Chapter 131: Almost miss

One family after another went over, and finally, only Su Chen and Gu Fei’s family were left.

Su Chen and his family didn’t have any documents to prove their identity, and they agreed to go with Gu Zhang.

Because Lian’er still had her family’s household registration, which listed her family of four.

Gu Zhang handed over his family’s household registration and Lian’er’s household registration together, and whispered: “Fifteen people from both families.”

At this time, the soldier next to him counted the heads and shouted: “Fifteen people.”

The officer and soldier did not look closely but only saw that the silver note was one hundred and fifty taels, and he was quite happy in his heart. This group of people went over, and the harvest was not small.

So he nodded, “Go–”

As soon as the voice fell, he saw a middle-aged man in civil servant clothes coming out of the city gate.

The officer and soldier’s face changed, and he quickly put away the silver note and whispered: “Go–”

This man is the county magistrate here. He was the most rigid and weird person. He comes here several times a day to check if anyone from the three counties has sneaked through.

Gu Zhang also saw the man at this time, put away the household registration, and secretly said in his heart that it was bad.

This man was from the government office. Judging from his clothes, he was an eighth-rank county magistrate. The government office and the army were two different systems, and most of the local people were in a state of no submission to each other.

The county magistrate took a look at Gu Zhang and his group. These people were wearing sheepskin coats and looked like authentic northerners.

He pointed at Gu Zhang: “Where is your household registration?”

Gu Zhang was anxious and couldn’t speak for a while.

At this time, Su Chen lifted the curtain of the carriage: “We are all registered in Donghai County.” He spoke the standard dialect of Donghai County.

The county magistrate looked at Su Chen. This young man was wearing a fox fur cloak with a green brocade surface. He was not an ordinary person at first glance.

He looked at Gu Zhang and his group again. Why did they all look like countrymen?

The county magistrate raised an eyebrow and spoke to Su Chen in a gentler tone: “Are you together?”

Su Chen nodded: “This is my uncle, he has been here for many years, but his household registration is still in Donghai County. I came here especially to take them back to my hometown this time.”

The mule cart was dragging so many things, that it was obvious that they were moving.

The county magistrate was still looking at Gu Zhang, Gu Fei turned to Su Chen and said: “Cousin, there should be a clinic in this city, the injury on your leg can’t be delayed.”

Su Chen smiled, this girl, actually knew the dialect of Donghai County, and the cousin sounded so nice, he nodded: “Let’s go to the clinic after entering the city.”

Gu Fei turned around and looked at her father innocently: “Dad, let’s go.”

Gu Zhang responded vaguely, and the county magistrate saw that Su Chen and Gu Fei were speaking dialects, his suspicion was gone, and he waved his hand: “You go.”

Everyone hurriedly drove the mule cart into the city gate.

It was not until they walked a little further that everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

Gu Zhang hurriedly bowed to Su Chen: “Thank you so much, young master.”

Su Chen laughed: “Why did Second Uncle Gu thank me? I’m with you. I’m doing this for myself.”

Gu Zhang smiled: “It’s all thanks to Young Master Su who speaks southern dialect, otherwise, I’m afraid it would be a big trouble.”

Su Chen looked behind him, and Gu Fei stood with her back to him: “My mother is from the south, I’ve heard it a lot since I was a child, so I naturally know it.”

“I didn’t expect that the daughter of Second Uncle Gu would know it.”

Gu Zhang laughed, he was not surprised by what Gu Fei knew.

Gu Fei smiled, she learned some dialects from her roommates when she was in college in her previous life, and her level was just enough to fool outsiders, but she didn’t expect it to be useful in this time and space.

At this time, the village chief and his families came over, and Uncle Ma asked: “Why don’t we stay in the city tonight?”


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