Chapter 105: The Magic of Silver

One hundred taels of silver!

The crowd of people who were listening were all stunned.

Three people spent one hundred taels of silver for a month?

Is this a gift?

Or is there something wrong with the rich man’s brain?

Zhang Ze also thought carefully before proposing a hundred taels, which he thought was neither too much nor too little.

Recently, the price of grain has risen tenfold, and the prices of meat and vegetables have also skyrocketed. In Tongcheng, just eating a meal costs several taels of silver, but the taste is not something the young master can get used to.

Gu Zhang’s food was okay, unlike the coarse grains other families eat. Although there were not many vegetables, they couldn’t be so particular outside.

When Mrs. Chen heard the one hundred taels, she didn’t pack up her things. She straightened her waist and looked at Gu Zhang with a sharp look as if urging him to agree quickly.

Gu Zhang looked at Gu Fei again, but Gu Fei had already turned around and blinked at him desperately.

Gu Zhang knew what was going on. Neither his wife nor his daughter could resist the magic of silver.

He was about to nod his head and agree when Mrs. Qian suddenly came over from the side: “Why don’t you guys eat at my house? I still have white flour at home. I’ll make white flour pancakes and white flour steamed buns for you every meal. What do you think?”

Mrs. Qian’s eyes were fixed on the silver note in Zhang Ze’s hand as if she wanted to stretch out a pair of hands from her eyes and snatch the silver note away.

Zhang Ze glanced at her and said lightly: “Thank you for your kindness, Aunt. We still want to eat at Uncle Gu’s house.”

Gu Zhang made a prompt decision and took the silver note: “Okay, then you guys can eat with my family, but there are no good dishes to be found right now, so I’m afraid I’ll have to inconvenience you guys.”

Zhang Ze hurriedly said: “No, no, we’ll eat whatever your family eats.”

Zhang Ze completed the task and left happily.

Mrs. Chen glared at Mrs. Qian fiercely, how shameless she was? She wanted to snatch her family’s good fortune!

Mrs. Qian watched Gu Zhang handed the one hundred taels to Gu Fei, who then put it in her sleeve. She wanted to rush over and snatch the banknotes.

The mood of the spectators was also unsettled for a long time.

Aunt Liu’s mouth twitched for a long time, and she turned to the village chief and said: “What did I say? Gu Laoer’s family has had good luck. If it weren’t for making rabbit meat today, this wouldn’t have happened. 100 taels! That’s 100 taels!”

“Alas, why can’t you pick up a rabbit even when you pee!”

“My cooking skills are not bad!”

Zhang Laoda’s wife, Mrs. Yu, also sighed there: “Alas, why can’t our family encounter such a good thing?”

“That’s 100 taels!”

“Even if we sell our whole family, we can’t get one hundred taels.”

Seeing one hundred taels of silver, everyone felt envy, jealousy, and hatred to varying degrees.

Mrs. Qian returned to her own home and kept throwing things around.

Watching the one hundred taels of silver being taken away by others, she was so angry that she didn’t know who to vent her anger on.

She looked at Xing’er, and suddenly her eyes lit up, and she took Xing’er away.

Xing’er was puzzled: “Mom, what are you doing?”

Mrs. Qian didn’t say anything, she pulled Xing’er to Su Chen and smiled at him flatteringly: “This young master, do you need someone to serve you? My daughter can do everything, serving tea and water, making the bed, you just need to–”

Before she finished her words, Su Chen didn’t even raise his eyelids, and called softly: “Chen Hu–”

Chen Hu immediately stood in front of Su Chen like an iron tower, scolding: “What are you doing, woman, don’t come to harass my young master!”

Mrs. Qian was about to speak, but just as she opened her mouth, Chen Hu put his hand on the hilt of the knife at his waist and stepped forward: “Are you not leaving yet?”


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