Chapter 138: New Dish

Young Master Zhu took a look at Gu Zhang. He was wearing a sheepskin coat and spoke Mandarin, so he was not a local. Combining Gu Zhang’s words, Young Master Zhu thought for a moment and thought that since he was staying here temporarily, it must have been agreed by Young Master Su. The village… Continue reading Chapter 138: New Dish

Chapter 136: News from Inquiry

Seeing her mother wandering around, Gu Fei asked: “What’s wrong? Don’t you have a place to cook?” Mrs. Chen sighed: “There are not enough stoves. I think this is not a long-term solution. It’s okay for 1 or 2 days, but since we share a kitchen and a yard, we’re bound to clash with each… Continue reading Chapter 136: News from Inquiry

Chapter 135: Gaining knowledge

Liu Zhuangtou nodded repeatedly: “I will take good care of the guests.” Chen Hu gave a few more instructions before saying goodbye to Gu Zhang and the others. Liu Zhuangtou led everyone in. It was a two-entry courtyard. There was a stable in the front yard and a row of sitting rooms. Some flowers and… Continue reading Chapter 135: Gaining knowledge

Chapter 134: Qinghe Village

If Gu Fei knew what Su Chen was thinking, she would reply to him: Ha, men will only affect the speed of my sword drawing! The reason why she avoided Su Chen was actually because Su Chen was too good-looking, and she was afraid that she would be tempted if she looked at him too… Continue reading Chapter 134: Qinghe Village

Chapter 133: How to get rich?

After dinner, the Gu Family saw that water was free, so they took turns boiling water for bathing. Gu Fei found a quiet place in the yard to sit down, and her consciousness drifted away. What would the family do for a living in Ping’an City? She couldn’t make glass. She couldn’t make soap. She… Continue reading Chapter 133: How to get rich?