Chapter 160: Steal if you can’t rob it

Lian’er didn’t dare to ask any more questions. The two of them walked to the clothing store next door and saw that Mrs. Chen had already bought a lot of clothes, which made the shopkeeper smile.

Seeing Gu Fei coming, Mrs. Chen felt relieved and waved to Lian’er: “Come here, I’ll buy you a set to wear for the New Year.”

Lian’er stepped back quickly: “I don’t need it, I’ll just wear the old ones.”

Gu Fei looked at Lian’er, who was wearing a gray cotton jacket and cotton pants, with holes in several places, revealing the cotton inside.

Mrs. Chen glared at her: “How can you not need it? You are a member of my family. If you wear tattered clothes, it will be a bad reflection from our family.”

Lian’er stopped talking. Mrs. Chen picked a plum yellow jacket and a green cotton skirt for her and asked her to change into them.

Otherwise, if she wore tattered clothes and walked on such a busy street, it would affect the city’s appearance.

After buying clothes, the family got on the mule carriage, and Gu Qing drove forward.

Gu Fei lifted the curtain of the cart and secretly glanced at the tea house. She happened to see Xiao Yu standing by the window. Gu Fei’s heart trembled, and she quickly lowered the curtain and retracted her head.


Xiao Yu stood by the window of the tea house, watching the mule cart go away, and squinted his eyes.

He turned around and looked at Shitou: “Tell me, what method can we use to get the blood-dropping device?”

Shitou said helplessly: “Young Master, Miss Xiao Fei swore a poisonous oath, so she will not give it to you.”

“We can’t just steal or rob.”

Xiao Yu stared at Shitou, and suddenly his eyes lit up: “You’re right, it’s not easy to rob, but stealing will work!”

“In this way, she won’t be considered to have violated her oath, and she won’t have to suffer from a broken stomach.”

Shitou stared at his master with his eyes wide open: “Are you serious?”

Xiao Yu coughed lightly: “It’s not stealing, it’s called secretly buying, we can just find the thing quietly and give her some silver later.”

Shitou looked at Xiao Yu and asked carefully: “Young Master, who are you going to send to steal?”

Don’t let me go!

Xiao Yu stared at him: “Who else but you?”

“You are my most trusted confidant, and I trust you the most.”

Shitou wailed in his heart: “Young Master, I have never tried to steal, I can’t do it!”

Xiao Yu stared at him sinisterly and said: “You have to learn if you don’t know. I know you have a way. You have more tricks than anyone else.”

Shitou complained: “Young Master, I am an honest man. How can you say that to me?”

Xiao Yu glanced at him sideways: “I don’t care. Anyway, you have to do it tonight, I want to see the thing tomorrow.”

After that, Xiao Yu walked out.

Shitou followed with a sad face: “Young Master, but I don’t even know what that thing looks like, how can I steal it!”

Xiao Yu paused: That’s right.

He thought for a moment: “You’re right, you’re too stupid, maybe the thing is right in front of you, but you don’t know it!”

“Think of a proper way, I’ll go with you tonight.”

He has seen countless kinds of hidden weapons and has simulated dozens of blood drops in his mind, and there is always one that can match.

Shitou was shocked, their dignified young prince was going to be a thief!

If this was known by others, what would happen.?Especially their princess.

Their princess was so gentle and kind, if she knew that their young prince was going to be a thief, he doesn’t know how sad she would be.

“Young Master, you must not. I will go tonight, you can’t go.”

As he was talking, he had already walked outside. Shitou shut up and stopped talking, but he was worried in his heart.

He really shouldn’t have said too much just now, and Shitou was very upset.


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