Chapter 133: How to get rich?

After dinner, the Gu Family saw that water was free, so they took turns boiling water for bathing.

Gu Fei found a quiet place in the yard to sit down, and her consciousness drifted away.

What would the family do for a living in Ping’an City?

She couldn’t make glass.

She couldn’t make soap.

She couldn’t make cement, either.

Who told her that she was just a liberal arts student in her previous life?

She should have collected some related books earlier.

Thinking of books, Gu Fei suddenly had an idea. In addition to textbooks, she had also collected some books when she passed by a bookstore.

Mainly because there were no movies, TV, or short videos in the end times, she would read some novels about the domineering president falling in love with me to pass the time in her spare time.

Gu Fei entered her consciousness into the space and searched in the pile of books.

Except for the domineering president falling in love with me, there was nothing new about the billionaire’s wife running away with the baby.

Gu Fei was about to lose heart when she turned to the end. Suddenly, she found a thin booklet. She didn’t know how it was inserted. There were a few big words on the booklet: “Artificial Cultivation of Pearls”.

Gu Fei laughed up to the sky in the space. She felt that the shining pearls were waving to her. She would soon become rich and reach the peak of her life.

She quickly opened the booklet and took a look. Then the smile on her lips disappeared little by little.

She recognized all the words on it, but it looked like a heavenly book.

Moreover, the period of raising clams was not short. It takes more than a year at the fastest to see the benefits and two or three years at the slowest.

Gu Fei threw the book away and squatted in the space to worry.

Her eyes fell on the remaining half box of fruits, and her eyes lit up again. She could grow apples!

The Great Ying Dynasty had not introduced apples yet. Should she be afraid that no one will eat them after they are grown?

Immediately, she was discouraged again. The growth period of fruit trees was long.

Without four or five years, they can’t bear fruit at all. If she waits for four or five years, she is afraid that the whole family will starve to death.

Gu Fei was a little crazy, her eyes unconsciously swirled in the space.

Finally, her eyes fell on a bag of dried red peppers.

Gu Fei stood up, she knew what to do!

Plant peppers!

There were pepper seeds in the dried red peppers. Although they have been in space for a long time, according to the nature of the time solidification of the space, the pepper seeds should be usable.

Moreover, the growth cycle of peppers is short, and they can be harvested in a few months. They can be planted twice a year, and several crops can be harvested in one season.

The aunt in the community planted them downstairs, and it seemed that she didn’t take care of them, but the peppers bore fruit.

With an idea, Gu Fei came out of the space with a flash of consciousness. As soon as she opened her eyes, she saw a finger stopped in front of her eyes, almost poking her eyelashes.

Gu Fei quickly tilted her head back and saw Su Chen’s face blushing. He took a step back and took back his hand with embarrassment.

“I, I called you several times just now, but you didn’t respond. I thought you were asleep.”

Do you poke people when they fall asleep?

Gu Fei laughed as she complained in her heart, and stood up: “I was thinking about something just now, and I didn’t hear Young Master Su calling me.”

“Young Master, is there something wrong?”

Su Chen put his hand on his lips and coughed lightly: “Nothing, I just want to thank you, the food tonight is delicious.”

Gu Fei smiled: “Young Master, you are too polite.” After saying that, she bowed to Su Chen turned around, and walked into the inn.

Su Chen looked at her back, feeling a little depressed.

He felt the same last time. He just said a word to her, but she walked away.

Is she avoiding him?


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