Chapter 25: My cousin is an “honest person” II (Part 2)

“It was at that time that Zhengzheng Iron Bone‘s cousin saw her. Wang Yi was pretty, and most importantly, she was wearing the clothes of the beauty salon. Zhengzheng Iron Bone‘s cousin has been in society for many years. He immediately felt that she was a good match for him.”

“He pretended to be from the same hometown as Wang Yi and a frequent customer of the beauty salon. When he knew that Wang Yi did not want to fall in love or get married for the time being, he wanted to borrow Zhengzheng Iron Bone‘s identity.”

In the past twenty minutes, Li Qianqian was dragged into the vortex and reviewed her past twenty years.

The next moment, she seemed to rise out of the vortex, floating in the air, with thick fog in front of her that made it impossible to see the scenery. As the anchor talked about Wang Zheng handing out flyers, a pair of big hands cleared the fog in front of her, and she began to look at her future.

Wang Zheng stuffed a flyer into Li Qianqian’s hand. It said he was looking for a long-haired beauty who was reading in the bookstore in May this year. After leaving the bookstore, she went to feed the cats. He fell in love with her at first sight and hoped that they could add WeChat.

When Li Qianqian was about to throw away the flyer, a man wearing a mask suddenly called her: “Beauty, I often see you come to this second-hand bookstore, and I have also seen you feeding cats. Is the person they are talking about is you? Why don’t you add this boy’s WeChat? I happen to know him. He is a student of X University and his family is well-off. I heard that his family was demolished, and he got a lot of money.”

If he was just a student of X University, it would be fine, but he was a student with good conditions. Li Qianqian felt that she was not worthy of him: “No, there’s too big a gap between us.”

When Li Qianqian was about to leave, someone pulled her arm out: “Beauty, add me and see. It’s just like meeting a friend. The other person is a top student. Maybe you can get something out of chatting. You read books, don’t you? If you don’t understand something, you can ask the other person.”

Li Qianqian was moved by this sentence. She met many people in the beauty salon. Some people were very friendly to her, and some customers were arrogant and looked down on them.

The other person was a male college student who had some feelings for her. Even if he looked down on her, he might be a little friendly to her and give her guidance when she was confused, just like Tao Jie. Tao Jie had a wide range of knowledge, but Tao Jie was too busy, and Li Qianqian couldn’t always ask questions.

So she added WeChat with the encouragement of the other person.

Li Qianqian chatted with the other person. Li Qianqian confessed her identity. The other person said that they could start as friends. He liked her and didn’t care about her family background or education.

The person on the other side sent WeChat messages frequently. Li Qianqian gradually became more familiar with the other party and fell into it.

On the other party’s birthday, they agreed to meet, but the person she met was a man who was not as tall as Wang Zheng, with a square face and a simple appearance.

Shi Guoxin said: “I am Wang Zheng’s cousin. Wang Zheng had something to do temporarily, and his mobile phone was out of battery, so he asked me to come and talk to you quickly.”

Li Qianqian: “Thank you, since you have something to do, I will contact him when I go back.”

“I’ll walk with you.” Shi Guoxin said: “My cousin is good in everything, but this is not good. Sometimes he talks nonsense, and the same is true for his current girlfriend.”

Li Qianqian heard Shi Guoxin say that her cousin had a girlfriend, which was like a thunderbolt. She thought Wang Zheng was going to confess to her tonight, but what did this mean? Wang Zheng already has a girlfriend?

Li Qianqian’s body swayed, and the inferiority complex surged in her heart again. Perhaps the other party still cares about other conditions.

Shi Guoxin supported her: “Drink some water first. Calm down. Did something happen? Tell me, if Wang Zheng is not good, I, as his cousin, will teach him a lesson.”

Li Qianqian’s first reaction was to refuse, but she was soon persuaded by Shi Guoxin.

Shi Guoxin and Li Qianqian chatted for a while and knew the girl’s preferences very well. He followed Li Qianqian’s words and asked Li Qianqian to agree to have supper with him.

After drinking beer, Li Qianqian felt dizzy and thought she couldn’t drink beer at all. She wanted to go back, but Shi Guoxin said he would send Li Qianqian home, but took her to the hotel to have sex.

After a night, Li Qianqian looked at the messy bed and collapsed. She pushed Shi Guoxin who wanted to hug her: “Don’t come over.”

“Qianqian, I like you very much.” Shi Guoxin said: “I haven’t seen you for a long time, and I fell in love with you after chatting with you last night. Give me a chance to pursue you and build a family with you, okay? Your family wants a betrothal gift of 100,000 yuan, I can do it, let’s work together.”

Li Qianqian felt too confused. On the one hand, she regretted that she drank last night, and on the other hand, she was bound by traditional concepts. She was already Shi Guoxin’s person and should marry Shi Guoxin.

Li Qianqian regretted and felt uncomfortable, and even had thoughts of suicide, but the only thing she didn’t think about was calling the police, or the idea of ​​calling the police that rose in her heart was quickly suppressed because it would not be good for her if this matter got out of hand.

Li Qianqian hadn’t sorted out her thoughts yet, and Shi Guoxin ran to the beauty salon and started chasing her.

Shi Guoxin always said that he was not a romantic person and that sending flowers was too inexpensive. He was a chef, so he cooked for her.

Shi Guoxin looked honest and upright and was the representative of an honest man in the eyes of ordinary people. He looked like a man who lived a down-to-earth life. By sending meals every day, more people soon thought that he was a good man suitable for life.

Shi Guoxin became familiar with the girls in the beauty salon, and Shi Guoxin also revealed the news that Li Qianqian had lost her virginity in his words.

These girls thought that the two were a good match, and now that they had had a relationship, they should be together:

“Qianqian, actually Shi Guoxin is fine. After you get married, he can go to a bigger restaurant to work, and the treatment of a chef is quite good.”

“Qianqian, you have already done that with him, who else can you marry if not him?”

Even Li Qianqian’s parents knew about it, and they also asked Li Qianqian to marry Shi Guoxin.

There was only one person who advised Li Qianqian to think more carefully, and that was Sister Tao Jie. Tao Jie said to her: “Qianqian, you have to think it over. Losing your virginity is nothing. You are just like me. I got married in the same way, but I got divorced in the end.”

Li Qianqian felt that she had thought it over clearly. After an in-depth conversation with Shi Guoxin, she hoped that they would not have children for the time being after marriage. Shi Guoxin said that he would listen to his wife in everything, and then they got married.

Who knew that Shi Guoxin promised to not have children for the time being, but rigged the condom, so that Li Qianqian was found to be pregnant three months after marriage?

Li Qianqian’s pregnancy came quickly and urgently. When the fetal heartbeat and fetal buds sprouted, she was examined and found to be pregnant with twins.

Li Qianqian wanted to continue working in the beauty salon, but she was pregnant with twins and had too much morning sickness to work. Tao Jie asked her to go back and give birth first: “Come back to my place after you give birth. Read more books when you give birth.”

Li Qianqian had no choice but to leave the beauty salon.


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