Chapter 82: Everyone has his own destiny

Not far away, the village chief looked at the Gu family and sighed: “The Gu Family is getting better.”

Aunt Liu, the village chief’s wife, packed her things neatly: “Who says no? Ever since Xiao Fei came back, their family has lived a happy life every day. A life that makes people jealous!”

The village chief nodded: “That girl Xiao Fei is lucky. It’s a pity that our grandson is still small. Otherwise, if we arranged marriage, we won’t have to worry about anything in the future.”

Aunt Liu snorted: “Don’t think about such a good thing. Even if your grandson is of the same age, he is not worthy of her!”

“Xiao Fei is literate, can make money, and can cook. What can your grandson do?”

“Besides, judging from her appearance, I’m sure she will be a promising person in the future!”

The village chief looked at his wife: “Really?”

The old grandmother in his wife’s natal family was a fortune-teller when he was still alive. He has a rich family background, so his wife knows a little bit about it.

Aunt Liu nodded: “That girl has a straight nose. She will be able to find a good husband in the future, and she can make a lot of money with the look of her chin. This girl will have a bright future in the future.”

The village chief’s eyes flashed. It seemed that he would have to have a good relationship with the Gu Zhang family in the future.

Everyone packed up after eating and hit the road.

Not long after setting off, Gu Fei heard Mrs. Qian’s scolding: “You go, get away from us. What do you think you’re doing? Do you want to ask for food for our family again?”

Gu Fei looked over and saw Lian’er, her mother, and her brother, each carrying a package, following the motorcade.

The woman lowered her head and said nothing, while the little boy looked at Mrs. Qian angrily.

Gu Fei looked at her coldly, and the village chief scolded: “Ms. Qian, what’s wrong with them walking on the road? Does this road belong to your family? Go on your way and stop meddling in other people’s business!”

Mrs. Qian didn’t dare to argue with the village chief. She glared at the mother and son, turned around and slapped Lian’er: “Carry Bao’er on your back, you slut!”

Lian’er squatted down silently, and Bao’er climbed on her back and patted her on the head: “I’m riding a big horse, walk quickly, drive – drive -”

The woman looked at Lian’er’s tears and stood there for a long time before gritting her teeth and following the convoy.

Gu Fei looked at it for a long time and was speechless.

Uncle Ma next to her patted her on the shoulder and said: “Let’s go. Everyone has their destiny. Others can help for a while, but they can’t help for a lifetime.”

Gu Fei walked forward silently.

Everyone was thirsty, so they walked in a hurry on the road, and within an hour they arrived at the place Uncle Ma had mentioned.

Uncle Ma looked around and pointed to the small slope beside the road: “This is it. After climbing over this slope, there is a small river behind.”

Everyone cheered, and after the mule cart stopped, they rushed to the small slope.

Tieniu, the grandson of my aunt’s family who was running at the front, had already reached the top of the slope and shouted: “There is water, there is water!”

Everyone became more and more anxious. Gu Zhang quickly called to his sons: “Untie the mules and take them over there to drink more water.”

Uncle Ma was as steady as an old dog and stood motionless. Gu Fei stood beside him and didn’t move either.

Uncle Ma glanced at her and said: “Why don’t you go get water quickly?”

Gu Fei blinked, “Didn’t you, old man, go too? Everyone has gone, who will watch the carriage?”

Uncle Ma laughed and said: “does How your brain work, little girl?”

“Okay, let’s stay here first.”


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