Chapter 129: I have money

Mrs. Qian was anxious when she heard that Gu Zhong wanted to borrow money. In the past few days, Gu Zhong had told her many times not to think about taking advantage of other families, especially Gu Zhang’s family.

He said that he didn’t want to be separated from his brother.

Since he said so, he was determined to pay back the money he borrowed.

This was not a small amount of money. She couldn’t help but yell: “Xing’er is a girl, is it worth spending 10 taels of silver for her to go to the city?”

“It’s better to sell her, and you can get some money!”

Xing’er was stunned for a moment, and then she pulled Gu Zhong and cried: “Dad, don’t sell me, I can help with the housework, Please don’t sell me.”

Gu Zhong’s forehead was throbbing with veins, and he pointed at Mrs. Qian: “Shut up, if you say it again, I will sell you!”

Mrs. Qian shrank back and dared not speak.

Gu Zhang seemed to be roasted on the fire for a while.

He smiled bitterly and was about to speak when Aunt Liu spoke up: “Zhang, I have a favor to ask of you. My family doesn’t have enough money. Can you lend me 20 taels?”

At this time, the eldest aunt looked at Gu Zhang and hesitated to speak. His family was also short of money. Ninety taels of silver for nine people. Even if their family was rich, they couldn’t afford so much!

There was still a shortage of 30 taels!

Gu Rong lowered his head and said nothing. There were three people in his family, and that was 30 taels of silver. What should he do? Should he ask his second brother to borrow again?

He was too embarrassed.

He suddenly raised his head: “My family doesn’t need it. I will go and make a fake household registration. If I can pass, I will pass. If I can’t, I will take ten boards for my wife.”

Mrs. Li stood by and almost cried when she heard this.

Gu Zhang said helplessly: “There are 12 people in my family now, and it costs 120 taels to go to the city–”

Old Lady Gu next to him interrupted hurriedly: “How can there be twelve? Those two girls were bought, so just sell them!”

Lanzhi nervously grabbed the corner of Gu Fei’s clothes, and Lian’er lowered her head.

Gu Fei glanced at the old lady coldly.

Gu Zhang said in a deep voice: “Since these two girls have been bought, they are family members, and there is no reason to throw them here.”

Old Lady Gu snorted, “If you ask me, what are you buying these people for? They are useless except for eating white rice!”

“We are just farmers, and some people think they are ladies. Do they need to be served?”

Gu Fei sneered: “It’s my own money, I can spend it however I want!”

Is it your business?

Old Lady Gu poked the ground with her cane: “Look, everyone, is there anyone who talks to their elders like this? I am her grandmother, but she has never spent 8 or 10 taels of silver on me, but she is willing to spend money on outsiders!”

“This old woman–”

Su Chen looked at the old lady with disgust, and suddenly interrupted her, “How about this, how much silver do you still need? I will lend it to you. Please help me write a receipt, Uncle Gu.”

If he didn’t say anything, the old woman would talk about Gu Fei endlessly.

Everyone didn’t expect such a pleasant surprise.

Aunt Huang hurriedly said: “Young Master Su, my family doesn’t have enough silver. Can I borrow ten taels from you?”

She had enough silver to go into the city, but it would be good to borrow some.

When she settled down in Donghai County, wouldn’t she need silver?

Su Chen didn’t care about the ten taels at all, and nodded casually: “If you want to borrow money, just come and sign an IOU letter.”

Gu Zhang hurriedly searched in the mule cart for a long time. Gu Fei walked over and pretended to search together, handing him a small bundle, which contained a half-bald brush, an inkstone, a small piece of pine soot ink, and a few pieces of yellow rough-edged paper.

Mrs. Chen collected all of these and stuffed them into her space.

After taking out the things, Gu Qing poured a few drops of water into the ink stone and helped grind the ink.


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