Chapter 68: Why give birth to a son?

Xing’er put down the bowl in her hand and said: “I’m not going. If you want to go, you can go by yourself.” After saying that, she ran away quickly. Mrs. Qian was so angry that when she saw Xing’er had disappeared and Bao’er was still crying on the ground, she called Gu Zhong again:… Continue reading Chapter 68: Why give birth to a son?

Chapter 67: Want whatever he see

At noon, everyone parked the mule cart in the field beside the official road and began to have lunch. Gu Fei was eating dry food for everyone at noon. Her aunt waved her over and handed her a piece of dried meat: “You didn’t eat anything about the rabbit meat yesterday. Bao’er took it all… Continue reading Chapter 67: Want whatever he see

Chapter 66: Feeling confident

Bao’er shouted and pointed at Xiao Cao: “You have it. What is in Xiaocao’s mouth? Why do you give it to her but not to me!” Gu Fei snorted, didn’t bother to pay attention to him, and walked to the side. Bao’er rolled on the ground again, howling as he rolled: “Give me candy, I… Continue reading Chapter 66: Feeling confident

Chapter 65: There is no three hundred taels of silver buried here

Gu Zhang nodded: “It’s much closer over there, but I heard there’s flooding there. It’s hard to live with this drought and flood.” The old man waved his hand: “Don’t be afraid of floods during summer. If it’s flooded during winter, the water will have receded long ago.” He thought to himself while thinking: “It… Continue reading Chapter 65: There is no three hundred taels of silver buried here

Chapter 64: Where it ends?

Gu Fei suddenly remembered that the troops marched in the past. No wonder they all wore leggings. She should have thought of this earlier. Xiao Cao said in a sweet voice beside her: “Grandmother, tie it up for me too.” Mrs. Chen smiled and said: “You don’t walk a few steps, so you don’t need… Continue reading Chapter 64: Where it ends?

Chapter 63: Children

Xing’er retracted her hand nonchalantly and looked around. The straw was almost laid out. She couldn’t snatch it from others. Xing’er turned around with empty hands. Mrs. Qian asked her, “Where is the straw you are holding?” “No more.” Xing’er shook her head. Mrs. Qian slapped Xing’er on the face: “You’re a useless girl, you… Continue reading Chapter 63: Children