Chapter 115: Melee Fight

Gu Fei’s eyes turned cold, she closed his eyes, then opened them again, thrust the long knife forward, and “puffed” it into the woman’s belly.

The knife was pulled back, blood dripping from the tip of the knife, the woman swayed a few times and fell softly.

Gu Fei took the time to look around and everywhere was in chaos. In the back, Aunt Liu was holding a kitchen knife and slashing at a man climbing on their mule cart.

Mrs. Qian and Old Lady Gu were twisting into a ball, pulling each other’s hair.

In front, her mother was with Gu Sanlang, and her mother was holding a rolling pin, she hit a woman’s head hard.

Seeing that her mother was obviously in the upper hand, Gu Fei did not go over. She retracted her gaze and only stared at the area in front of her. As long as someone tried to come over, the long knife would swing mercilessly.

The chaos lasted for nearly a quarter of an hour. Perhaps because too many people fell, the remaining people around did not dare to rush up again.

But these people did not leave. They stood by the road with bloodshot eyes, staring at the mule cart.

Li Chunhua in front suddenly shouted: “Our mule!”

Gu Fei looked over and saw that the black mule weighing more than a thousand pounds slowly fell to the ground, its four legs kept twitching, and there was a bloody hole in its neck, still bleeding.

The mule cart also tilted forward, and the old lady fell out of the carriage while crying.

Gu Fei hurriedly shouted, “Second brother, carry grandma to this carriage.”

Gu Erlang carried the old lady over, and Gu Fei shouted again: “Sister-in-law, move the things in the carriage over.”

Lian’er ran over and helped Li Chunhua carry the mattress, quilt, and several bundles on the car to this side.

Everyone was alert to the remaining people while checking their losses.

Auntie Liu cursed: “Black-hearted things, you stole half a bag of steamed bread from me.”

Aunt Huang stared blankly at several people picking up the millet scattered on the ground in her family, and these people stuffed it directly into their mouths.

Mrs. Qian’s hair was disheveled, standing by the cart, panting.

Zhang Laodaran over, covering his arm, and shouted at Gu Zhang’s car: “Second Brother Gu, do you have any wound medicine? My arm was cut.”

Gu Zhang hurriedly took out a bottle of gold medicine from his bundle and handed it to him.

Uncle Ma walked back and forth and looked: “Is everyone okay? Can we leave?”

Zhang Laoda shouted: “Uncle Ma, wait until I apply the medicine before leaving.” ”

After waiting for a while, the convoy moved forward again.

Gu Fei looked back and saw that the people on the roadside ran quickly towards the mule on the ground, and no one cared about the people who had just been killed or injured and lying on the ground.

There was also a large bloodstain on someone’s clothes, and he also squeezed into the crowd to grab the mule meat.

Lian’er muttered beside him: “Didn’t they say that they would rather starve to death than eat mule meat? I heard that eating mule meat will make you unable to have children, and mule meat is very sour and not delicious.”

Gu Fei shook her head: “If you don’t eat it, you will starve to death. ”

They lost one mule carriage, so Old Lady, Gu Zhang, and Xiao Cao were all squeezed into the cart, and it was not easy for the others to get on the carriage to rest.

Fortunately, after walking for so long, everyone’s legs were stronger than before, and they all forced themselves to keep going.

They walked like this for more than ten days. In the evening of that day, Uncle Ma pointed to a dilapidated temple beside the official road ahead and said: “Let’s rest there tonight. This is already the territory of Hedong County.”

The gate of the dilapidated temple gate was half open, and the courtyard was full of dead leaves.

Everyone led the mule in and found people in the main hall.


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