Chapter 124: Eating inside and outside

After walking for another hour, they were a distance away from Qinglong Gorge, so Uncle Ma told everyone to rest.

As usual, they first picked up firewood and lit a circle around, then surrounded the mule carts in a circle, and lit a pile of fire in the middle, and everyone rested in the middle.

The fire was lit, illuminating the surroundings.

Gu Fei then saw the miserable situation of everyone.

Gu Jinsheng from the village head’s family dragged a leg and limped.

Uncle Gu Zhong had one arm hanging in front of his chest.

The shoulder of the uncle was covered with blood.

Each one seemed to be a defeated general returning from the battlefield.

Mrs. Chen had just put up the pot, when Mrs. Qian suddenly came over, saying in a loud voice: “Sister-in-law, my family’s food has been robbed, can you lend me some.”

Mrs. Chen’s hand froze, here it comes, the thing she was worried about all the way finally came.

It would be unreasonable not to lend it, this was Gu Zhang’s brother and sister-in-law.

Needless to say, it is impossible to return the loan.

Aunt Liu looked at this side and hesitated to speak, but thought about it and decided to forget it. It was not appropriate for her, an outsider, to interfere in the affairs of the two brothers.

The old lady hurriedly said to Mrs. Chen: “Why are you still standing there? I see there are two bags of flour in the car, just give one bag to the eldest family.”

This was simply eating from the inside out!

The old lady was a typical example of it!

She eats from her family and gives away her family’s things!

She didn’t say she would give coarse grains, but flour!

Gu Fei opened her mouth several times and swallowed the words back into her stomach.

These were Gu Zhang’s brother and sister-in-law, and it was not easy for others to speak.

Gu Zhang said in a deep voice: “I don’t have much food at home. Everyone knows that Master Su and the others are eating at my house. This flour should be kept for them.”

“It’s okay if my sister-in-law wants to borrow it. There is still half a bag of millet, which is enough for your family to eat until Huainan County.”

“Chen, give it to her.”

Mrs. Qian was unhappy when she heard this. They had flour, but she gave her millet.

What does that mean? The flour was a fine grain, and millet was a coarse grain. Flour was generally three times the price of millet.

She didn’t plan to pay it back after borrowing it, so naturally she wanted flour. She couldn’t help but mutter: “Can the three of them eat so much flour?”

Gu Fei finally couldn’t help it. She wanted flour even though she got it for free!

She said quietly, “Aunt, you haven’t told us when you will return the grain you borrowed.”

“When you lend our family 1 tael of silver, you ask us to return it to you in just an hour.”

When Mrs. Qian heard what Gu Fei said, she said: “You dead girl, you have no right to interrupt when adults are talking–”

After saying this, Mrs. Qian suddenly remembered that Gu Fei killed people, beat wolves, and killed who knows how many bandits he killed today.

Her cheeks twitched a few times, and she hurriedly said, “Xiao Fei, Aunt didn’t mean that, it’s just, it’s–”

Gu Fei Looking at her coldly: “Food is so precious now, it is life-saving. You must have seen how many people died on the way to grab food.”

“But you make it sound so easy.”

Lian’er plucked up the courage to respond: “That’s right, don’t you have money? Aunt Huang ran out of food a few days ago, but they bought it with silver.”

The two of them sang in unison, making Mrs. Qian’s face flushed. She stared at Lian’er.

A bought girl dared to talk back to her!

The old lady was anxious at this time and scolded Lian’er, “Shut up, you have no right to speak!”

She turned her head and looked at Mrs. Chen again: “Didn’t you hear what the second son said? Go and get it!”

Mrs. Chen silently took out half a bag of millet from the mule cart, put it on the ground, and went to cook.


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