Chapter 114: The refugees grab food

The wild dog looked up and glanced over here, its eyes were red.

Gu Fei didn’t dare to look anymore, turned her head quickly, and took Lanzhi to walk a few steps quickly.

Fortunately, the weather was cold now, and the temperature during the day was only about a few degrees. These people died on the roadside and no one collected their bodies, so they didn’t rot quickly.

When the temperature warms up in spring, she can imagine how many bacteria will breed from the rotting corpses everywhere, and the plague will start.

At that time, people couldn’t leave even if they wanted to.

Gu Zhang leaned against the car saw it, and said to Gu Fei who was walking beside the car: “Alas, how did the world become like this? I should have gone to your uncle’s house by myself, and I would have dragged him along. Now it’s like this, if it doesn’t rain in the spring, there will be no way to survive.”

The village chief shook his head: “We have to hurry up and get to Huainan County as soon as possible.”

At noon, as they walked, they saw a large group of refugees sitting or standing on both sides of the official road ahead, estimated to be more than a hundred people.

There were men, and women, old and young, with some tattered bags and jars on the ground, as well as some sickles and machetes. These people seemed to have escaped from the same place.

Uncle Ma became alert instantly and shouted to the back: “Everyone, hurry up!”

He whipped the mule with a whip, and the mule trotted.

The people walking beside the car also quickened their pace.

Gu Fei hurriedly picked up Xiao Cao in Li Chunhua’s arms and put her into the carriage, then turned her head and shouted to Huzi: “Hurry up and climb on the carriage!”

The mule started running, Huzi’s two short legs couldn’t keep up, so how could he climb up?

Gu Sanlang ran over quickly, grabbed Huzi, and threw him on the shaft of the carriage. Huzi rolled and climbed into the car.

Gu Zhang held Xiao Cao in one hand and Huzi in the other side, while staring outside of the carriage.

Seeing that the mule carriages had already walked to the side of the group of people, Gu Fei held her long knife and looked around vigilantly.

At this time, someone in the crowd shouted: “Everyone, come on, rob them, they have a mule cart, so they must have food!”

“With food, we can survive!”

As soon as the voice fell, the crowd on the side of the road rushed up.

Uncle Ma stood beside the cart, his eyes like hawks were full of murderous intent. Seeing a man swinging a sickle, Uncle Ma dodged and slashed the man’s shoulder with the big knife in his hand.

Uncle Ma drew back the knife and chopped it again, knocking the man to the ground.

Gu Fei stood beside Lian’er, hiding Lanzhi behind. There were many people in front of them. A man, several women, and a half-grown child were unarmed and rushed to the cart.

Gu Fei swung the long knife, drawing a bright arc: “Don’t come if you don’t want to die.”

Several people hesitated when they saw the knife, but the man climbed into the car desperately. He climbed onto the shaft of the car, shouting: “What are you afraid of? You will die anyway, and I’d rather die a full death!”

Gu Fei’s expression turned cold, and the long knife in his hand passed over the man’s neck. The man swayed a few times and fell, holding his neck.

A woman cried: “Husband!” and threw herself on the man.

Gu Fei stared at the people around him and said in a deep voice, “Get away, I’ll kill anyone who comes!”

The people around him took a few steps back, looking at Gu Fei with fear in their eyes.

The woman on the ground suddenly stood up and threw herself at Gu Fei.


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