Chapter 104: A huge sum of money

Uncle Ma shrugged his nose: “Cumin powder, this is good, this is fragrant!”

The fragrance attracted everyone around to look over here.

Su Chen sat next to the two guards, looked at the roast chicken in his hand, and suddenly felt that it was not fragrant.

Because of the addition of potatoes, this time the rabbit meat was enough for a large bowl.

Gu Fei took two small bowls, filled two bowls, gave one bowl to their uncle next to him, and took one bowl to the eldest aunt’s family.

Bao’er wanted to reach out several times but was driven away by Gu Sanlang.

The sauerkraut soup made by Lian’er was also ready.

Gu Zhang smelled the fragrance of rabbit meat and couldn’t help but sigh: “I didn’t expect that I could live such a life after escaping from famine.”

Uncle Ma opened the lid of the wine bag, took a sip, picked up a piece of rabbit meat, squinted his eyes, tasted it carefully, and nodded: “The rabbit meat is crispy on the outside and tender on the inside, without any fishy smell, and the potatoes are also tasty.”

“I didn’t expect that potatoes can be made into a dish.”

Everyone nodded in agreement while eating.

Xiao Cao chewed the rabbit meat in her mouth and said vaguely: “The rabbit is so delicious.”

Gu Fei ate a few bites and suddenly found that Lian’er was holding a bowl of white rice, not picking up any vegetables, and just lowered her head to eat.

She quickly picked up a piece of rabbit meat and a piece of potato and put them in her bowl: “Try how my dish tastes.”

Lian’er held the bowl and was slightly dazed. She remembered every bit of Gu Fei’s kindness to her in her heart. In this life, she will do her best to repay Gu Fei for her kindness.

A large pot of dry-pot rabbit meat and potatoes disappeared quickly. Gu Fei soaked the sauerkraut soup in the bowl and ate it in big mouthfuls. If she didn’t eat some fiber, she would be unable to defecate.

Su Chen and the two guards watched the lively meal over there and felt that the roast chicken in their mouths was more and more tasteless.

Chen Hu licked his lips: “Young Master, the cooked food we brought is only enough for a few days. Uncle Ma said there was no inn to stay in. What should we do for food in the future?”

Su Chen glanced at him: “I don’t know, what do you think?”

Zhang Ze smiled: “Young Master, I am an honest man, please don’t tease me.”

“Look, how about I go to Uncle Gu’s house and talk to him? We will give some silver and eat with them.”

He swallowed his saliva: “I think that girl is very good at cooking, it’s so delicious.”

Su Chen nodded gently. He also wanted to eat some hot food, even if it was roast chicken, it would not taste good if it was cold.

After dinner, Lian’er, Mrs. Chen, and Li Chunhua were cleaning up when Zhang Ze walked over.

Every household, except Uncle Ma, was very curious about the three new members.

Especially the young master, who was wearing a silk dress, and looked like a young master from a wealthy family.

Seeing Zhang Ze approaching Gu Zhang, everyone pricked up their ears and listened.

Then Zhang Ze said: “Second Uncle Gu, please help me.”

“None of us can cook, and the cooked food we bought won’t last long. I was thinking if we could have a meal at your house.”

“This——” Gu Zhang glanced at Mrs. Chen, and then at Gu Fei.

Mrs. Chen continued to pack up as if she didn’t hear anything. Gu Fei turned her head away, not responding to the look from his father.

The young master of the county governor’s family was not so easy to serve. If you don’t do it well, it will offend people and it won’t be worth it.

Seeing Gu Zhang hesitate, Zhang Ze hurriedly said: “I know that the price of food has risen sharply recently, especially since there are no good ingredients on the road. We are not picky, we can eat whatever you cook. This is 100 taels of silver. Do you think it’s enough for a month?”


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