Chapter 126: Can’t enter the city

After talking to Juhua for a while and getting a piece of dried meat from her aunt, Gu Fei came back to eat when she saw that the meal was almost ready. Ever since Su Chen and the others started eating together, they had meat every meal. They took turns eating wolf meat and pork.… Continue reading Chapter 126: Can’t enter the city

Chapter 125: Don’t want to be alone

At this time, Gu Zhong suddenly came over with one arm hanging, took out a small piece of silver from his arms, handed it to Gu Qing, picked up the millet, and left. These days, he watched coldly how Gu Zhang subsidized their brother in secret, and their eldest sister also subsidized their third brother… Continue reading Chapter 125: Don’t want to be alone

Chapter 124: Eating inside and outside

After walking for another hour, they were a distance away from Qinglong Gorge, so Uncle Ma told everyone to rest. As usual, they first picked up firewood and lit a circle around, then surrounded the mule carts in a circle, and lit a pile of fire in the middle, and everyone rested in the middle.… Continue reading Chapter 124: Eating inside and outside

Chapter 123: Delivering Medicine

Xiao Cui hurried to turn over the strips of cloth, but couldn’t find them for a while. In a hurry, Gu Fei found a clean inner garment of Zhang Laodao from the bundle and tore it open. Several people bandaged Zhang Laoda’s wound together. At this time, Uncle Ma came over and saw that Zhang… Continue reading Chapter 123: Delivering Medicine

Chapter 122: The wind is blowing hard

Gu Fei raised her hand and shot the bandit who was shouting, and then killed the bandits who were surrounding Chen Hu and Zhang Ze. This area was also empty. She glanced at Chen Hu and Zhang Ze: “Leave one of you to protect your young master, and the other one——” Before she finished her… Continue reading Chapter 122: The wind is blowing hard

Chapter 121: Everyone, get your weapon

Gu Fei whispered: “Uncle Ma probably said these words because of the rules of the underworld.” “And, are you stupid? There are so many people ambushing on the road. Do you think there is only one?” Gu Sanlang hurriedly looked around, and Gu Fei whispered, “Don’t look, you can’t see it.” “Hold the knife in… Continue reading Chapter 121: Everyone, get your weapon