Chapter 99: Ran away

Gu Zhong’s face froze. Yesterday, he and Zhang Laoda were on guard. He couldn’t hold on any longer and dozed off for a while. Could it be that someone stole his family’s food at that time?

But there was also Zhang Laoda.

Zhang Laoda also felt guilty. He was very sleepy and didn’t know when he fell asleep.

While avoiding Gu Zhong’s gaze, he wondered, if this thief was also strange. Why didn’t he steal from other families but Gu Zhong’s?

Zhang Laoda suddenly asked: “Where is the girl you bought?”

Mrs. Qian looked around suddenly and shouted: “Xiao Hong, Xiao Hong, where did you go, you dead girl?”

There was no trace of Xiao Hong. Mrs. Qian quickly turned over the mule cart, and even the bedroll that was used for Xiao Hong was gone.

Mrs. Qian understood, slapped her thigh sat on the ground, and howled: “Shameless girl, you eat my food and use my things, but you steal my food and quilt. You bastard, chop your head into eight pieces, you deserve to die!”

No one sympathized with Mrs. Qian. Gu Fei saw that Aunt Huang still had a mocking smile on her face, and Aunt Liu rolled her eyes in disdain.

Mrs. Chen winked at Li Chunhua: “What did I say? That girl is not a simple one.”

Li Chunhua quickly flattered her mother-in-law: “You are a wise man.”

Mrs. Chen smiled: “Hurry up and make breakfast so that we can go into the city after eating.”

“We have to buy a few pairs of shoes. Our shoes are worn out after walking for days. We can’t make them in a hurry. I think Dalang and Sanlang’s shoes are broken.”

Gu Zhang took advantage of the fact that everyone was cooking at this time, walked to Gu Rong, and secretly gave him two taels of silver.

Gu Rong wanted to cry while holding the silver, and quickly showed it to Mrs. Li secretly: “This is the silver given by my second brother. We have money to go into the city.”

Mrs. Li nodded: “Let’s pay it back to my second brother slowly in the future.”

While eating breakfast here, the disaster victims around suddenly moved and rushed to the city gate like a tide.

Someone shouted: “Porridge is being distributed, take a bowl!”

When Mrs. Qian heard this, she hurriedly called Xing’er: “You take a basin and follow them.”

Zhang Laoda was also a little tempted, stood up looked, and waved to his wife: “Forget it, there are so many people queuing, I don’t know how long it will take.”

Xing’er bit her lip, “I won’t go. Others won’t go, why do you ask me to go?”

She was afraid that if she queued up to get porridge, her mother and father would take Bao’er into the city and abandon her.

She felt that her mother could do it.

Mrs. Qian slapped her hard on the back of her head: “Are you going or not? If you don’t go, there will be no lunch!”

Xing’er turned and ran away: “If you don’t want to eat, then don’t eat!”

After breakfast at Gu Fei’s house, they quickly packed up and went into the city.

There was no need to wait for anyone at this time since they had agreed to meet at the East City Gate at noon.

Uncle Ma had left without knowing when.

Gu Fei’s family, uncle’s family, and aunt’s family drove to the city gate together.

The line for porridge was very long.

Soldiers were patrolling around with swords to maintain order.

When Gu Fei passed by, she took a look at the big pot of porridge. It was millet porridge, the fire was still burning underneath, and the porridge looked thick enough.

The court usually had regulations, when providing disaster relief, that the porridge should be thick enough to insert chopsticks.

This was not disaster relief provided by the court, but by a wealthy family, so it was not bad to do so.

It can be estimated that these disaster victims can only survive on a bowl of porridge a day, but it was unknown how long this porridge can be provided.

When they arrived at the city gate and lined up to pay, Gu Zhang counted the number of people and paid three taels of silver before his family entered the city.


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