Chapter 163: Do an experiment

Xiao Yu snorted: “No need for you, go and call Huaping for me.”

Huaping was Xiao Yu’s eldest maid, she was doing needlework in the side room, and when she heard Shitou calling her, she came over immediately.

Huaping raised the curtain, stood at the door, and bowed to Xiao Yu: “The prince called me?”

Xiao Yu nodded, looked around, and pointed to the chair behind the desk: “You sit there.”

Huaping said in panic: “I dare not, that’s where the prince sits.”

“Just sit down when I told you to, why are you talking so much nonsense!” Xiao Yu said impatiently.

Huaping didn’t dare to disobey Xiao Yu, so she had to walk to the chair trembling and sit down, then look at Xiao Yu stupidly.

Xiao Yu pointed at her: “Just sit there, don’t move. If I don’t let you move, don’t move around.”

Huaping nodded repeatedly: “My Lord, I won’t move.”

“That’s good!” Xiao Yu lifted the curtain and went out.

Huaping sat there in a panic. What did the Lord think of to torment her?

Xiao Yu walked out of the door and glanced at Shitou: “What are you waiting for? Light the incense!”

Shitou agreed, quickly took out a stick of incense and lit it, then lifted a corner of the curtain and threw it in.

The two walked to the window and looked inside through the window covered with rosy gauze.

They saw a figure sitting upright in front of the desk.

Xiao Yu whispered: “Calculate the time.”

The incense was thrown in, and the smoke curled up. After a while, Huaping noticed it.

She wanted to get up and check, but as soon as she moved, Xiao Yu’s voice came from outside: “Don’t move!”

Huaping was so scared that she sat back down obediently.

The study was soon filled with a special fragrance.

With a little sweetness, Huaping felt drowsy as she smelled it.

But she remembered that the prince asked her to sit down, so she forced herself to sit up.

But her eyelids became heavier, and her mind became more and more dizzy. Huaping finally couldn’t hold on and fell softly on the table.

Xiao Yu outside saw the figure in front of the desk fall, and he was happy. He turned around and asked Shitou: “How long did it take?”

Shitou thought: “Less than a quarter of an hour. I guess it’s because the room is big. If the room is small, it shouldn’t take so long.”

Xiao Yu was very satisfied.

He whispered: “We’ll go in later, you poke her and see if she wakes up.”

Shitou hesitated and said: “This, we don’t need it.”

Xiao Yu stared: “Why not? That thing, that girl must have hidden it secretly, maybe she hid it on herself. What if she wakes up when we look for it?”

Shitou suddenly said in fear: “My Lord, if we go in, we would fall like Huaping, right?”

Xiao Yu squinted his eyes: “This is also a problem.”

“When you go in later, cover your mouth and nose, put out the incense, and see how long it takes for Huaping to wake up.”

The two waited outside for a while, and Shitou took a handkerchief to cover his mouth and nose and then went into the study.

He put out the incense first, then walked to Huaping, stretched out a finger, and poked her arm: “Sister Huaping – Sister Huaping -”

No response.

Xiao Yu lifted the curtain and came in, picked up a pen from the desk, and brushed Huaping’s nose.

Huaping frowned slightly but still didn’t wake up.

Xiao Yu looked at Shitou: “Pinch her and see.”

Shitou looked at Xiao Yu with great grief and indignation: “My Lord, how can you make such a request?

She was a delicate and tender sister!


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