Chapter 170: Holding a family meeting

Gu Sanlang clapped his hands: “Sister, you said it well.”

Gu Zhang looked at the children in the room and smiled with satisfaction: “Okay, then everyone listen.”

Gu Fei blinked: “Then this is our first family meeting.”

“In the future, when there is a big event in the family, we can hold a family meeting.”

Gu Zhang smiled. Although the term family meeting sounded new, he understood the meaning at once.

The court had a court meeting, and when encountering a big event, there was also a court meeting. The meaning was the same.

“Okay, then call everyone here, and let’s start the family meeting now.”

After a while, a brazier was placed in the main room. Gu Fei called Lian’er to pour tea for everyone and went into the room. After a while, she brought out a plate of melon seeds and a dish of beef jerky and placed them on the eight-immortal table.

Everyone looked at the melon seeds and beef jerky on the table eagerly. Gu Fei said with a smile: “A meeting should be held in the manner of a meeting.”

Gu Sanlang pointed at the plate of melon seeds: “What is this? Is it for eating?”

Gu Fei picked up a melon seed, put it between her teeth, and cracked it gently. The melon seed kernel went into her mouth, and the melon seed shell was placed on the table.

Everyone forgot about the meeting for a moment, and picked up melon seeds one by one, cracking them like Gu Fei.

Gu Sanlang was the most anxious, he grabbed a handful of melon seeds and put them in his mouth to chew, then “poof” and spit them all out.

Mrs. Chen glared at him: “Why do you grab so many? Look, Xiao Fei only eats one.”

Gu Sanlang spitted “teh, teh, teh” and shouted: “What is this thing? It’s not delicious.”

Gu Fei shook her head: “Third brother, you have to be elegant when eating melon seeds. You can’t eat the shell.”

“Look, like this–”

She picked up the melon seeds and demonstrated again.

Gu Sanlang waved his hand: “Forget it, I’m impatient and can’t eat this.”

To maintain his father’s image, Gu Zhang was itchy in his heart, but he resisted grabbing the melon seeds to eat.

Gu Fei carefully peeled a few seeds and handed the melon kernels to his father.

Gu Zhang chewed the melon seeds in his mouth, feeling happy. His daughter was filial, unlike these brats who only cared about eating themselves.

He coughed lightly: “The meeting is about to start!”

Everyone sat down quickly, and Gu Zhang said: “Then I will tell you about our family’s next plan. Now we have 20 acres of land. When the new year comes, we will plant peppers.”

“Your mother will be in charge of this matter.”

Mrs. Chen pointed at her nose: “Me?”

Gu Zhang nodded: “Xiao Fei said that peppers are a kind of vegetable. This thing is easy to grow. You are a good vegetable grower. When to plant, when to transplant, when to water, you can figure it out. Whatever you say, everyone will do it.”

Mrs. Chen looked at the eager eyes around her, straightened her chest, and suddenly felt heroic: “Okay, isn’t it just planting vegetables? I’m not afraid of anyone when it comes to planting vegetables. When spring comes, I’ll plant!”

Gu Zhang nodded: “There is also a pond. I have decided to raise clams and fish in the pond. This job is mainly for me and your eldest brother. ”

Gu Sanlang interrupted: “Dad, why raise clams, there is not much meat in the clamshell, and can it be eaten?”

Mrs. Chen rolled her eyes at him: “You only know how to eat, be quiet, and listen to your father.”

Gu Zhang drank a sip of water: “We’ll raise clams to raise pearls.”

“I asked around today and found a family that raises pearl clams. I will go there and bring back a large number tomorrow. By March or April next year, I can breed clams myself.”

After Gu Zhang finished speaking, Gu Erlang said: “Dad, can pearls be raised in clams?”

Gu Zhang nodded: “It’s true, I went to see today, and there are many families raising pearl clams.”

Gu Sanlang shouted: “Pearls are very valuable, so is our family going to get rich!”


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