Chapter 165: A pair of wild mandarin ducks

After laughing for a while, Xiao Yu said: “Is it her?”

Shitou nodded: “It’s her from the voice.”

Xiao Yu couldn’t help laughing again: “This little song – hahaha, how did she come up with it.”

Shitou scratched his head: “This little song is magical, I can sing it after listening to it once.”

Xiao Yu glanced at him: “You are not allowed to sing it even if you can sing it, hold it back.”

He looked up at the sky: “Now I finally understand why Uncle Ma said that she is just a little girl who knows nothing about the world and not a spy.”

“She is just a little girl, and she’s quite funny.”

“No one should be stupid enough to send such a person out as a spy.”

Spies were all strictly trained. Even he would not choose someone like Gu Fei to be a spy.

Gu Fei could never have thought that, with her natural stupidity, she successfully dispelled Xiao Yu’s last suspicion of her.

Xiao Yu waved his hand: “Let’s go, walk around first, and come back later.”

The two of them didn’t walk far before they saw another yard.

Shitou looked over: “This is Young Master’s courtyard, right?”

Xiao Yu suddenly lowered his voice and said: “Don’t make any noise, someone is coming.”

The two of them quickly hid behind a tree, and saw a young farmer walking along the wall, wandering under the wall.

After a while, a slender figure walked along the wall. It was clear in the moonlight that it was a girl.

The boy ran over quickly when he saw the girl and held her hand: “Xing’er, you’re finally here.”

Xing’er pulled back her hand and turned away: “Why did you ask me to come?”

Shanzi stammered: “Nothing, I just missed you and wanted to talk to you for a while.”

“Then talk, I’ll listen,” Xing’er said shyly.

Shanzi thought for a moment: “I’m going to the city to drive a cart today, too.”

“I pulled a few carts for others and earned more than a hundred coins.”

“Xing’er, I’ll go to the city again tomorrow and buy you a flower clip to wear when I make money.”

Xing’er said, “Hmm” shyly.

Shanzi suddenly reached out and hugged Xing’er: “Xing’er, hug me, I dream about you every day–”

Shitou behind the tree saw this scene and almost shouted.

Their princess was strict with the prince, and the prince’s master said that he couldn’t lose his virginity before the age of 20 because of his kung fu.

Any maid in the mansion who dared to seduce the prince would be beaten to death.

If any of the maids dared to seduce the prince, they would either be sent to the brothel or be beaten to death.

The maids in the mansion all acted like saints in front of the prince, not looking sideways. Their prince turned nineteen after the Chinese New Year, but he still had a long way to go.

Last time in Lincheng, someone invited their prince to go to the Jiaofang House to play, so he was worried. In the end, their prince slept there for a night, and he just slept.

If their prince saw the affairs of men and women and got interested, Shitou felt that his life would be in danger.

He quickly reached out to cover Xiao Yu’s eyes: “Prince, let’s stop watching, let’s go listen to that girl sing a little song.”

Xiao Yu pulled his hand away and whispered: “What’s wrong with seeing it? Humph, don’t think I don’t know anything, I’m just not interested in these.”

After all, he was nineteen years old, and he already knew what he should and shouldn’t know.

Isn’t it just a matter between men and women? Humph, he had seen many intimate paintings!

Xing’er struggled over there, whispering: “You, you are bad, you bully me——”


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