if she was only alive now.

He stroked the quest scroll he bought. It was a small piece of paper, which can be used independently.

“Seeing that the system says it is open to all residents in the city, it is estimated that the city lord can choose to open it or not within his authority. So it’s not that there is no retail department in Phantom City, but the city lord only wants to consume it.”

A’Liu pursed her lips after hearing Brother Wen’s analysis. That’s right, it was impossible that only Xuantian City has special treatment. It only means that other city-states may choose not to fully open it for various reasons.

“Our city lord may be a special person…” A’Liu murmured.

Some city-states in the same city knew that the city lord of Xuantian City chose to conceal his identity.

“The most important thing is that our city lord is rich in resources. I guess there is also a gap between the pioneer players, just like us, ordinary players. The resources available to professional and life skill players are different.”

He always watched those people talking in the dialogue box. He saw some problems, for example, there were a few people who seem to be famous in the game they mentioned before, but there were very few such people.

“That’s right. In the past, games were divided into civilian players and krypton gold players. Maybe our city lord is a krypton gold player.”

Brother Wen nodded: “That’s right, that’s probably what it means.”

A’Liu felt that her future life was bright, but then she thought of something. She hesitated and said: “Then…Brother Wen, do you want to tell them about this situation…”

The ‘them’ she mentioned were their former teammates. The relationship between them was not very close, but they worked together for a while.

Brother Wen thought for a while: “Tell them when the trumpet seeds mature. People in the same city will know about the opening of the retail department in Xuantian City.”

It would be better to tell about it their former teammates so they have some hindsight than let them know later.

When Brother Wen’s former teammates in Phantom City saw the mail, they were happy and angry.

They were happy because people can buy trumpet seeds, but they were angry because the city lord of the Phantom City was too stingy. He robbed them of nearby resources but doesn’t even open the retail department.

The more they think about it, the more they became angry. In the end, they made a decision, they will move to Xuantian City to settle down. They didn’t want to stay in this broken city any longer.

Some of them even regret it. They should have gone with Brother Wen at that time.

“Brother Wen said that the next batch of flower pots will be sold in a week. Oh, I would have gone if I had known earlier.” Someone said angrily.

“I can only say that the city lord here is too selfish. Everything good belongs to him.”

No matter how they criticize people now, they were going anyway.

Before they left, they sent this news to other team members they knew, wishing to lure all the residents to Xuantian City.

The other teams received the news only with half-belief and prepared to wait and see for another two days. If the trumpet seeds were sold, there would be ordinary players speaking on the dialogue box of the same-city chat channel in a few days.


On this day, pioneer players were chatting in the corresponding dialogue box as usual. But the channel with the most people was the local channel. In the game before, the loudspeaker could be bought with real money or obtained by lottery.

[Liu Yu: A missing person notice, Liu Lian, you and your parents are in the same city-state. If you see this message, mail me immediately, I am in Xuantian City!]

[Yang Han: A missing person notice, if anyone knows, Yang Shan who graduated from No. 1 High School in Yangshan City, please tell him to come to Xuantian City to find me!]

The information about missing persons came one after another. The pioneer players who read it were confused. They also used their speakers to find their relatives in the early days of the apocalypse.

However, these people were ordinary players. Were monsters starting to drop small speakers now?

But why all of them were all Xuantian City?!

[Tan Hong: What the hell, the wild monsters in Yangshan City started dropping small trumpets? So many missing person notices.]

She could tell at a glance that these people were ordinary players.

[Zuo Lan: People from Xuantian City, did you get small speakers from fighting monsters?]

[Liu Yu: No, our city lord opened the city-state retail department, and we bought trumpet seeds there and planted them.]

One stone stirred up thousands of waves. Who was the city lord of Xuantian City? And he opened up the retail department?

[Lu Zheng: Who is the city lord of Xuantian City, who opened the retail department?]

[Yang Han: No matter who the city lord is, why can’t he open it? Are you the one who runs our Xuantian City retail department? Who gave you face.]

[Liu Yu: That’s right. Some of you, pioneer players, only want to keep all the good stuff. You only want to find your relatives.]

For a while, Yangshan City’s local dialogue box became noisy. Some even sent the news to the same province channel.

[Fan Dai (same province channel): The city lord of Xuantian City in Yangshan City in our province permitted the opening of the retail department to the residents. All the people there bought trumpet seeds. The local channel has been buzzing with people seeking notices all over the screen.]

[Tao Qing (same province channel): Oh, is that so? But why are you so loud, players in the whole province now know about the retail department.]

Fan Dai: “… …”

Although ordinary players do not have the tools to speak, it doesn’t mean that they cannot see these channels.

The dialogue box channel was divided into the same city, the same province, the whole country, and the global channel. Up to now, the national and global channels were still blank. People can’t see or speak into it.


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