Chapter 166: Take action

Shanzi hugged Xing’er tighter: “I just want to bully you, I want to bully you severely in my dreams–”

“Xing’er, you are so soft–”

Shitou cursed in his heart, this wild couple, can’t they go to another place?

What if they pollute their prince’s eyes?

Looking at Xiao Yu next to him, he stared at the young man and woman under the moonlight with a sharp gaze, obviously very interested.

Shitou stretched out his hand, unyielding, but was slapped away by Xiao Yu: “Don’t make noise, this is much more interesting than watching a show.”

Fortunately, Shanzi didn’t make any further moves while hugging Xing’er, so Shanzi hugged for a while and then let go.

Xing’er started to cry softly, and her two little hands beat Shanzi’s chest: “You bully me, I hate you, you are bad——”

Shanzi grabbed her hand: “Well, I am bad, I just want to do bad things to you, hit me here.”

He grabbed Xing’er’s hand and rubbed it.

While rubbing, Shanzi said affectionately: “Xing’er, you, you are so pretty.”

Xiao Yu behind the tree couldn’t help but curl his lips.

Is this boy blind? This girl is so ugly, how can she be pretty?

Speaking of pretty, except for his mother, the little girl was also pretty.

At this time, a sharp shout came from the yard: “Xing’er, you dead girl, where have you been, why don’t you get back to me!”

Xing’er was frightened and quickly pushed Shanzi away, and hurriedly ran forward along the wall.

Shanzi still had his hands on his chest, standing there stupidly, watching Xing’er run away.

Xiao Yu curled his lips and touched Shitou: “Let’s go.”

There’s no show to watch, so why not go and listen to the little girl sing a little song?

The two walked back slowly.

There were fields all around except for the two nearby courtyards, and there were no other houses. The two walked on the small road, and it was quiet all around.

They climbed in from the backyard and saw that the lights in a whole row of houses were off.

The two touched Gu Fei’s window, held their breath, and listened for a while, but there was no sound in the house.

The two waited for a while under the window, and Xiao Yu winked at Shitou.

Shitou poked a small hole in the window paper, lit the five-drum chicken crow resurrection incense, and threw it in.

The two squatted outside the window and silently calculated the time.

When the time was almost up, Shitou tried to pull open the window. Although the window was closed, it was not plugged in, so it opened easily.

Shitou went in first and extinguished the incense. Xiao Yu went in and turned around to close the window.

The moonlight was very good tonight.

It was the 16th, and the moon was big and round.

They can see clearly in the room without turning on the lights.

The two looked around first. There was only a bed, a wardrobe, a table, and a chair in the room.

The two searched in the wardrobe for a while, but it was hard to say whether they had searched. There were only a few clothes in the wardrobe, and almost everything was visible.

Shitou touched around carefully, but there was no secret compartment or anything.

Looking at the rest of the place, everything was visible. There was no place to hide anything at all. They all turned their eyes to Gu Fei’s bed.

There was a small cabinet at the head of the bed, and the cabinet had two drawers.

Xiao Yu opened it and saw two pearl flowers inside.

He opened the drawer below and found a book inside.

Xiao Yu picked it up and identified it in the moonlight. The title was – “The Story of Yingying”.

He threw the book down and stared at Gu Fei wrapped in the quilt.

Under the moonlight, her face was as white as mutton-fat jade, covered by long eyelashes, quiet and beautiful.

Shitou came over: “My Lord, it’s not anywhere. Could it be under this little girl’s pillow?”


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