Chapter 94: Selling Oneself

It was dawn, they continued our journey after breakfast.

Before departure, Uncle Ma gathered everyone together and said with a heavy face: “Now everyone knows the situation. The days will only get harder as time goes by.”

“Our team can’t go like this. Two mule carts should be lined up in a row to shorten the team for better balance. In crowded places, men from each family should get out of the car and lead the mules. The men should also take kitchen knives and machetes to protect the cart and women.”

“Also, I’ll remind everyone one thing. On this road, no matter how pitiful people you meet, you are not allowed to give a grain of food. It’s not that I don’t want to give a little food, but it’s for everyone’s safety. Do you understand?”

Everyone responded in a mixed voice: “I understand.”

“Well, let’s go. I guess we have to rest in the wild tonight. Everyone should bring enough water. We can reach Tongcheng in Xishan County tomorrow. If everyone doesn’t have enough food or needs anything, we can buy it when we get to Tongcheng.”

Everyone cheered up and drove the mule cart on the road.

There were more and more disaster victims on the road. Their team mule carts were particularly eye-catching. From time to time, people stopped the team to ask for food, and the carts could not move fast at all.

Gu Fei blocked Lanzhi inside and walked outside.

No matter who stopped her, she would glare at them fiercely. She also knew that at this point, kindness really could not be given.

When it was time to rest at noon, Uncle Ma shouted: “Each family should eat dry food next to the car. Don’t put down the things in your hands. Be alert, eat quickly, and leave quickly after eating. Don’t delay for a long time.”

After a long time, the disaster victims in this area knew that they had food, and they might all come over.

That would be hard to say.

Uncle Ma climbed onto the roof of a car and looked around.

He saw that both sides of the official road were full of scattered disaster victims.

Uncle Ma thought for a moment and jumped out of the car: “Don’t rest, keep going, eat while walking! We can’t stop now!”

Everyone was desperately stuffing dry food into their mouths. Huzi walked in front of Gu Fei. Suddenly, a man ran over, snatched half of the steamed bread from Huzi’s hand, and ran away.

Huzi looked at his empty hands and was about to cry. Gu Fei pulled him in and stuffed a piece of chocolate into his mouth: “Come on, eat with your mouth closed.”

Huzi tasted the taste in his mouth and looked up at Gu Fei with sparkling eyes.

Gu Fei held a dagger in one hand and chewed a steamed bun in the other hand, looking around vigilantly.

The convoy moved forward with difficulty.

Some time ago, they walked seventy or eighty miles a day, but they walked more than forty miles this day.

It was dark, and no one thought about looking for an inn, so they built a stove in the wild to cook.

Mrs. Chen cooked a pot of millet porridge, and Li Chunhua took out a bowl of pickled vegetables and put it in the middle.

Bao’er ran over to take a look, and seeing that there was not much oil and water, he ran away with a pout.

After Bao’er ran away, Mrs. Chen gave everyone another cake.

While eating, a ragged girl came over and suddenly knelt in front of everyone: “Uncles, Aunts, please buy me, I don’t want money, just give me food. I can help with the work.”

Mrs. Qian, who was standing next to her, heard a scream: “What did you say, no money? No food exchange?”

The girl quickly turned around and kowtowed to Mrs. Qian: “No money, no food, nothing, just give me food to survive. I can work, I can chop wood, I can go to the fields, I can cook, I can do anything, Madam, please buy me.”


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